Page 85 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 22 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. April 14, '25 ,' nu ,,,, ~j:~,~~:;~~'~~,~.a:~,:sl~!,t,.,",ee,,iTerrors ShOWGa~U:Iit~In Initiali SeniorsIn~~:~ee~In Baker c.:>l1ege Glee Chill.! --- The We,stern .'I11lryillud I --- "Th~ Jester-a," have returned to the ·'hill." W. ~r.Niue ~V~IIFrom 1.orOola by 3.2 Jrarglll.1 i'roil'8Sftr Hauck Hend 01 Hilit.or, UClfur1. ~~\~~eao,~~~~,I.~I;~~~S~~;'i~OgurSp~:!t:;\~::;i~;~I Cl~.j~~e~tci::~lt~n~U~r\et~:l'/~~~e~~fl~g~I!~ i . ,"lcut I~lirers Addre.~~. g !h!S Is. th,:lr fourth consecuuve trip to I western ~'lal'yJan(t II 3~2 victory III the 1 ~[ls: Wednesda\ mOl'lll,n ; after the- ~e~ the ptaina untl each one bas rnet-wtth R Green Terrors Initial game over LOYOlal tlllll from the S,Pllll,g vacal,'Oll, t~Hl seulO,' greater eucceea than the former one, Be- College. Du€ to an errol' ~t the start ot crass was Iormglly invested. ThIS ,marked cause of "The Jesters," Western !'11aryland the game the vtstrors were allorwed to the first appearanc; of the genrora ID the.ll" ~:~!:~:S hoarst.~:er~s~a~; ~'~I~Ss~h~li~~~(n~n\;~et~l~stp~~~~~gCr~:eO~~~iI ~~l~Sel~nA:;;{ll.~·ndr~~o~:~:~;·e- ;aaS!1C~eldtl~~ who knew It not were greeted by "How Do II'M played for two Inntnga 'hut again in head of the HIstory Department delivered You Do Jeater Friends, Ho-w Do You Do?" the ronrtc Schat was walked and then I the- address t? lhe fifty-eighth Senior class. and other masice r seiecuons ~]I(J comedy, scored -011Hetflsh'a three ,bagger. The te~t of hIS speech !s as fnttowa : The program started off 'Wllh two setae- In lhe sixth inning the western ?liary- "Ladles and ge'ntIeme-n qf the Senior ~i:~f :::!l~~~a~~~h':~~~~e'::I~~~tYs,~~t!;ieB~I\:~~~~~~hn:~~u~~~e]'e~nc\~e:c~~~i :~he~n A:I~I~~:Ifl;i~~'toTh~01~~\:11~~I~,etyori~~:Btf~ile;~ud~~ ing?" This was followell by two sel-ect.iolls Groton's sacrifice sent him to second, cap-I academic ro!les upon yonr neal'ing another hy the don'ble quartette: "How Do You Don tain Clark reached first on all error, anll stage -of yO\ll'ecl,ut:utlonand upun your neal'- and "June Night." Joe Chalk and Ben PelTY's two-bagger trotted them !loth h,ome. ing the commencement of a [urlher stage. Price .!laug "All Alone." and "No Wonder" This tying rhe score. Again for two rounds Surely you have chosen lhe wiser course in ~~~ Se~~el:t~~:~te~~i:hg:v:e: b'i't~~el~~~~~~;; ::Sth~ ~!:,ltl~ofO~0~1~11:!~s~n~p;I~:'~~I~:1~~di~l~ ~~~r~:I.l\li'nfh~~~~r~?;bn~:1e~~~~~~i~re\lPy!~ th~: on: "'The End of ['!Ie Road" and "~'ollow followers Pl'ovll'9-_the beller holding Loyola Imar.ked men al](1 women. They should I.'" the Swallows." "Dumbness" wag [,hen ex- scoreless. an IIHhIC-€.lIIent-to lower cla~'Sm€1lto attalll emplified by Paul Kelbaugh. which al;ways In the nlneth Loyola's first three men to YOUI'slatJon, b)'ought a hearty laugh lrom tJle 311(1lence. were sent to the benCh and W, ....1. C. was ".lust hecause this Is so-because you al'e He ended his monologue Iby a song en- al baL. The first tW() of the Tel'ror's wenl memlhel'S of the 11ighest dass in college. r tilled: "AI~'t :\'ly Baby Grand." Pete Gar- down before ,Schap, Artigia,ui. first ed \0 add a lilt who had 'been hilting consistentlY reaCh8d rni'ngled elements of hope and fear, for [ of hU[J]"01'to thIs song, first. "Shorty" LClIIg recei'v'ed four ba!l~, I look l1JHHlrOo\!as I look upon anyone who The d{)ul)le quartette appeared ,for a ad,vancing "Artie" to seconel. Adams IlOWIhas attained a posilion of influence and re- ~~Ct~~a:i~leL~';:~I~' =~:l ~'\':i~~p~e~le~nt~~t p~~~~~1~l;~dS~I~~et~~"i~~~;I~J~~~P~~~lj;~i~?the~~ll:ln~~,II~troen~P~~~~~~h h~~on~ Beoome of Sally." 