Page 88 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. F. A. Sharrer & Son F,a",:O~~,~w~ ::~~~.~rtwelveI ~~:ST!?~~!~s\~~aIL~a=::' J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. I giri,s ut a birthday party Tuesday evening. Shampooing i ~ood runetc, good rood, ami a very good 102 E. MAIN STREET time. Westminster, Md. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE I CO~~d~:~~~~l1~a~~ee~~~\gy:~n;e~~~.::J t~.~~ ~~~~P~h~o~n~e'~l~l~.'~"'~.~~~ BRUNSWICK RECORDS vacation. Among these ueuconente are ~1~iran~n:~~\~~Ug~\\,J~die, T~':~~~~ie b~e~~ T. W. Mather & Son The Latest Dance Music. mtssed. ell what? th~O~~.~.a~rl\\~~~i~~sfiJ~~n~:;~Pf~l~~'~!Sn! Westminster's SEE YOURSELF reason! I L AS The usua l Eastor promenade M W. :\1. C. Ir:;;'H!H~I~.\~~!~n S~~~~:)~t~.leO:t;-ngrrcro Col- eading Store WILSON We lire glad to learn that :\llss),leriIIRLI Wills r= to her homc. and ts ! WESTMINSTER. MD has I, out hetcre long -~- Hnve you eeen ? SEES YOU goetlin·galong nicely. We hope to see her I Wilson Studio I termed has h~d all cperatton per- in Albert hnr! was ear. which ~~~~~~~~~~~~i wrestling, is doi'ng well. IThe New WALK-OVER OXFORDS I r.'\'TJ~e}'R~n~' ~~u~~·J~~t~\l~h~: ~:~:.cte~e~·~ I hope 'we make di~ti'llgnisherl college Ifor Men and Women N \,rd T this I : year. ~__ '. la ew 'll e oe "KATZ" Tlle~\l:lY'1 J. Thomas Anders The .restere will give [heir show ill \V(:,81-1 :~l~l;ilte~l:tl.I'he Stur Theater all liE )IAKt:~ THiDI I.IKt::\EW ~~~~~~~~I COURT LUNCH UIlL:G(.ISTS The Rexall Store WESTMINSTER. MP Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE Corner Main and Liberty Ste. Western Mar~land College Students COAL are welcomed by LUMBER . WESTMINSTER 5c & 10c STORE WESTMINSTER'S BEST S'rORE Nusbaum & Jordan :67 E. Main St. Westminster BUILDING SUPPLIE3 i next door to Westminster Meat Market Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear l • WI':S'I',\lI:\!'In:ll. 'UII\'\ ..\ ....n. Same Goods at-Lower Price!". 9·\1·13 E. MAIN STIlEET
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