Page 42 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 42
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG ASSOCIA'l'ION Westminster Hardware Co.. GERMt~~O~'~~t~~~~: Official newspaper or Western Maryland Coll-ege, published on Tuesday dur-ing' the aoademtc year by the students 0If Western Maryland' College, December 17. 1935. weetmrneter. Md. Entered as second c.aes matter at the Westminster post 'The Gold Bug, Jobbers and Retail Dealers Office. Western :l1aryland College, westminster, Md. in General Hardware Subscription price, $2.00 per year. In the period 1901-192Gthe students EDITORIAL STAFF or many nations and partfcularly of Heating & Plumbing Systems- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ... George M. Benner "2,7 ,~~ ~~j~~~ '~:~It:fso~O~~:ib~~~edden~:O~; Installed. ~{t~~~I~lf~~~o"S:'B~k~;"27: and ~~~~Pa~'e i,~~~e~ :~~ German) WIthout this gIft It ~s likely that the Gelman untveratttea (Estimates Furnished) Asccc.ate Editors In the period of Impoverishment tm- Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele F~~ver '26 mediately arter the war would have -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- re~))":~:I~ta~~e O~°tl~:i~e~~~~~~r~~U~:Il~ au~lon & lIpp~ Company: Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 ibeen forced to close. B h ' REportorial Staff E. M. Hannold Blanche Ford '27 Willard E. Hawkins '28 body to give all eccouneusce the ex- FLORSHEIM SHOES '26 Dorothy Gilligan '28 Ira M. Dinkle '26 nendtrure of that gift. The students Rosalie Smith '27 Arthur of Germany have asked me to say to STETSON HATS Gladys Beane '27 B. Cecil '28" the students of the United ·States that Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 they have decided to consider the Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 gifts as a loan. Payment of the loan International Made-to-Measure Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 will be made In the form of annual Suits lnter- eont r abutious to student the Athletic Reporters national Student Trust Fund, to be James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 used to meet. emergencies' in eeuca- Heavy Wool Sweaters Business Staff ucn in all ,parts' of the world. -0---- -0- -0- -0- -0- BUSINESS MANAGER , Lewis K. Woodward '27 a~~~ ~h:I~:::.t,l"~heO:tU~I:ll~~~r~~ecg;l~~Wehler & K' g. ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER , ' . ,. Carroll Royer ;28 many had organtsed a federation, the In . ~ISRSCTULCAIRTCroUNLAMTAIONNACMEARN·A·C''ER'" 'Student-enscilaft, GRADUATE PHARMACISTS repi-e- . . , , . . . RKobeErtBUnger '~87 Deutsche all the 90,000 undergraduates . ,rown senting of the 48 universities. The flnancia l The Rexall Store :KEf.P \,UrR :SEW .\omen I.F.ADER J!EV£A],S S.~CJU;'l' aid from other lands made it . Westminster, Md. n;,\ R'S HESOI.UTJOXS --- tor the reeeraucu LO the 1-0- -c-c-c- -0- -0---- -0- ___ .Continued from page one) Ger:nan Student Co-Operative Asso- WESTMINSTER TAILORING whatever Is worth doing at all is he WIll study at the Boston School of ctauou to pro I'Ide the ways and rneane I CLEANING & DYEING worth d:llng well. xew Year's reso-[ Theology, whlle his wife ,,"111 fiU.iSh wherehy a. student with scaury rtnan- . luuons which are worth mak1ng are W~l'k ~n her A . B. dc.gree at the 1308- c~al resources conld earn an er\uca-I p 65 W. Mum Street. worth keaptu j, If you nave made any to" acnoot 0 f ReligIOUS Edueattnn. ttou. hone 225 New YEIr's r..:!s~lutions at all ade! nn- She has alread'Y completed two years The Illalll fun[,1iou 01" the C:~ll"!nall QUALITY TAILORING othu' c'le !lOV, to this effect: "1 do \\,Ol'k toward her degree at t.he ),lary- Students Co-O\leraUVe ASS()('iatioll We do it-Cleaning, Pressing .. solemn2}' swcJ.r aotl resl)\ve that 1 land State Kormal SchOOl. has. therefore. been its lll1ll1\oY1ll2l1lDyeing-Repairing. g ;~~r,:!1 ::~01;~t11~~~:a~:jo~~:uo:~~O~:l~~ El~:~:d~ol~~:i:~ll~,'\~:l~onSI~:asS~~~~·u~;I:~;;I· jt~~s \;;)1. ~l7~1~'ey~~:.)~:ressin done while yOClwait. Is only Ballimol'eall She 1100.000 fltudellts for an averaE;"1)period Su;ts Pressed. .. ., 40c ~~l\el~ls~.c~~~~~~~:a~~~t -:~I~I~h!~s~~.e cam'e to Baltimore in and Rt- of from 6 to 12 mouths. These a1"~' SUitS Clean & Press. . 1.25 . tended Eastern High School graduat_lllot part lime jobs done on the sille; I Overcoats Pressed. . .. 40c- Bad hablls are e:ootermlnated by ing in the class of '~2. Slle ~radll- the>" are- (ull time jo·bs. Ulldertulu;,n Overc.oats Cl. & Pressed. 1.50 good r.tllolutlonS, backed 'by nnwa\'er- !'oledfrom Baltilllore Teachers' ;rain- during the ~llll1mer or at night, 01" L. K. Woodward, College Agent. ~a!i:)I!]':O:e~~~r I:f~t to t~l~~~veS~t:~ ::'~dS~~l:tO~'K\~~I~:11~:0~~\'~110,~/1~;;~~eU;~Il;alt.~I:r~·e~.;~:/Il~~II~~~:\~nthe WESTMINsTE~-;S -0- 10 'be tampered with hv feelJle half- ' , . . f t I . CONEY I'"',LAND m~ant :>.faryland. He was a mem- the public can see that amount of German student needs are still very Very lruly yours, bel' of the class 1929. value. great; there arc, for example, a,llout Rhelnhold Schairer.
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