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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 23 Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. April 21, '25 "Bill" Wood Speaks In "V" Ivarsity Net·Men lose I R. O. T. C. Prepared For WI?o~,W~,~:':~J,j,~r~O~';'g,:~:;~~O:~::: Opening Match To NavyI Inspection "Y" room to heal' -am- Wood, Qettr~bul'g:1 --- I ---- rccueu coach and secretary of Y. :'i1. c. A.I 11011n,ud Trice SIlO\\' G(~11 Perm IUlII Clever [iul1 nukes (>,.0011 Showl'lll,;' In J1IsJ) ~esl~~!~~1~~~i~I~~n~leno~~~~ufin:1l1~~1~~I~I Meeling the M~I~~~\g"on .the Academy The R~'l~. ~.S~.lg'~~S/tl~f\~I~:r:;'n.Mary- sentatjoll from the faculty composed the courts the tenure team joat its opening iland College had its annual Ina.peetion Oil !.\;'~;~~~:'we~er:b~~~~dw~ ~~~~;~i.ed'~l~t~:I::~~r~:n;O~~ga~~~d~'~~~fiC~e~~e~~~~nt~.!a~~~~I~:Yi;flli;USI~~~\~~I1{I~o~l~e~et~,r:;ii~:Uj~~~~ the stains antl aisles were, uneu three deep. uc condition to meet ..he Annapolis aces. college. Coach Wood centered his talk: around n Despite this uenutcap our ocrs gave a very Prom the thirty-seven colleges in this series or tour dtacuaatcna held at G-ettys- goou account of uieneerves and showed the a.rea onl), seventeen were recommended burg under his supervteton. Each or these ncssunuuea o,t the uevetoptug of a winning for this rnsnecuon. From ttieae ten 11'111be various gr-oups dtscussad some vital toptu team. It was nat all the Navy's own way, selected, according to the mertts or tile in- ill the IUe Qof the undergrauuate student "'100r.ethan one game went to duce bout by specuon. and proclaimed distinguishell col- ,body or Gettysburg. The fir!!"tor the serie~ well and consistent playing the, leges. Our school is the smallest in the the {mportn nce of .phystcal elements in col- carne out Oil top. Severa! ,games wer-e JOfll grolljl to be inspectert, legp IHe, Incidentally ':Blll" weco euu nof- to our uov's deceptive service, The rnapecucn was conducted by Colonel nted the doctrine of unwaraat participation Holt and 'rrrce xave theu- opponents II GUYKent, ()If the Geneml Staff oC Lhe War jn athletics for .all untlergrad~Jates. In the clo!>e I"\ln. With the score one-love in·tll€ Cepartmen!, !'.Iajor Livingstoll Watrous, of S8(;01l[1,dlscuS-S!OIl the Gettysbul'g coach second ,se-t Chariey had "hard luck," break- r.he Adjulallt--Genel'al's Olli~e, ),1ajor A. C, pmrhasized the lalne of the mental 'factor ing tWO string.ll in his racquel. Judglng :'.1c:Bride, of ,the Thir-d. Corps Area, and In colle.giate ed,llca!!on, His thll"d great trom hIS p.1"ior playin'g this caused him tu Colonel Peal"!lOlls. point was the refinin·s forc!,! anti the uni- lose tile maLCn, On Friday mOl'ning there was n ,gen- versal appeal to eVel'y man 110nlllLtel' how Hawkllls, bryant, Parr al1(1 Wilsoll each eral inspection of guns nnd equipment calloused or sophisticated he may be. which SU[;Gceuetlin luk,ng s~vel'al games. Lyman, made of lhe llnt>ire !battalion. "A" company can be IfOlln(i only in rellglon. The c.n\:nl- !:ihallilalmu's oppotlent, was' No.1 man, ,hl, was firsb inspected hy t.he offiters, In :'e- lative Sa-t'tiOll of his slleech, coaeh Woot! l'I OIfYale the Illter·cou.egl- ment. The whole comp~uy presented a womanhood. ale champions. So we see what "TUCK' neat an[1 snapl»), appearance. This was fol- The force of his persona lily, his appeal- was ul) against, With I.he. hard