'both of which met With the winn]ng run. tainted hel'er\1ty nnd who li'lf)s ill a de- heany applause. This was fol\«]wed by an During lhe entire game Loyola was aI-I grading enVironment. mven thou,gh lhis ~~~:bY,,;~l;,~~::~~I'~~ean~~~~~aPtit~;i~;h:~t~ ;l~)w:~\.~::.IYi\~I:I~I~li~i~S~v::'leL~uO~b~~~~rPil,~~i:f:s~e~a~f;~~i~'Il~~I~r';'~:~;I~le~~\';~ll~~:~~ijrgrl~fl~ singing "Some-body Stole :vJy Gal" an(] i Perry, a two "nd a three-bagger Iby ~rti- he commit so gl'eat a crllne as y'JU will (\0 "Red~" cli.lg {!1I.nclng to those melodious I agiani and Adam's winlliag two-ba,se hIt, I if you do noi hold alOft and propogate the straIn's, This was one o[ lhe star featuI'es W, M. C, j,O\'OLA Ideals of Ghrlstlanity :IlIn culture Which or the program and llleL Wllh hearty ap- [I .A.b R H Ab R HIhave heen presented to you day a,ft(ll' day planse in every to\\'I! on the "Shore". A Groton s s. 4' 0 0 . week after week, month a.Eter month. and solo: "Lady :'.l'Jo-nor :'.llsto'lr.\'loDn"by Wll- Clarl" of 1 1 2 Hel,fish. cr. :1 1 1 year an",\, yt'ar 1,1\home, c!l!Irch and school. :~~l ~:~~~d~;~~(~S't;;e~C~a~;~~rc~~~~~~~~~; ~~:~:y~\r ! ~~~l~~:~:, ~!l. ! ~~~~\.:;~~~~'~~lli~~o~~.~i~~elr:::snl~~~,~.~t~;::e~ ·~.~~;~i~:r1~·~~'~~s'~hI:;-;~· l~!~ ~~.~;~~n~e~;1~ ~;i;~~l~'nr·ll). ~ ~ ~ ~gl~I!~r;:Ch~h2b.! ~ ~I ;~O\:l~(fo'~~t.l~aa\~,~~~~~l~~]'ft~r~l~?~~:;:~l~~ ]·eS!'lOuse. lha douhle Qual'teite Lher. enele-fl KellJnngll, If 4 0 0 Conway 1'1. 4 0 0 It WIth an hero c and €nnobllllg JOYas ,~ou 1!1(' n".u.s:c31pal't or the program: "The Long. ~1J 4 0 0 (;I\U)""" If. 4 0 0 Ihl'llst YO'lll'~e!,~Into the ~l'eat and thrllllllg., (;rass Is .ALways Greene-r" IllHI "On the Young 2h 1 0 0 Twardo',.,. 53 4 0 (I adH'lIture of lIfe, knowl~g that ,he gl'ealel' n~~~e t~r~l:\~~r~~I~I:~~tel'minaied 'wilh a play Adam,,;, ~h. 3 1 2 S('hop, p~' .. 2 t 2\:·:S~~~~'~~;:!~~~lI~rL~~~e~~el~ entitled, "K'cked Ollt o.f C(lllege." in Which Total 39 3 7 Totnl 3'1 2 3 ting ctQser to (lon Dnd to Hisll'Ulh. the ::~~b~';es_9~r~;~tw~~~not~~ a~ea~::~g"s~~~~' .___ greater lhe opporLunity of workin~ willi GOII KI''1g'' and WIISonly guilty of attending two s'r[!DF.S'l'S ASSIGN'E.I) PAS'I'OnA1:t:S to make this a bettl'r world [o\' ever,v.fJneLO ('lasses hetween September and :\olay. He live In, re[,<,ill';sa INtel' staling lhal. ,by unanimous COlll'el;el\(ie~oj' the JI, t:, and )1, I>.Cllllfches "~'lar the wearIng of these robes give ~:~~~~I]c~tle~he~ra~\~y i~~hl~~~~;~~l~~~~!~~ Se~tC\~~' ~'~C~~I~d~I;~~i;~lt~~l 11:11~:~:~~~~~:tyou panse nnd poise. :'I1nyI,he weD\'in~ of hcars the- IlI'WS[[nd cflmes [.0 Ihe college for Episcopal and Methodist Protestant GOII- these robes gil'e YOIla j,horough'2;olng meek- "Bootlell." He nd\'isea him to 1lI1lrry and fe'I'ences eight Western Maryland studenLS ness nnll hunHlnity. Mol' the }Venring of settle down. Sandy. hIs friend devises a were {~hOBen to supply rural PUlPits] these robes give YOlla hold and C0l1l'ageO'1I8 ~~E::~r:£~~~i:tn°~t~~~iv~~lne..~~~~£~~;h~;~ ~~~;I~~~~~~St~!;£:~i~~of\~~~~~:hf~~'m~~~~ ~,i:l~d!'1~lSt:I"~h;oli:~tg~~ed °t:w~~~lt ~'~(lll~; hu::dn-ll dol1~rs a month [c;' a year to sel- ill!l' three are "sky-piloting" for the first continue to fight the good ft~hl o[ faith [or (('ontllllll'li 1111JIll!!'eHn"t('_) (('Olltillum1 on 1111):,('thl'f'(',) all thnt Is Il()hle, good and tr'1\e."
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90