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.THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 18 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. March 3, '25 1"",.c,,,,,CO~:~,,,B:s..~~,~a~~,,,,,CI"" ~:~it~,~,,~:~,~~",~,~""""",!western Ma~~~~~:htWinsThree Ii unsre Sljlrll. Good Program, I :llonday afternoon the first of the senes La,Sl Friday evening the. Depal'tmen~ of 'rronnee Ullh'er~tty oi' )LnrJllllld 1)0111111 c.r erase games waa played in the gym. The i\111S1Cand Speech gave their tllll'll and best Stlwul t'Ol' 'rhlrtl Strnlght Victory, ~'~~~~l:l~ena~~d ,~~:~~.~.ore~h~le'l'~r~~~lll;~l~i ~f~~~'~~kO~l~~~~l'~~a~~,slto~~~t~l~~.~a~;·a.m~~;:l~I The Western M~~;l;~dcage team de- ~~~)~~~n~::e~~n:~e\~~~r:o~n~~~YS~;I~"S::~~ ~~~ ~:~~{f~~~~~O.~ist!l\~::~~~n:e/~e~l~~:~::~I ~~~~eodl~~rnlu~~:el~~s~z. ~;g~a;~I::~1 t~!~l~~ during most of tile game. Both Le~IllSput Soirees De vtanua No.6, which proved very 133-12. The Green Terrors had the better up a good fight, and the pepI)Y yelllng and entertailll~g. .". of the argument throughout. From the tip- cheering trom the rooters in the batccuy A 8010 II B.aclO by ~ISS Ruth JODf'S, off. Young and Smith axccuted a neat urged nrcth teams to do their ·best. Myerly was very ctasstcat and urought fOl:th many uou'ute-pass for a two-pointer, and from ~ua~lJ~:ae~.PI:I;:d 1.~~~;nggae~eSpr~[;~: ~l'~~:~ ~~~:n~~~~gf.~~?lil;l\ ~~~d~~~C,~S)I'V~\\~"R:l~~. ~'~I~~So~::OI~l~t\h~E~~m~;li~lia(~~tiS~~jJn ~~ll~ ftg ht , as a substitute for Engle. For the "The. AnB,,:~r.' which wer~ deiIghlfull;. boys from the dental school hall a fast Sophs Irene xicnormnn played a fast g ame. SUllo!;\'III a nch and manow vorce. passing ngg r-egatlcn. but could] not quite ~:t~~.e)~~~:;na\~tca~~itl~'g~I~~'~~::'~.~~lSe-~~~~:~I ti~;~\S~.o~l~rg~~~~in~o~~I~t~el~s~~a~~~~: ~!~~~ ~~I~r~p~~~~H)t~r:::~jl~l~h,ea~I(~1~~~~~~:n:~y. ~!~ was 19-13. in ravor of the senna. Iecxe and Althea Davis co~c~llded. t e mus:c t the end of the first half, the Terrors lltoocl th~h~r~~I~~~~~en~~~n:.a'~:~u~~~~Gh\nrO~IO~j~~R:~t. 1~;n!:lefr~~Og:~r·ea~~.lS!a~~;l~ :~~g tl~~I ~~~e~i~er~e~1{~r;'li~~dt~g :~~r~. bZ:~~/~q~di~1 tory rOI' ihe Seniors. It Wll~ dose in t1~e aurltenee showed 1M uPIlreC1U!lOn at the the Stlll't of the second half, Smlth lind G ~~':1sl~~~r~~lIhta:~er~~~I(~o~~eP~~~~~~~' ~l~ldu:~ICI~J~I~~D~part\l1ent o[ Speech then entercrl! ~~d!~~n~~l1~~~~~e~a{~~~~o:l~:rc~I~~~~~~fOl~Ptl::~ Jtlnlors. :,Iatth~ws anrl Smith played ex- t'.h!!In~ellghl and pr~,sel;~e~1!l. one act play. I the pall' h~d abont enough. so sent them to ~1~~):~~n:!IX~~?I~lag;tm:h~~i;~~g~xce!I!~~tPg~:{i ~~~~kl~l~ru~~~';; ~~~e:.~~~~~~/l'~;~~ : i~~w!ll~g,:~: C~:lt~rI~~~~~{l~~I/e~~~:npa~ll. ~~:~:~;~grr~~ B~~~~~ga~ldlal.':::1 sc~~~.t ~~; g\l~~r-l.~att~:ss ~~;~I S~~~ig~~e:~~ f~tta~n~~l ;~~~:dle~~I~~~ti~~elll!~o~~ :~i~~kH~~~SI:il~~ ~;~I~ISor~lli~'liltdS~~l~~l't ~~: :O~l~~~~ ~~~p t~~: jl~~kSbl~~~~n~i~~~I'~~dhl~~rh:~~. am ~pPcr: ~~~ ~~~~a:nb~{.~e~O~~I~~k~n~hit~:~l~~~el~~~~ ~~:s!::n~I~~r~~~I~:c~I~~ tflee~~l.t~~~t;~ed[:;~~ 11'e;~~:r:~~€~C~~1I:11~e:~~~~~:~tt~~san~l~~.mlf~!:~:: k~l~:Oy~;,it~e~~OI~~eeirg:~\I~~:ll~~Stt~eg~~.;s~~~~ ~~~~.w~IO~~ll;l'g!I~~I1:~~tbi~~O~la~~p~h~pte~h~.IlR+i~et~}ne; e~i'~~.'and tackle ~' ~~~SS~~3.t ~Z~I:?31~ln~1I?ln~~I~~~:.JeW~~~~:'8w~;~~11'~~\Ckat i~~~lo~~~,~~r~lt:lVl~~.~.L~;~:r )::l.~:~lt.