Page 86 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 86
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG I DEVrA SIGiUA KAI'PAS GIn; LU,,"CHEON Run To S HIP LEY'S for EAT S A weekly newspaper devoted to making 'The "Dells" gave a spri,ng lunche0 rl In W~set:t~~ 7:~~~:~i!noo:~~ge~u~I~:~~er, I ~\~sC~I~!;~~~::~i~:', '~;~~r~~~~c~,pr~~o~: HIS HAM SANDWICHES Iby t~~~nts foro~~lege, I ~hl~O~~~~!n~!\l~O:·c~~:. -vomer-' Wills were Entered at Post ornoe at Westminster Md. The menu was dainty un~ aub~ta,nUal, If CAN'T BE BEAT , 'not erenicrare. While the jonuutls nodded as second-class mall matter, thelr pretty heads in d,elig,ht, the ebub and Accepted. for mailing at special r-ate of tts guests were enjoying chicken sala-d, hot postage provided for In section 1103 utscuus. pickles, and ccrree and Ice cream. A FRESHMAN DOWN EVERY Act of October 3,1917. authorized I February 7, 1924. BUG NEWS HOUR FROM SEVEN TO TEN SuhscriPtiooo-PC-iC~-' -b-, °m-,-n-, ~aya'hle tu ar~~rj~~~ \~~~~~,rgirl what r thougn t of her I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ advance, per year. TirE Goro-Bug.-s~;:i~F' I -wnac did she say?" Babylon & Lippy Co. ~2.00 "I lore you L_OO_:'__ C. Roland Wilson '26 ... , .. Managhrg' Editor :'wlother-Why dhl you drop that young • ~:A~~a;e;j~e~!~y: "26' '.','.',~~~~~~~~~~~!~~::m~a~\~~~tet~~l'h~llf~~tt~I~~~!~~';llJt~1'! I"LORSHEIM SHOES ~~~~~~; ~~:;~l,le'~7.'~~""~~~",,~::,,: ~~:~~::ILast ntglu, I macle an awful mistake. I STETSON HATS How come'! G GEl That so? ~,~'~ J~~~:,l~IOO:loldoatnt. I G~r~11~d~;le~:i~~~a;::"26 :: :~~::;:~:~ E~:~~::~~\~,a-~~ International Made-to-Measure Suits w. Ballanl Ward, '26 •••... Business J,1g1', Guilly! Heavv Wool Sweaters Lewis K. Woodward, '27, .. Aset, Bua. i\lgl·. • Basket-ball Shoes Grippsure Robez't Ijuger-,'27 . . Circulation .\lgl·. Ish thls the hockey rink? I~~~_~~~_ $3.00 -ruomas H. Eaton, '27 , Aeat. Ctrc'n. ~lgl'. Ye;s. Professor G. S. Wi!ls F'aculty AdViSOI'1 Well wnere's the pn.wnur-oker? - , , I I "JOHN" SOCIAL J\CTIVI'l'IES pr~'~lt~C:fl~a~t~C~t~~i~SstW;$ri:Earl~~~~:~,g:~';: I Ey' ~reyr rceoaudrYteous verv few chan-ces for the men and or the college to get together and and II Errorless attention other III enjoyment. Right style Why doesn't our H air cutting gel some director scctat ~l~:O;fse?asS~!~d/I:~eta~~,~I~ll~~1'fl'fi~mOtl~l~~I ".03,I;tl RAa1SzOorshoned stnneuts' point of view, as well as til,' 1 ... " , couege's. The parties lhat we have be~n I An!11 Tonics kind o:'IYO~"~'·~~~~~~~~~~ invited to In the past., are \lOl ihe of col1e~e = The Only BarbeF'or.knsd Bobbel' at the amusement. that mell and.lVomen 1- ::l~u~~t'e~I~!~~ i;'~l~~'d ~~e{.ari~~;'e ill1J~~I~ CON E Y 1 S LAN D i~~_~~~~~~ __ ~ is SUll'l acti-vlt!es. If $Dcilll entertainment ~~~~e~nf:'~~l~rrl~"issocl;::~e o~~eC\~avt~I~I~li~~'/L HOT WEI N E R S I CHARLES KROOP What \\'e lIeeti is real colle;;c I se-hool spiriL ancl loyalty of tile st,udents Lil . I Leading Shoe ReP.air Sho-p euch other, S t spil'lt, and this one of the easiesl and moSl \V. Mam t.ree :!il East, linin Street successful means of obtaining it. Westerll ~~~~~~~~~~_~ ~l~~~~~n~~~l~~:~s~~e~'I~~~l:l~~l~dco~l;~~'lla~~ I I For College Students Only: not know each Othel'. 6imPlY.because therr.1 Westminster Jewelry I Men's soles and Goodyear R. heel" i!lllO opporlunitr given lhem to really meet 'J .50 There Is an unnatural t~gel1l"l' in a gl"~'\IPI 'f' . feellllg 111'.' when lll\ulents ~\!'e gathel'e;l Sh I Thct'e !lure are plenly ways 1.0 get thi~ Op Ladies' soles and Goodyear R. hf€]" "ormal feeling Ollt ora group if it Is ,han(lled so as to make one fMI at ea~e. Why nol : $1.25 :~~l'oarf~~,I:~~~st~~ ~~7.i~I,v~LI:~~;~~~,~~~~g~~li!l.:;I A nnounc:ng an up-to-date ~~~~"~t:~'f~III.l~II~SI~"'~' ~fS~Ii;~.,,~~= I 8Ei"lOH !>in'PElt MUSICAL DEPARTMENT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANI( The Senior girl,s IU1Ve,heen ri!;'ht j,n lllck :.l~i~.. '\~:~is,F':~\~l~'\~~,\'e~~~t;,~;~IOl::O~~:"'I&:~~~ AND OF WESTMINSTEIl Ings entertained all the Senior girls at a, Wt:S'I')I1:\'~YU~I~- ]!AIO'L\XH ~~~s~.el~'~l~l'adl~co~:~~!I~e:ai~'~lt.~e i~e\Vk~'P:~;gI OPTICAL DEPAR'l'MENT A'ILh Eastel', and lhe me'llU fal' extecued the I I CAl'l'lLAl, $l:!;'"OOO.OO SUlU'U,;S $113,(iOIUI:) I Jaco~ J. Weaver, Jr., Pr~Sident. ~~~!~~~:,d\lE:~ll\~:sW'to~l~lm~~tl'~I~~l,ingll!l.JHll:;I ~H'I'ISt'.\CTlO\ (~rAlI'\~1'F.ICU ;~~~l~~yw~~~(\\'e~~,e'a8kT'I:~GI~~~~,~i~~l\e~ii~l~I ILeWIS K. Woodward, VI~e-Pl'esidtnt. yon! ! tW \'OFll )WSI':Y nA('i\ George R. Gehl', Cashier,
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