Page 84 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 84
Pagea. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. F. A. Sharrer & Son College Chatter I WESTMINSTER 5e & 10e STORE --- 1'67 E. Main St. Westminster next door to J. FRANCIS REESE. 'U. Prop. I eIl~~t~~I~~'dt:e ~~t;!~~~~'es~!r,~~\n~~~R~:l~: Westminster Meat Market eccnomtcs Home. of Depar-t- Seniors the I ~~lI~pf!n~ldde~~~\[t~i1ft:a~f~rs~ ;1e:~!tni~:' Same Goods at Lower Prices. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE :\11'S. Hen '. everyone I and her daughter. 'The guesta, wish LOthank I 0 S GEHR had BRUNSWICK RECORDS a pleaaaut lime. I • • ~l::~~~r~tess for thi.-s very mucn annrecteteu I --- The Latest Dance Music. ' On Saturday evening, the Y. W. (:ahinetl Wholesale and Retail ----------~~ I~;:~)t~~~h!~!i:.~~e~~~)?1eil~(l~~~e':{'l~~ta~:ilb~~~ SEE YOURSELF vktorious {SOil h) team n t a .rouk party,11 HARDWARE The "luck'y hidder" won a cot-sage or sweet- ueas. AS Three oucore for the W, :\1, C. (\c\lntcr~!: Corner Main and Liberty Sts. WILSON "Tom" celeurul ed the -pus atng of nn-I Westminster. Md. ~~l~':~(~e\lle~~?nt~;~~~~II.S~~j~;l:(~dtl;'e (;l~;~;;i~~ __ ~ ~ SEES YOU leatlS and broke up tho party hy giving aiM· D II L L e a owry ee ;~Il~~~tei~,gve:;,l,lfor '"Tolll's"' happille!l~ ill Scalp ISS Treatments, 'Facial Massage. ., Wilson Studio Helen Stone gwve a bridge party Shampooing' day nlght, 1~I'om au ' accounts the affair ]02 E. MAIN STREET __ ~_~ ~_~lwlIs qultedhe ~ocilll event or the week, prtxe. I Westminster Md. .\1i~~ uaer 11layed high and 11"011the first Phone: l]~W. ~l'A KEY 0 11It s uu t~ 'J' no u n r. t: S IhO~~~~Yo~~~.I:e~~~Z~~~vi1)'~~~~~~J~}t~~:\I:I TO teach school. '\1i.sse~ StlCl"l\lIg, Bealll{)n I T. W. Mather & Son "Bill"), Lawrence. Allnutt, nn!! uru amoll,g these tortuunte (!I he- "KATZ" I --- I 'Westminster's ~_~_~ __ ~ ~ Will the tennis courts he rendv [or.I1~1)1 I tratcre. 01' at least 'by the time we return WEHLER & KING from, I~I)J'ing vnr.aUon? I) It t:f.( ..1S'I'S I The rjoortwtn Cba'I~t-e1'of "Waiters' unto»." . Leading Store The Rexall Store the wiih its spcnscr-a were given nhnnlluet In I ronmla4:li Wellnestlay el'ening. liinlng WE~TMlNSTER, MI' 'Freddie" Bowers was wallunnSlel', WESTMINSTER, Mil _~ __ ~ __ ~ ~I "BiB" ''''ood, GettY;:j)}ul'S'foothal! coach, ~_~ ~ Westminster Hardware Co, ;~\\o~~~~~~(el~:mb~l' ';~s~\~;r A~n~P~'!~/f~\:~I Have you !'leen? I open date Western Maryland College I The New WALK·OVER OXFORDS .romlErtS 1:-1 AI~L KINOS 01~ I I 11'01' Men and Women, a New Wide Toe III "'" liS' S, "I'I ::~~. I Students are welcomed by J. Thomas Anders (.tHIl \1 1!,\IIH\\ i\l/t. WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE Nusbaum & Jordan J. I. MYERS Smith & Reifsnider Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear" WATCH MAKER COAL 9·11·13 E. MAIN STREET ISO t:. ~[all1 8t. LUMBER HAIR' CUT COURT LUNCH BUILDING SUPPLIES l' H E RIGHT WAY WM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop l:O~Jo'I,:C'J'lONERl',-, SOUA & neaRS w F.!'i'I')nN~'I'lm.~u UVI,i\ NJ), H. W, D. SMITH 187 E. Main St.
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