fought lowed by "8" company's close order drl~l, ing u'ipt(c express'on and the humorous singles oft lirst and l)ractically no- resl. ae-! uuder the leadership o~ Ca;)•. Tr!ce. The humanness or his speech carried aCroSS tween tha {]o-ulbleawere all Na\'y's, HolY·Imen showed excellent tr&in:ng in squad allli hIs ideas- with \lntold force, His audience ever HawklllS and \Shanuahan held one platoon movements as well as In ~ompany could not help Illlt feel the dynamic llClwer game ()ol1 their own service and took one rormatlons. Extenrled ord'er drill wa'S !Jllt (}f his character and the "~l'ong religious lrOIll their O;pl)Oll)elltS, Ion ill line style h)' "A" company. with Capl. natnre ol t}le man, One wonders very IHtle, A mo.]"econgen'illl g.rO\lIJcanno-l be found I Chalk in command. Lleut. !';:elbaugh con- ater hearing thail' C·Jach. at the llrot\clency allywh{t,re ttH\ll are lhe .\!idshipmen, lIIod- ducted "8" C'JllIlHlnYin physical (I)'ill. "'I~jor of the GettysbUrg girdiron ghullatol's. oot In victory and att€llliYe to the'l" visitor:;, Oal,br then t'"Oil cO)1iIUlando:r the llettahon, S[TPE~EI;;;I~~\' IWO.U ! h~!:~I~OI'<~~eU~1111~~I~t~~;~o~;~ebest team w" I !!n~ln~ I~~~nr;ki::g ~Ilta:~~~~~"~\~~;~~~n a~l; A;f~e!' the ~eeting. sllpper was served In! UI:l;~:r!I:~[[;~~~~:!~'r~vae:(~~~'lll~u~.\~~~~egol~~tt~tW'~h~a~\~~i~~~"t\\~~~vS'ueernoon 1\'[\8devote'l lhe lea. room III honor of ).1.1'. WO.OdantI hiSI'I hey have a fa~t anll clever team, ,bul withIto.. '.lass-,rC(Hll work. The s.elliors pl"ove(1 wire. A l'epre"entalile of '!!:lldell~, lhe oq,erie.ute that we had at AnnapOjl~ thell'sehe!! \\-ell \'er~etl in their ?,Elitat'y inCbntllllg the f·,rmer and newly elected "'i. and a. week's praCtiCe a VICI.OI'Yj~ expectt)u Hisiory and Tactical F~e!d Pr(Joblems, In W, and Y. )L C, A.. together w1th severnl on college hill. th'e.I)' ku(}wle(lye of .\1\l:tnrv Law, Field :,~~W,~Ya~(~~~:r~~i~a~;O~~. t~~'a~~O\ri;'i:~~.· '["be 1I1I1Il1llary:Sing'llls. i ~~i~l~fi~~~~~Il~'il:'I~~:~;~~~~:~~O~f~h~\~dC~Il~~ the Y. M. C, A, preslde.nt, act;d ail host, Lyma,n, Nal'Y, defeated Shannahan, West- pllmented by the examining officers. 'l"ll~ and callell on Trader, Conch ~noCh, and ..I'll :'ilal'yland 6·0, 6-0, replys of the Sophomores- to the que.!;t'oll~ ~1j~s FlnlYblne, newl.y elected 'I. W. C, A. Young, NalY, defeated Parr, We8tern on 'Sketching and map drawing, :'I1usketr}' preslrlent, for speeches. All exp'Tease(1 ~he ·.\'1arylauu 6-1, 6-0. the Hand Grenade, the Bayonel, Cantil gratI.t,ude o-f the coI:,\!-~e}or the inspiratIOn Kelly, Navy, clefeated Bryant, Western Saultatlon and lhe Automat!c Rifle were [tll"nlshed by conch ~111 WOOd.and for th.e llal'ylallli 6-1, 6-2. highly commendable. Tn 1nter;or GlIanl stlmnlnting example of hIs 11[!,1and hIS Lowrey, NaI'Y, [lefeatNI Hawldns, Wesl- Duty and Rifle \'Iarl(smunship the Fresh· deedS, er.1I .\!arylan,.rl 6-1, 6-2, mell proved '\llelr 'ntereSt 1\1 the wOl'k ----- (;l'il'lll1, Nnvy, lletellted Trice, Westenl All SatuJ"(lay morninE:" wa's taken liD with Y. W. NOTES .\1aryland 6-1. 6-3., 111'act1catapp"lca'iolls of lhe th~ol'Y ('ol'ere:1 'Vednesday e\ ~1Is... Adelia DllV:lll ~"ol'd, Navy, de.fell:e-(! Wilfron, Westerll In 1111ilranches or (he department. ad<\resaed the weekly meeting or the y, W. :\(Inrylund 6-1. 6~2. Due to inclemenl weather alit! lnnk o! PelUey, NUI·Y. tlefeate
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