Page 83 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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The Gold 'Bug, Western Maryland College, westminster. Md. Page 3. VINCENT VALIANTI ALUMNI NEWSLETS 1 Y• .n. C,. A. ~~LECTS OHICERS Gr1l'IIlu Chosen President. ___ 1 Style Tailor ''', the issue of ,the 10th, we said :llahell At me annual Y. :1,1'elect~on held last First CIa.. Work ~:[rd~~~rS~i~~~~or s~~r~j!~;I:::e o;~;t~l~il~~ I ~y;gt~~S~~'vo~~~:s ~~~ f;I;~w'~~~l"ro~~'2~~~.~ F·rank W. Grlppln; :l1arch 28th., sallinlg on the "Pr-eshlent Plesldent: Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing 1 Kinley." '\lc- I dent. F. rc. BoW, et-a ; creuaurer, H. vlce-nrest- Hannold; W. snu». secretary, Frank · St t Ph 38 no --- . An installation sen ice will be h.eld the 76 E M am ree '. one ." BaHlmore Friday luncheon was attended I first weunesdav after Sprlng racauon at . I ~---A~l\-~I=NV~I-TA~T~IO~N~'I--~~:~(;:t~t Fh;;da~~~:li~ll1;~~~~ '~~\~~d,tlme the new officers will be' Ip- PI,I~':,\SE ACCEI>T, WI'rH oun COMPI.l'1 kept the others away? I' -, -- _ _nF.N~~-F ~t~ }:-A, I<'(JL~.SJZED, ~,An The execuuve ,secretary spent MurCh 2nd I :U;~~~~:~\:!f?:~I':!~S o~!~NE OF ]ORM;,I~ S FUESHLl IMPOH'[}.D and 31'd in Washington; catted bU'L llllBijetl1 ' SWISS cnOCOJ A'fE >the Presll t (Whit f d ,not oooudaer [ol:ces theoretIeaIty can supplement world , In order to acquaint YO'U with Tobler's, mtssed Gi~l~~all.!RIl dei(r~d Cobey, '01. " ~g;:::~~:h~o~;e~i~1~~n'C:r~!I~~~~S,o~h:o)~~~ jeamoua Chocolate Bars [rom Quaint SWlt~-1 -, --- sun or fear or ambtncn. must he peoxree- erl.anu: we have arr ange to have BOO- At the :\1id~W]O'Il'te,rBa.nquet, it was an- .slvely abolished by luter nattcnal agree- StAiOICSsrJ'ORE, u-eat yon, free of charge, nouuced that a casu ut-ize of Ten oonaes i merit. lnter natlonul understanding and r'resn from Bwitze rlund-c-Tobler- Bars ($10.00) woutd be given to the student or> good wtu must he constetenur cutuvatec come to ~'Ol1. Th'e purest run-cream SwiSS formel' student atabmltt.lng ~he he~t l'oot-' beginning In the public school.!!. The road mIlk-the Hnest cocoa-crushed d-esert uu,ts iug "Yell" hy COlnmeneement. Contestants i tQ lIenee is n 101lg uphill roa[1, and deliciOlls Allllne honey-all l,Jlended to- wlll s'uhm\t ~'ells. typewritten, bearIng lheir _ ge,~~~~g~~~I(~:I:!uSp~~Sbekl~~~P~~:~lltIt to ~Il~~llnua;~~l:g~c:;~v~~~~e:d~~e~o:~~~~~l::;'e!l~~II th~~e "~I'J~I~If~~I~~:I~~~~rt~SS:n~I~I~JC:,\~~ Bonsack's store, a"(\ ret:eive your full-sized He, Wltl! tllc Alumni A,thletic Committee 1.lIh.. 192;). Ibar, Bat it, IIn(1 tilen yon will pleasantly will select the six best. The Oold Bug Willi le~~~ h~.r~e~e~~;;':l~l~~ it~"~:S~~blel' Bar we' ~~~~o;\,~~~e8S~Ud~~th~~l~?~le~~~:~e~Jra~: RtTG NJ:WS l1·)))e y.()\1will join the th(}lISRnds of otllers Ili[;e and then I\ecide on the wlnuing .I't'\l., PUl'itan-JohnRlhan has been speculating th.l'Oughout the country who hal'e fOl'metl Ler,~ go! Ia~aill. the habit of eating Tobier's Chocolate Dar3 --- Pllgl'im-Bonils? every day. Nearly five hundred Alumni ha\'e paill Pul'ltan-~o, he's down the street up to Bonsack's .store, calTying a complete il.llUI their dues. Don't crowd, . ,fellows, Ilon'\ his neck ill stock!!. fresh assortment of Tohier Ban,'ls read,y crowd, When you hnl'e paid yours, stllndl --- 10 the I and wa!tiug t{>Ser'l'e your daily desil'e~. aside aud let some one else get ,Iil,l (thrilled) :-.Jnst think, Harry comeR TOUl.Io:R SWISS CUOCOI,,\TE JlOliS};, window. ___' ;\l;~~l the great open !!