Page 43 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Page 3. ~X~X(XllX;X(XllX;XCX[IXJXCX(XllX;X(XllX;XCX[IXJXCX(XllX;X(X[IXJXCX(XllX;X(XllX;X(x(~iC((ix;xcX(XilX;X(XllX~X~~==~S~XO-W-J-~(1;;~---- It snowed Frfdav iunn. Snturtlay Westminster's Cut Rate Store morning new world; evervunng everv, the eullege awoke to an en- tirely where was white and glitlerlng. giggles and shouts or girflsh With glee 59 W. Main St. Klee Apartments and hoyl'sll hoisterour>ness the fOI'wal'(j stu- dents cr W. :'11.C. looked wf th great antielpat!JIl to a retut-n ' .The Right Store On The Wrong Side Of The St. of their childhood da."R. Immedtataiy after Iuuch the fun began. Some or l11sthutj')11 gather"d young playful the of this gallants GET OUR PRICES up down and conver-ted them into SWUI\'3 of the wuna hunks soft SIIOW balls. These they playfully tossed at with vouumu and vlgot- Face Powders Creams each other When the oatue 0[ waxed fast ecstacy. and fUl'iouls many shrieks nnd rear from the Talcum Powder Toilet Articles enr:oU,·ll.gement were heard gracefully tatr onlookers w'ho were Patented Remedies Pills, Tablets draped out of the windows of the Soon. lIolI'e'-er. the chll- dormitory. dreu tired of their strenUOUli exel'cise. so the exhibition of their skill Ilt thro wlng anew cans c-as brought to Sodas Cigars an end. damsels ven- Late,' all two daring Lured forth from !\1cDa;liel hall clad Cigarettes l3e pk. or 2 for 25e. In their galoshes dears walkerl around and heavy SWeaters. The desperatu on the eack campus and tl,ere they CALL IN. beheld rail LIB! athl-etic f1€-!'ll'!JOl! whl~h foot had tro-t s.nse no humua the anew "On! It 'Iooks like the Saharll XIXI X XXXXX XXXXIX X X X XXXIIIX X X X XXxxxx%llllllllXXD I ~,~~e~~r);~!: 'i\~1~t~,O~'~i::;t:I:~!t:~(~I~i::~ ___________ delight , ,\ nOPE axn A WAIt:\'I'\'G :O\'O~~I~: take:h:~h~~c~~'_ 1l~1: $a'i'~e~;lse"~l~~~\'~,~/~t'l~n~~:I:~'i~::S u~;~ "JOHN" By Norman ThonHI'S this coun ecucn (he League tor Ill- and pornictous intent. So (JOWllthe E Vel' ready Pl'7:1'~~I~"~uc~~I;e~~:;c~Q:\~~e'~~le01\ p~~~~ dnstl'i~1 ns-nocraev, for lnstauee- and field ~lid awl It ro s.. th . :nlddle v ery courteous I : noserl student fed~ra1.!'nl. I rame I dounn 1I0l outer organtaattons W0,"k or the thev strode kiki\'!; t he E l'l'orless attention 'away from Princeton With ,'eal hope Ill.; !' of the world. The d:lll<:"- of the ~('elH': piavfully th·\, Rt''lm]l-_ ered exchange i'~ Ih'l.t of The Only Barber and Bobber at oU2;ht to su:.:r,e~(1. or COUl'sa here fell()lI'ship~ the lllClY be m:.r.oJ lind o\'el' Uli> field dl''lll'ill!\ ['k!u!" ..!; lelters liP 111 Ille "S'Ill
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