Page 40 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. S}(,\TTERF.D I }'ORllIEI( S'l'UD~:N1' ~1't:AK:-:; IN I AN"O'I'HF.U UECORD Own Heeord, I FOR YOUR INSPECTION OR. A. J. MORREll I'. JI. c. A. W. W. Breaks A complete line of Sterling Edwards, a llle:nber of Another record was shattered when last year's graduating c\a,~s. auoke the W, W, Club planned its big Nylotis Perfume Licentiate of State of Maryland. at the I'egular weekly ureeting of t~e IChristmas ce!eberation to be heW Toilet Water, v. er. C, A, Among othe,l' ~hlll~S'l,~e Tuesday evening in the club room. Compacts & Rouges Westminster's Chiropractic Physician. packages. -0- -0- -0- said, mere were three ~1I.l(s ~ I e -cnrtstmee comes but once a rear in attractive gift ---0-- -0--- !~v~:\':x:,:n~~:~;,ge~n~ame~~~ndiT;;,Pa:; ~tc.;" so they employed all ~h.eil' A sensible Xmas gift for milady. RUN TO these do some of each, and ask YOUi~~~:!:~u;~~ l~~d"j:I;:f~~;I!~;~ ~~~~l~~~~~~An early selection is advisable. 1\1 I T ~-. E N !J S self, [1'0111observation wnere w ever." HORINE'S DRUG STORE for Christmas Specials ten your Cl;ijij~la:es 'l~e h by!ar~ ~:~~I Just a lilt ct Christmas cheer, tcaue 77 E. Main Street, Finger Rolls, Mince and Pump- =V~d:llY:l:: :'ilme ~el;~en '\hre~ ~ !~' and a ~~p-lroariUg p:l:~r :I:I\~0: Westminster, Md. kin Pies, and Fruit Cakes . t .tbtnga:studies. recreation and so- ge'nel';1 P:~'_I'OIll::~:~',l.t~o~~~1o~aa ~:~~{~I:aim of the <;Iu'b: and from the wh.isJl- MERRY XMAS SAM COHEN dOl n ered comments and secret meattuga and a :;u;~~!~~l\d~:t~I!~:d e\~~~,but ie SO~;y :\~g~'t~u~~e~~'e~~yi~.III'ethey'll make a HAPPY NEW YEAR PHONE 21-J. TAILOR ~:~:~!i~s l~~SSi:~\dngo~\~ more. a~:: 'ruere'u ue a nice cozy fire. place,I to aLI. I The "Pressingest" Man in Town Mr. Edw.ards ~a>·e ~~~~vW~~I\:~d~~:,~~:m~~~\e.~~ej~~lf~ -0- -0- filial[; giving ~ut that which we nave a l'egu.lar WhOPP~,1'.of .a, ?,hnstmas I Mother Royer Suits pressed 35c to someone else, -0--- --0- -0-1Suits Cleaned & Pressed $1.00 a good talk a~~_~~_Ill'eclattld It. old 'Santa Claus himself to add eeet Telephone 55-R C. R. WILSON-College Agent ~. w. sur[>.EJ~AN~) 1~~l~~A~!~_ ~. t~v~sa~~~l'th;~a~~~kte,!.::r:~h:l~!lt1:~ CHAS. KROOP --0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ed~lc:::a~e~'~;:~lglb~~:ar' i~ ·tilll good things for good girls that he EAT-A-PLAT£-,,·OAY ga e D~ 1 D I I H 11 UP"'l had [0 add four 0101'£reindeer to the Leading Shoe Repair Shop b:S:~~~llto~e ~;st'~e~eld a ~hat r~- usual nuu~her. We oulr hope that 25 E. Main St. e t g . d or he'll get down the chimneY sa.feb·. HEUM~Nl we PI:omls.ed not I ~~~:~:,d t~e g~~s:~ ~l:l;:~~~lgt~;'~~llt; do And "eats"-well, Westminster, Maryland ICE CREAM was to start in on a tOlll' of investi- to let the secret Olll. but wjll tell Send your shoes to Charles gatlon, , YO~I~t:i:p~~~~'gt~~;~!I:t t~l:I'~I~Obb~,~~iKroop by Parcel Post, they will Imnlodiatoly to the l'lght .of t~c be several of the lIew girls, ?liSB Ibe repaired the same day at a :;;1' ra:t::Ucu. g:~~U~f ~~vp~~:,s'sel\~ H~l't, Miss Staughenhaupt, and l\liss very low ~ost. , lug Chin novelUes. They had ma~lY ~I,Il~~!b~'hO is the sponsol' to the W. _G~e us a t~l. __ 0 zot N Co The W ·W. iris wish evel'\'one on -:r:- illtCl'esting arUcles slIch as long-lJfe 0 ---0-- 0--- Ie- euman . riugs, hand-made table scarfs, brace- ,g . .' I VISit our store and take a look I lets, hand carved i\'ol'Y beads, and the Hill the merflest of Chl'lstl~ases . at our big stock of tea hI l'ed lacquer boxes, and the happiest of New. Yeal'S, CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS w:ear:Si~~;:1 ;ll:l~gac:meall~o ~'G~:~': WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IT- THE NE~N~D~~O~~OTHING I Westminster ' Md. Benson, also dressed as gypSies, 1. The lights would work for a' AND SHOE STORE D KATZ PI' ~:t:l~e~ t~:~~CIO~el~ea$\h~Tes:I:~S::~ w~~le S~::one didn't go to sleep in 97 E. Main Street -0- -0- -0- -0- --:-0- . :l~:::I~s and dire plpts foretold by Ch;.pe~ pail' of regular parlor strikes ---0- -C;;0~O;;-17-0-1 D S GEHR Next in order one found the candy failed to appeal' at parlor? For in-!J table wh!o::.hnaturally attracted a stance + •• ?'