Page 41 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 3, No. 11 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Jan. 12, '26 President Ward's Plans I W. M. To Open Debating Co·EdsPlay Bryn Mawr Iw. M. Cagers Break Even _ laid- For -·TIle.-Future r ,.Schedule. ~ -' West-ern Maryland Co-ed 'basket 1 On Thursday night the Western . fast the Br-yu Mawr club on University -Saturday. !Susquehanna ___ ~ ,haiL-team reet.cereat at the hands' or Maryland basket ball team vaunutebed the Dr. Ward spoke In Wednesday As- I The college debating council had The nome team showed decided need quintet on the Selins 'Grove court .eembly on several matters of interest hoped that It might open its schedule of practice. 'The Bryn Mawr club 29-24. It was a fast played game :e t~:a~!:\a::ai~~n~oll:l~dc~:::i :,t~9; a~~~~;e~ ~r:~::tb~~ ~~a;:P~~t::iPlwlddSiS~~:;~uth e~~~~~:~~ ~~r~~::.ou~::l~ :::l~h~or:~ts~~:~::; at the end ot January. At the present I time ,fOr. preparation, waahtngton team wore; clever passing, remark- 'star tor Western Maryland, scortng :~~e g:? ~~2~e i:e:~e:e~e:;s a$t~~~I::s~:!~~~~ts:;o~o~:t ~:~e~~~rd ~:: :~~;yta:~~:es~~aacl~d ~~~~~~;b:es~:~~ '~:::~ ~i1~~:m~ea:~:.~oi~~; ~~a~~:~~ OO{I will ne in the hands or the col- debate was deferred until February. ttuuoua and hard practice tor the lug nine potuta. Kurtz for Suaque- seee. .;125,000 of which will be ex- erowever. the college debatore are team during the remainder of the hanna was in the limelight ,by ecor- pended tor a new Ilmllding and $500,- now cent upon the task of rneeuns season. Ing seventeen potnts. ~~~dwill go towards the endowment ~::ean~"a.n::I:;y ~tei:2~~ a. ~~~~n~e~ Western Maryland's line-up: For- F W. :~o~'-~ s. U'-;:!!tz On' Fe'bruary 1, Dr. Ward Intends to Valley Is credited with h~ving one of ~l~~::' ;!IS~:iZ:~~; RC:l~:~' {a~~;:rS; iF Young Hanley Initiate a ceranei drtve for $625,000 the best debating tea~s III the state side center Rosenstock. 0 Williams G. S1)aid :~le::Vi:~tll:lt:echo~~. wO;ll~ord:::tSee:! ::~~::Ckf~r'[::~~z;:~'; .x: which he expects to obtain from men of PennsYlva~!a, and In th·ls p-hase of SubStituttons: Bishop for Rayme G Weigle stetste :~e~I:':mOe: t:!Sme~~~pa~i~h \~:s~;~~ to; G:SUb:::!~~:I~S~' W. M.-~Iach~:e~~ Maryland College will not only have realize they ueve a hard problem he- ' . Williams 'G; '8. U.---£mith, Emel; at hand henceforth ready means for fore them, lbut feel that they will be LEST WE FORGET Yo-ung, Spaid; Lahr, Handley; Eb- ::~s~:~~p:O::~c:U\nSh~h;ll:tU:~:~ ;~~n t~l: ~~;;:I~; ,~:~;:nltn~!::::o:! When t~l~ seastm of the year comE'S ~:;:~::a~~~~~~ll~e~'e~b~:~;h~un;~~~ ,~:~~~~n;!~l ,~n?ec~~~:~. college stu- ;~eb::k!:' ~:I~e:~ ~:~t';~~:;e~nt:ea~I;[ :~~~~~':~~ I~~~de:t~;·s~ro~:!t ,~:~!er~:~ ~~~~~y (Lfternoon the Western A committee has ,been working on lowing evening. to our memories_ This incident ~as Maryland team had a very fast work several chauges in the pro""ram of The proposition for debate Is, Re- !:e t ~()st tragic and terrifying thmg out on the Snsquehanna court. That the college aud \\ill report" In the solved: Tbat that United States a as ever come t.o Western Mary- evening the team was the guests of 'Ilear future. The first chang-e will be should enter the League of Nations. land. Yet, out of Its horror .one fue S. U. Athletio Director at the "that or the cun-iculnm. The staud- This qnestion Is live and interestin11: paramount man, !Student and fnend Junlata-S. U. game. Western the night On S'aturday ards of Western :\Iaryland will be and every thinking American citizen stands ont all~ ma-kes us forget al.l ::f::lta11~dytt~~en\a::S '::~:=:11 at::~ ralS~ in :he fiel~ of scholarship; ~~~u~~a::~\\~!~~; ~n~ol~:t::t~:l.!J]~~ I~:e :::e~~I:.1SfU:~V~:1~11';ha~~~~~:: ~~i:;a~ll}ena~:~u::':n:~\.~~lu~:tl:~~ vital Im\XIrtallce to OU.1"goVel"lllllelit. :~:lda s:~rl:~I;th'in:~:~ntht:a:e~yO b°:S~~roll again to'~k first ho~o~s by scor- ~~:e~f t:.ol:~e ,~~~le:: :xnp~c~edhi;rho:~se~'::t~lryn t~~a~~:~On:in;l~a!:d r~~:~ i :;:~ll:r:e hea: b::~e~:ef~rf;~~~~~I- ~~~te~~:;:l f:I!l~:'ckn~~lt:~:~~~g h~: n ~~e~~cr:~s:~e ~:~;;e~t I}::~al:~~~.:eu~: w. :,ffi~:;(~lve G. :ee~~t~vaerrett GM~y the mem:l~s of t~ynllbFr~lllei's ~~~~l~~lg,g~~~\t ;~~~~I,IYsco~~:~e~ln: -athletics \\'hich w\1l rE'sult in a eom- Paul Lambertson Carroll. Royer w;: ~nen:v~~~. F~rrgow:nha:e 't~~::il~!n~hOl~V~t:C~:~~~~~t:al:fp\!O"Pdl~n' plete anah'sls and reorganization ot C. A. 'Stewart W L Hawkills Jr ill fitt d b 1 . t H t\lat activity. Last ot all, the social J. D. Johnsoll, Alt. . C. W. Day,'Alt: h:~e gueffere~ 1~:taC~~~alllh:~~~e.bee~ tile ~~~70,~':C. 21 B. U. 39 life and discipline w\ll be more and blessed. F
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