Page 48 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 48
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. HL'"),,"r IUNQUEl' All the alumni and friends or T. W. MATHER & SONS DR. A. J. MORREll A College nrmm~, Scene i-A college dormitory, lake notice thal the annual Westminster's Leading Store Licentiate of State of Maryland. where. ibanquet.will he held at the SHIRT SALE se~~:d ~t!:l~.~;l~t,'1~:s~:~grer:~·inf~I~~S;t~:'~~~~~LBalttmore, on Pebruar y 5th, By an exceptional 'Purchase weetmtneter'a Chiropractic Physician :i.::~l:~~;,~::!::~~~yoi:~:::,;;i:::~'~~~,,~,';,;"",:h~~;:l,:'~::":i,~:.:hl' we> rS~h~lir~t;UrnV~e~arsluar~ae:sledu;p~tro:!~Sonu~,fn:h~'ig:h; -:~ :;;~-:- .:- "wanted 100 men in 30 days." I em-stone !back stage. • ••. Some- standard of quality. for ;llll:.:e:yP~~~I;.~.ra.Ph plays "Yes Sir! "Young man, why do 1 find you Lot No.1 $1.19, 4 for $4.50. Finger Rolls, Mince.and Pump- 'Scene II-----Same as Scene J. The l{i~sing my daughter?" Plain White English Broad- kin Ple~, and Fruit Cakes. synopsis. furnished by the Ohio ,stll.;e "I guns sir, irs 'because you wear cloth. Tan, Blue and Grey Specials for parties. Lantern. toucwe: ruuber heeta." Pongee, also striped Woven -0-- --0---- -0- -0-- -0- •. .-\,1\ alarm rings, Joe Student This lass, my friends, OUl"sweet co-ed, Madras. SAM COHEN ~~~:::: ~:I~.Oe~~:lhet~,ea·l~~:I~_lil~~;t:n: Tl;~l~e~~::I~iu~.~!h~:~. ~~~~v::I~~~I::~: Lot No.2 $1.65, 3 for $4.50 PHO~E 21.J, ']'AILOR 7:30 final examination. He writes High grade English Broad- The "Pressin t' M . T n aud writes and wrttes, throwing .!:lack Her next, the burly guard. cloth, Crystal Cloth, Poplins, Su~~sg;:esseda~~~ ow ~~/~~ ~~~trCluuc~~;el~!1::~~~\~~~:e:~ 'r'b:n~e~~e~)~'~h~i;:~:l:hcea~t:died lots, and Woven Madras. i Suits Cleaned & Pressed $1.00 hands In his parer and dashes to an- He look her out to watch cne mOOIl,- --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- C. R. WILSON-College Agent -tner !Illal She laughed and called lum tame Have you tried one of those -0- -0-- -0- -0-- ---0- 11.1.' matructor leads the paper Ion Saturday she spent two bits I SANDWICHES more or less earenmv vel haps, and To watch her tovtng pack, !:,t.T·A·PLAT£- ... ·O ....V puts ll. grade 011 the card Joe Student That night she dressed, perfumed Ham, Combination, Cheese, and ha s tert with him Andh:~tl~e~ quarterback Oheese & Olive NEUM~Nl am::117i:n111;!~~~W~~1l~:~a~~s~~:t~:el down at "Bonnies ?" If not dol ICE CREAM Student some mental agony into the The time comes In everv college so. v,uete uaescet. we are told, and put limy's life that he must write nome th~B~I!t~~leonca\~: ~:r:la~~:dwa:l;d Joe ~~:ut:rn~;~r ~eil i: ~~he t:~~p~:~ r BON SAC K Student reads the tetter written acted ,hy sending his dad this wire: I ther.eon and is sad or glad." "Dear Dad: Piease send me Borne Next To Star Theatre. -0- Zile- Neuman Co. ne:~. th~:~a::~~~ !~~e:~~:';OI~:I:i'~~:~: m~nhe:'r:th~r~lc~ir~ ~:m!r~~~·"the boy-0- --0---- -0- -0-- these finals. "Without them. de- rillPOO the envelope opell, and found Let the Quality Shoe Shop gri"es cannot 'be given, and the stud. the following contained in it, instead ents therefore, cannot 'be regarded of the much desired check: "So·s do your shoe repairing and a9 educated. Could anyoue imagine your old man." save you money. Westminster, Md. a .cultured ~entleman who ha-d never taken a final examination? Or who "Y" DATES Lowest Prices, and Work (Ioes not possess a college degree?" .lanuary 20, Prof. Easton speaks in -0-- --0---- -0- -0- -0-- U::I~:t~ser:oor~lJ,~!~eti~n~~:~ld~~~~~~~ Y'F~r:~I~: 1-6, week of special ser- Guaranteed. D. S. GEHR ~r::!~: :':~~~lml;O!