/ I .., rop. . gleat deal of attentIOn Follo,",lllg 4 We got sometlung to eat? -OF- Wholesale and Retail Hardware, N ~~II~ca::l~ t~:d~alll~~n!aJb\!~lkwlt\h~l~ be;ore : h:~:~:) :as made the night QUALITY SHOE SHOP B~ldmg 't~ater~aIS, C~t~ery, cltnle the Japanese table covered \\lth Ii We had heat \\hen cold \\eather Which Stands f~r Quahty and I mmum lon, amts, IS, lllcense IJlllllelS tlny piliaes, sta- comes? SerVIce Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, tlOuery, lam!) Sllades, aud mallY other 7 We could dance III :\Icnantell Men's half soles and heels $1 50 Iron and Steel Products. artIcles Hall? Men's half soles 1 00 FIOlll hele one went into the "Y' 8 TillS institution I\as non cooed Laches' half soles & heeb 125 (Established 1868) !O:l~~ :~le~I~IC~I;~:le~al:;sa~~rvl~odtato:or stIICt!}" co-ed" ~~~l:s' half soles ~~~I Westnunster, Md chips 01' fried oysters and potatoI' COT.T,EGE (HATTEn I No extra charge for rips and 1-0---- -0- -0--- ---0-- --0- All work guaranteed. Sharrer Gorsuch & Starr salad wa," offered with !'Ol~~,celery, A college student WRS nsked br an patches. -0- -0-' . ~~~~les, Jell}" coffee, ice Cleam, and ~1]~:I~}'t~Un~r::~'1t h~:I. WiS~~: S:ll~~~ -0- -0- -0- The evening was very slicceRMul economical ~'outh responded that he The Newest and Best clothmg and cl'edit Is certaiuJr due all the only wanted something that he really and furnishin2'S j:i'·I.s who worked so rllithfll!l~· on needed, a neCessity. When XmRS .lOIN OUR Goods for young men. the variolls commiUees. "Ginny" morning came. the youlh was open-I -0--- -0- Wheeler had cllal'ge or the supper ing Illany of his pl'esentS'. when he -0- ---0-- -0- Opening the paCikage, lie found to his CHRISTMAS SAVING CLUB I aud Mildl'l~d Carnes had charge of came across one from hi~ aunt. When the late the b;uaar. pnESfDENT HARDING great amusement a pair of Boston- wanted a good Sl1I't'H nAI,L m:CI'I',H Sure Grip garters PHOTOGRAPH Tho Smith Hall Recital. j:iven ,hy FIRST NATroNAL BANK I he sent for !~:~~pa~:~:~,~~~ lI~~:~:~~;l,the~:;::~ co~~:~:~e~;;~S~~lcst:·lile~.n~~~llt~\\~I!al::~ I Sereck S. Wilson ;~I~~o~.the talent of the ~tlldents of :~I~:'I'~:~rW~ISa\aPlle:t.a Sfl:':C~~:;:~ I:I~S\;~-0- -0- ---0-- --0-- -0-- -<>CHiiSTM~S c:RD~ 'byT~leCl;)I;~~~a~~;d\\'!I~~~~~~~i;:I:tl;;~I::~ been ill fl "slapping" hUnlor HUNGRY? TlITRSTY? a 'ciuie~a~~r~la~;dt~~ ~~~~~ayo~~ vel')' entertain!ng, )1iss Bowers a.nd An education notebook is said to STOP AT Isuperb line of Christmas Greet- ~~~:I~Olo~~~::~'?il~:li~'(\1\~:;~b:l~:I~I~~e~~\~ carnoufla~e ,vel'r nicel)' HUII:or, in~h~aG~t;son Cards cannot be ~~~e~/\~~!sb~U~:~I~.l{.E~~ii~~~~o~~:)PI:t~~~S\'l:~~/~I:;:' l::~:~'sS;~l'I~:: "POp" Shipley's I!~~::~tfm~~t.quality, beauty Wantz and Miss Royer boUI gave Thought for nction-? I For-Ice cream, 150ft drinks, Make your selection now while ('lla.l'min~ sele1'liol\s, ~IHI ,:'Ilis~ , I the assortmpnt i~ complete. ~~\:s very !i~;'.V:I~O:l:~il~e~'nl'esented Fil:hOl~s_ '~I:(>S I fresh fruit, nuts, and ham sand- 'I\1.e evening pI'oved quite enjoy- - - - - ed Wiches 1\1. W. MA1HER & SONS albIe, which shows what a credit lhp re---- music department t5 to the college. Flat - - - I AT THE FORKS WESTMINSTER, MD.
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