\)aCe8where men are 8MtOll, Mnss!lcllllseth. Is'Il'.l this llIulTying ~RSo.n for Westll!'n, ,Jack (disguSl.ed!y)-And wnere women -oWOUPON) 0- --.-0- ~!~r~a~~~~j:~~?ta~n~~~~-gh~( ll:~ddW~ Ih~~I~~II al'e goveruors. _ don t stal t to. happenmg soon the AlulIllll Oil!! sergeant (;.0 1a\\ r&crun)---Snap \\lLllulIe to SUlll a. malilage bUleall ::>er- out 0( It Ol(\n t VOIlknow that the bugle S-Lreet vice flee 10 those who pay theIJ dues bload I ha~e~O~~~":_Where to sir? Town. State lIO'll about a Western Malyland Gile a 6enten['.e lllustlating the 'IIord Cas;tlllg evening? Will the A.hunnl leI the analchlst =~=_~=_==_== SEX:retal} kno\\ If they have laod!os? lu>;! unalcll[sl me night nu(l -0---- -0- I \\ent to ~ee Anna the other _0_ (Lrop II; fI'Ostal to HlLlllson-1000.ContlllCtlt,11 Hammond Typewriter Corp. !~~:~ll~g-~1~!ILI~~~~! ~nal a;;lir~ss r h l;~e~ I History Prof.-Well. IIhy don't )0\1 SlIY 15 E. Fayette Street, JIst.en lor a W~l~ 'I SO~\i~,~~~I1~;lllie_I'\llwaiting for history in Baltimore, Md. J!e~YI!II:.. t\~~:~,n~.~;:\~n:· B~ili~~~:s~~ ~li~l~)~I repeat itself! _ The personal writing machine of 1.0 H,?'Yau [tllOl! to Dr. Wan!, 011 \llf; \\a., I ~lOS,eS~Vel. 1 t.hink it vas an IBrallte in 10 h.ansas City. on the 10th. de >hasemell't. HAMMOND lunce on FI'ldllY, :\1Rl'ch l!3t,ll" when thel .lose-Yeah, one ot tIle lan(l-ed gentl'Y! the wOl'ld is the tets ~~w\\~a~~~I~!'~~~r~i}~lde~Z~)~al~l{:od~~~l~=I \'i:~~:e~~leL~~~p'~~'~~k~'=~70ne M the 8111'- i~;r~::'!lit;1~~~tal;~~r~!~~~:~e~~e~h:l~lac;i;~; I Does Y{)Ul'ne~ook apeak good. Writing in 365 different styles of C:luh. '1'hey \l'ere !\tls.s BeSSIe.Lee GamhriJl, >~nl;'lIsh'f type and language on a single ~i~~:S'I~t~!;:ro6~·~~:ateOeFa~~e\I~~:nt:~/;~EI(~~l~t}:i No, he speak~ina., i\l. RIchmond, oe the Univel'sity Li\lI'ary I A ,lap luxl d,ril'er r1)ndered thls'hill: 10 machine, Staff; Dean Smith, '(i-9, h1)all of !'lie lieJ)(lrl- I comes lind 10 gO'6Sat Hfty cents a went. $S. Instantly Interchangeable, ~~:)~I~~k~~IS~~~1~~~t~~'Pte;;'i~~~ s~~rJ~~!i~~~I 0111man-Sou, can you direct rna to the Can you do this on YOUR machine? ~~I~[i'I;~t;"i~~~:I~;nL\i;llfh~~IO~:R~:P:;H~:lva~;'iI ha:~7X_Yes sir, for a qual'ter. ASK in Anatomy at t'he :\1edleal School; W.! 'I Old man-Isn'{ that mighty high? Kid~Not mister! Hyers linger, grad,nate for a bank director, and asslsl- student E W ·l 1 son J d [alit in BiolOgy; Kent Roberts Green!leld. ~~":;=!.yl~~IV~ll~vS:rWS~~~~:d(~l~e~~nt~n~&~~~:: --- or an, • ;;~:/~~\3t~ll~~.'Il~~rr.S~::e~l~fi~1~tO~~~eno/~\~~ late Rev. D. ,J" G,reellfi1)ld, a trus-tee or fhe --- Theological Seminary, co!!ege. The dinner wa.!:!most successru1.1 Dumb--She's rRther young, must tie and it was decided with'enlhusiastic nc- minor. (He knowg,) ['(wil !() hol'l> fullll'!! m('l'tin'g~. RI'1l-:\1on, lhat girl ain't no gold-d\;ger.
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