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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 12 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Jan. 19, '26 Co·Eds Victorious I Jesters Begin Practice W. W. Carnival \Or. Lewis Speaks In Baker Chapel ]jew PHsslng "Slunts;'" J£ethod of ]:(any Singers jtesuond To Cull. A cerravei spirit as carefree as Defeating Gettysburg. )fore' than a score of wanble ra re- that of old France filled the air last th:,,::\:renO~r~~~I:n~rai:i::San~ro:::.~~~~:d\\:~si::ldfi~::tJ;:~:~Say~'::~:~: ~a~~:!aYatw~enm~~:U~:deW:~rt;n~e:~~oliticswasthecasasofthesermon ,passing ..stunts" on Baturdav when at the call or pr.eaident GeRry Btoue- supper. Soon after four o'ctcox a deltvered by Dr. T. H. Lewis in Bak- they used them as tustrumects tor atter. There will be difficul,ty In group of widely dlve1"se personalities er Ilhaipel. In the text Jesus was detea.tJng Gettysburg College team selectIing the quartets this year, as gathered in the cluh room The de- quoted as havln,g said a~~ ~::~er~ ;;~~'g~:"w:~:3::t9~,:,~',,~'tt;:;::,~:;Yt:e":;~::~:~:::~:;;:~:~:,~;:,o;~-::::;:;::,~~!'~:;~:'~:::~~";;;;t::I::I:;;":;~t out "000" Wilson's accuracy nor Smitn and who were lest by graduation last cuctr naming ballet danc~r wa~ WO'Il~nd perfo.r~ curea and snail stay In lVlllloger's speed. Gettysburg man- year. In addition to the ones wno by the always romantic rtgur-e o~ your dormntou 'today, tomorrow, and aged to obt-ain eight pIolIllts in the were In the Jesters last year, many Pier-rot ; the obliquely taacruattns uutfl I have nntsnee." .first hair, but aner W. M. O's. team others responded to the call, among Manchu was held by one of Keptatn A man engaged III a poJ.JiUcaloffice became accustomed to the floor the whom ....rete Flege, Royer, Earl, Kidd's own Ibloody pirates; the m~s.t not be a coward; he must be game was ea'Sl1ytheirs. ~lost of the Lej'evre, Warfield, Machamer, Foutz, I1izarrely all urfug 'rursten dancer vied Willing to stand up for what is right: credit for victory :goes to :\lIss :'IIil- PhlilfPII, Hughes, 'W. A. 'R(Ilbarts, with the sophisticated sinilli!city of. he should disclose all dishonesty and lard {or the new -trad.nlng tactics she Llel'l'ellyn, Speicher, Y{}ung, Gainer, the modern bathing girl for tlle as ~. whole !be an bonora'hls citizen, ill employing witli. the team, Smith and Proctor. . center of attraction; the .mystically a CltIzen interested in the concerna and Wllaoo did notable worK and This year's program promises to be intereming Grpsy held the attention of ;t;h(l com.mnnlty. Religiun Is an the game showed fine coop~ratlve the Ibest ever. Under the director- of even the blase, collegiate young e~sentlial ele'i11ent- in politics, ,for 'team work. ahi'p of Mrs. Kimmey, the leader of golfer; while unnameable appari- Without God there will ,be bribing and Line nil: ~'~:r!,e:t:~CC:::fult~:as::sl~ n~::~::I. ~1;:Sio s~::;e~:~e ~~r~ at~l: g~~~~ ~~:/r~~tI~~:: ;:!~~~~~:.e~:~o~~:: W. M. C. Gettysburg The program will Include selections Gras, gave a decidedly 'Vivid sense of ligion makes- a man good, Ibut not F. Wilson Sbussler ,br the single and double quartets o~ th,e fantastic. . good tor anything." To make life ~: ~~:e~ Fogle the Ia.test song-hits, monologues, Unique decorations of every im:ag- worth while make .it aggresah'e; be S.C. RosenstoCk ::I~:~: speCialties, and a one-act plaY. inalble, marvelous eats, and ;~!~:;g ~~o:!~~o~;~ltlCal dem{}ns and G. Smith Ricbard William P. Grace, the business ever moV'ing !lovel stunts- ali con- : G. Lelzear Baker manager, has aPranged several fine tributed ito the ,pleasalltest. iuforrn- ~~er ,the demons which molest S b.ti tA W Me. BI h trips for this spring. The Itinerary al!ty; and the distinctly I'Jriglual P~:ltlCS have Ibeen ,cast ont a good Ra ~ S. t~ o~s B" h . ~ "d soP: not been completed, but the au- balloon dance gave a last touch of cItizen should then begin '8. construc- I ~r~::: RnO~:~st~:k~1)·:~~ l\!~g~er: ::!:~'~::lt:~: ~~~reM~:~~elwil~a~:~!~ hilarity to the gayest or gay parties. ~~;a;~or~t [~r ~:~~ov:t~~n\::r~~~~:= Lebear. Gett~'sburg: Baker Shusiler- C J III I d t Guist, .Fog~e; Knecht, Reld'ers: LoUg~ ti:I,:~~~:~~~~e~~I~~~~~;Wa;~il6e~;!;= Y. W. MUSICAL ;;entC~~~f fi~/~sel:~nV.