Page 10 - TheGoldBug1925-26
P. 10
Page :..:. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG OfficIal newspaper ot Western 'Maryland ,Colle,ge, published on Tuesday during the academic year by the atudenta or Western Maryland' College, Westminster, Md. Entered as second ejass matter at the Westminster Post Office. Subscription price, $2.Q(} per year, EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR William S. Veasey '26 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF , , George M. Benner "27 NEWS EDITORS-Geo. S. Baker '27, and Mary Page Turner '26 Asroc.ate Editors Dorothy Robinson '26 Albert Steele Farver '26 Ruth Jones '26 Gerald Richter '26 A year of watch service Reportoral Staff Blanche Ford '27 E. M. Hannold '28 •.•what is it worth to you? Dorothy Gilligan '28 Willard E. Hawkins '26 Rosalie Smi th '28 Ira M. Dinkle '26 Gladys Beane '27 Arthur B. Cecil '28 Imagine planning a day's work without a watch Anna Swann '28 Hubert Johnson '28 to check you up on the timet You'd simply Katherine Johnson '28 Paul Lambertson '28 have to get the time from someone else -or Margaret Martigoni '29 Wade H. Insley '28 guess at it. service is Yet the cost of this' invaluable Athletic Reporters amazingly slight. James Owens '27; Gaither McD. Garrett '26; H. Paul Stewart '27 For example, you pay $40 or so for a snit of Business Staff clothes which lasts you perhaps a year. suit invested in a watch The price of your BUSINESS MANAGER . Lewis K. Woodward '27 gives you many years (If faithful timekeeping ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER .... Carroll Royer '28 service, at a CC!'It of only two or three dollars CIRCULATION MANAGER . ., Robert Unger '27 a year! ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER. . . .. K. E. Brown '28 juse consider what this service is worth to you, and you will readily see the advantage of ST['nE~T GOVF.II"OlEXT student-government boaru. and a owning e. really good watch dressed in the senior woman prestdes. Many mere most modern and beautiful case designed by For the first time in the history of prbvileges have been granted to all Wad3worth. the college, Western "Iaryland has :J. the students. and especially to the We have an cxceptioaclly fine assortment real ruecuontos women's student aantcrs. This yea r , honor is Ibeing of high grade watches from which you may orgenteetton for self-government. The especially stressed, and it is expected choose tho one that best suits your taste am! women or this college are- sejt-gov- that the whole year will pass without purse. er-ntng. and recognized as sumctent one inrracucn upon the school's code unto themselves. or ,honor. Westminster Jewelry Shop Formerly. the .gcver nment of the However, no student..governmenl women was solely Iby the faculty. president. and no stuodent-governmeDl The House 01 Quality and Service. This condition lasted quite a few uoard can accomplish anything with- yea.ra,lhut as the school grew larger, out the ,baC'king of every one. With- and our present idea .of women's out nne hacking, student-government rights appeared, the women o'bjecte<:lwill disintegrate and finally disappear. ~:~~n~h:~v~:::~~Ya~~OeW~CUl~Yh::~'~~~I~ei:U:~/::;:~~~:~i:~'O:n~O:~::~--=---~=~~~-------== SQm€ part in the government or rhetr this one is best let's all, men and MISS :Ill.n. DRl'DEN SEE YOURSELF school. and or their own behaviour. women, get together and stand .behtnd AS A coopereuve government consist- stUdent-government. Overlook Its WILSON Ing cr a atudent government board mistakes, don'l talk them abroad! The department of edueat'lon is ex- SEES YOU. Wilson Studio :~:e:I:~ta;~::~d::~.m b;:c!it~a~:e:~~ I~~~ f~:ty~:r si:~~ ;;:tl~:evne;_~~v: ,~~:,:~~s::~~y ~~~ ~~~:~n JJ~~ir~~e~S. supervision and! dictation, wua tntro- ernment, etudeut government will This adds another member to this
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