~.:~el:~:~:I ~l~(~t·~!~O~~~'~]1~~~dg?~~.t~i~;1~d~~e, ;rol(ll~~;~~: st:.~I;~h~'\~.~~rL;~~~·s~:r.rd~sa.rk~~el~~ ~I~i~;~ n 81ight illjllry. when her eye allcl some- ~Ol11e em\)IYo aclotS. I A. Club. of Baltimore. being the fll'st victim one's hand met at the wrong lime. lllld -~ ..- -- I ami the H~nol·el' American Legion fllrnish- "(anny" Wheeler II'fI!I sub"titllted in side- (',\HUOLI, WIHOII'r SPEAKS ' in!!;the second {:Iub Lo go dowu befot'e t.he <,enter. 2G-17 W(lS Ill" l'~sult of thi~ game. . : fH~t-shoot!ng 'J'e'\')'(l\,s. Blue Ricl~{! College '1'he line-lips in lhe 1.1"0 g~mes )10lHlllY Stllt.e CllrI~lllin E1UlelH'.orOffkers Ad(ll'es~ I! pln)'s he!'e tonight for the last hO:"!legame ;~;:h~~e:IOliOWS: Position Sophomore Joint. U(Wlling. , of the gea!lOll_.__ • __ l~lIi!;le L. F. FOI'd ~1;el;:~:~~~\.a~rt~~~~00;111~'b°~~~rn~~:II[el:I~::;. 1:. W. nrs('usslOS (mom)" ' ~~l~~y RC.F. MCDO~'i~li~~I~~~~l\~i(~;'~IS~~~lga:(\o~l:y~~: I ON "UlE~ nsm.1' Hutchins R. C. Hayman I cOlllpanled by :'lUllSLlmell 011 the piano, The discussion group of Frtenc]shl)1 .lones L. G. Waddell )ell'. Day then introduced ~11'. Edward S. bl'Onght some 0.( the conclusions of the Ward H. G. Hughlette J-iol)ldllls,l'ice-lll'esid,ent of the Slate Chris-I gronp before the Y meeting lallt \Vedne~- i P It' Sa i tian Endeavor Union, who 'IIjloke tor a few· 1 day evenlnl>. Several definillons of Frieml- .)\\n or~ o~ lOll n ors minuteS preceding )fro Car.roll )1. Wright ship were derived, two of whlrh were ex- ~~~'~~)~l~e ~. ,~. Mal~he~vJs lhe speaker or the evening. ceptional!y good. "A fri€nll is one who Robinson h: ~: Be~;:~l~ tid~'~t"I!:~~l~i~g~l~l'i~o;i;ll~\,y~~~lt~II;~ ~fel;~:\~~ I~{~t~l~·.~'al.~I~l{i)Ot~teY~~h:i~(!"~:'i~~lls~~~j)jl1i~t~::: l"jsher L. G. Bell and told ~ome his experiences In that work. soul abiding 111 two bodies." Some quall- LaW)!!'!' C. Lewis He also state(! or his conriden<:;ein the ,hoys ties of ~~rlel!{!shlpwere cllscussed. A rrlen,! Turner S C Beatson and gl1ls of todav flnd said the fulure will Is S)'mpathetlc 8h3l'in~ all Ihe sorrows Hnll \\{,dnesday aftelnoon two mOle illlel- take care of itseir provided lhe presenL I joys or a fIlend a frlelHI apl)leC\ate~ Ins class gnme.s wel€ jlla~ec] hetweeu the loung people keep the faIth ancl hoW and fllend Is wl11111gto pt<'ll~e h s fnend and Sophs lIud Juniors and the Flosh and I(eell 10 thot which IS good \1111not 1116hto take away flom the glory <",eniOls nnd this tUlle the 11etors wele the He told of the onportunitles In college or his frIenc) lllll a [nell'l posse~ses ~ollh!l an{] tho PI eshmen 'lile Soph- tnulol land hOlV we ~hOHI(1)11epnre to meet theIJov~lt} A tlue fl en(] WIll aillays ~tatld Ill) gllnle whICh \las played first was very sItuatIOns emelgencles anrl oPPOltllnllies for hiS [lleml wlil Ileh' 111111 and he tItle !:'xc!tlllg nun caused mucb llvahy among which 11'11\ ))lesellt In life nnd to him 111 ~1l thll1~8 '1'0 he ~ fllend meall~ th,,"e wllo l\ere roOtlllg for Ihe dl! thn~ by thIs preparation \Ie cun l)eeome to ha,"f' fnel ds but t must be a [U,I ex tcams Rlochers IH'I~lsten'y I{epl the reol selvante In onr ('{)mm\1nlt~ to filii chang-e !:';lle the hest and receive the hst (ColltJnl1PlI on lllUrl' thr'ef'.) Ill'lghhor flnl] f11l1~O!'U (f(lnthllll'll 011 Itl1!'e ihrf'(l.)
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