~~~es:~:e:~~ anecker, Knecht; Zerdens, Baker. Ville. rI'rtps are being' arranged to I --- rnt of indifference. To carryon this ___ -:--_ Frederick, Hanover, Sliver Run, Man-, IThe Y. W. is always giving t'be constructive work e\'ery one must PHlLQ NEWS cheater -and several Dther neallby girls pleasaut surprises at -their \"ote 1'I'lth car·dul discrimination, In- ___ towns, prior to the tMp on the East- meeUngs; the latest "good time" was flexilble determination, aud careful Ph.Ilo Literary Society held ita mld- ern Shore durlog the spring vacation. a musica.I.The program ror the thought. term election last .Frldar aftenloon. If a lrucces!rtul season is had, peI'- evening of January thirteenttl con- "I cast out demona and perform The results of the election follow: (ormances will prol)aJbly be given In slS'ted of several musical lIumbers l'ures, and shall stay In your 0.0- PreS'ldent, Mary Page 'Turner; vlce- the western part of Hie state. in and which were 'presented Iby the talented minion today, tomorrow, and untlll I president. Ruth Jones; recording aronnd Cum'berland. memlbers of the association. have finished." May Lhis be a moral secreta~y. Doroth}- GIl.lIgan; :or- [f anyone in school of music ability :'Inss Norman and Miss Robinson and Inspiration for everyone In every rest)onduJg secretary, Elizabeth Nor- has not reponed for prnclic-e, re- Slang a duet: alld ~flss N{}rman also walk of life. College men and women man: treasurer, Roberta. Rowe. !tj)ond to the call illlmediately, and gave a fine -Bolo.aecomt)anled by Miss be bra\'e, ·be aggl'essive, dare to cast III t)reparatl.oll for t~e Hiler-society make this season the illest one POB- Small wt the plan'O. \\11ss Chambers out the demons which are threaten- !;:~t:~a~~~ ~:~~:llt\:r: ~:t:r~:\' s::: sihle. I ~~~':(la";;;~e~m~~,~ss~:e r~~~~:g s::~ Ing au\" political life. :!:tYfit8~~:::~~ o~~~:~a:~.~e~~:ds~~~ In:U~E8D.l\:MOR,"rNG ASSElmLY !~eu~~~:. ~~::r :e~!m:~~e:~~s:~~~: ROLAND WILSON SP~;~: M. C. A. ~~~te~S' ;;;~~~ed~I:~:~at t~~e ~!~~:An uIIIl!;uai feature was introduced meeting with prorer. .On Wednesday evening, Jannar, COllrt," The affirmatil'e team will be into othe Wednesday morning as- The half bours spent at Y. W. on 1 13 ' Roland Wilson, of the senior ;tl;:~b:~~~:',m~~,"~~:~:'I::,~:~::::::;;,:"::;',,~h:,:::nkn:~::t: 't:: ::::,:~:ymo~;'~;~,~;::.~,ti,::~~;g:~'::~'~Ok,~~.~"~I~":':;bj:;~'~:: "tlve te!Ull l'I"JillIbe DorothY Gilligan. "audience" ,that the spea.ker. of the able time seems to ,be assured, "Joys of ':-.IalTled r~lte" or "Knowing Edith Klnkead,-Il.nd :>OlandBrown. occasion had not-arrived, Feeling his God." He associated tln~ two in a /fhe president -announced that the Incapaob!I.Jty to hold the attention Wt:STMlNS'I't:H liAS P.-\RJ\DF. very pleasing manner, comparing the pI'elimlnary contestants for the so- unto hlnl&elr, tor toileusual hour de- II'fe ot an lildlvidual with a ladder of -dety's commencement essayists had vQ(,edto addetb. Be- were more or less un1!;bleto function, Bealde!>h~s talk he also Audrey ~o~~ Voorbis. L;:9:~to::~ma M~~:!::: ~~et~~:!I!:1a~;c ac~:~!'t:~e::', ~~~: ~;':stu:r \:eer~r:!~a~~~d;'~al rolo, Gl,'ES THIRD Rt;SH PART1' Royer, Rosaile Smith, )1. B. Bevard~ Insufflcientfnnds to purchaae licenses. Next week, "Happy" Easton, a suh- Delta. Sigma Kappa gave Its third :'I1iIdred Carnes, Elsie Held, Roherta Such was the case ot most the old at!tute on our faculty will ilIe the rush >JIlrty Saturday, January the Senl\:man, Margaret Wilson. -Edith land marks and antiques at the COl_1",.aker. Let's have a large att6nd- sixteenth. The guests were enter- Case, Dorothy Grim, Catherine Grum- lege. Albrabam and Isaac, two ,ji'ords a.nce from now on. talned by a mo\1e party [ollowed by bille, Doris HOtrDlllUl,Vlr,g,inla Hol- which have seen hetter days, but still a progre$sll'e IIUPPeor.Demi-tasse was land, Dorothy Johnson, Maude Lesker, can carry twenty-fi\'e or thirty In a The world's 'best after-dinner served In tile club-room I'I:~I~~ wall )1. E. :'Ily.ers, Evelyn. Segatoose, H. parade, were among Ihe spectators 9peech-"Walter, gh'e me both {allowed by dancing In the Y. Smith, and "Mabel SmiLh. due to these lack'ing accesilOrles. checks."
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