~I~:\;\!l~ ~~~~:~~ Vl~eesbl::a::;.'~o. "Bill" Wood at "Y." J. D. KATZ, .Prop. Wholesale and Retail Hardware, !;~~I:I:~II~:~~e;na~~t:~'g;~~bCelaca:n~~~:~ rO~:~~~~al~:2~~~ls~~~~:r'~~:t:I~.~~r~OIl_ 96 W. Main st. Phone 251-W. Building. Materials, CutierY9 and sweats 81HI gets grades. 'Some lerence at Western Maryland. lncllld~ Ammunition. Paints, Oils, otbers, not so conscientious, aud in 1111,gHOll. J. Stilt Wilson, ot New '1---0- --0- -0- -0-- ---0- Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, 'easier' dasses neither fume nor YOJ"1k,and Dean Searley of Y. :\1. C' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK sweat but also get the grades." Con~ A. .college!\ ()f Spring1field, :'.lass., as OF WESTmNSTER Iron and Steel Products. (:lnding, the Lantern asks, "H we speakers. I (Established 1868) must ha've finals, wlly not ha-ve a ---- Westminster, Maryland. uniform System or j;Tadillg." 'l'lIt: IHt:AL COI,LI-:(;E; ~IX~ $125,000 I Westminster . . Md . - "Wasteful lrraUonal • ~ • The Am- AttclId91 to his religious duties Capital herst IStudent agrees w·!t'h the Lant~ I regularly SLId practically. Surplus ~ ~rofit~ .' $138,000 Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr --0---- ---0- ---0- -0-- -0- :r~o::Sa~~~t~;:~.s~:~ral~~ovl:~1 j~:~II~~l~ ~~:~;~sIISai~~il~haac;:::iCa~I~:~~~I~~ Jacob J Weaver Jr adequate method than tllat of the I athlete. Chair'man of Boa.~d. The Newest and Best clothing ::~I:l r~~lI:g:l"i:~a:~'"·the rrl~~ew~~~:e:~~~~~Ol:~~~L~:ui~.~ll:!l:~~~;C!~Y:~I:d_ L. K. Woodward, President. and furnishings Hus a sincere '·hello·' for everyone. I examinaUOll. the trlle-faise t.est, ad· fellowship. George R. Gehr, I Goods for young men. lvocnted extensively by Dr. Ben. D. Vice-President, cashier'l Wood or COlUn11)la pnil'erslty, and Is not 'R s[lendthl'irt nor a tightwad. -0-- --0---- -0- --0----"":""0-- -0-- -0-- -0- -0- ---0- ~!~~;;:(*:I~h~I!:~I~~~~.!~~~ ;:::I::~ I g~~~:il~~tshi~::7:~I~~I~e:ia:::I);iemanIY You can find them here now! I PRES~~~nT t~~~~~VELT 16) Dr. Wood said: ·"College I\larks lnanneL·. RUBBER GOODS wanted a good u!3ually meaningless. being often I Ilas no selfish desires. of all kinds PHOTOGRAPH :lO~~~t~:~g~e~~~·so~:~~te~·:a~~lo~:L!~:: ISTt~:L~~ii~~It~:et~:;;ege MUll. THE f~~SW~:sik~~HING ,he sent for !~!~~~~l~a!:I~I~.:l::;~ ~~a~~!llll~·e{7~~lm~ ~~::I\~~e~et~:lv:::i~~d: Cl~~::h. any- 97 E. Main St. Westminster I Sereck S. Wllson punitive manner. I \))"OIIO!:Iethe su'b- thing over 70 per cellt is wasted. -0-- ---0- --0- -0-- ---0- f--O-- -0- -0- --0-- -0-- stftution of the new type. or ohjec· PreterS- "llink teas·· to athletics. Telephone 55-R tivc qllh:. to sl~jlplallt the old-type or Will lIod his he'6d wheJ) someollc CHAS KROOP I HUNGRY? THIRSTY? ~~~!j:~!~Ygee,ex:I~:na~.~:L~'o~L:n~l.d~~i~:~:~I;r~:~~n!l:m~lake himself COmlilOIlbY' Leadmg ,.. Shoe Repair Shop RUN TO owns a golt! mlae but heI may be tl)sted.~· the I speu'k!n"g to everybody. "p "Sh· I ' "This IYlle of eXlm expillins HIS tather 25 E. Main S1. I Op Ip ey s to Charles I ~:~::~!\)le ~:~~::!;folth::amt~le ISOD!~ b~I;:s~e~ig:~:lst:l~ collegiate!} "Ith Westminster, Maryland For-Ice cream ' soft dl'lDks . IlI'R!l..Urethe II1-dlvldualIt a'bHlty to IO!hel fellows clothes Send your shoes learn ralhe! than bls ahUlt) to He can't be collegiate and also a [KrOOP by Parcel Post, they wlll fresh frUIt; and cheese and ham :::~~rl,ze 1hull or {)utgue9s the prO-I ge;~~:nh~So r~~~l-dC:l~:gll~!:Slumself be repaired the same day at a sandWIches The eX,lln consists o[ care[ully Ithe Best very low cost. , (Continued ou page three) There are \\fIANYsnch men Give us a trial. 1 AT THE FORKS
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