Page 68 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 68
Page 4. The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. Does Your Watch Keep Right Time?, College Chatter I WEHLER & KING Does Your Fountain Pen Write? --_ DIC.UGGIS"rS A really truly magician at weeteru Mary- Is Your Pencil In Good Order? land, acme trick t~ that, I'll auy! The Rexall Store The -oen,- had an iced-chocolate dance I WESTMINSTER. MP· ~ evening at 9:,],-'5.Music was I~ If Not Bring It To . I last wednesday ,by1- by Paul Whitemall'S. orchestra, I furnished Westminster Jewelry pr::;l Jones and Anita Spedden spent Westminster Hardware Co, ShOp severar days "tripping the l1ghL fantastic" .lOBBERS IN ALL KINDS OF "society fs~~n~ee~dlngthe genuine bud's" ex- We will repair .it at a reasonable CI~~:~sT~~!te~iC~::;~~\~n'E~:~:~~gS8h~~~ UliTTJu:ns' SiJ1'PJ,lf;S price. 10% reduction made on mer- ~~~v~~;~ibi~;.~~ week-end. "Har-ry" vrstteo ANn chandise for students, and faculty. College Park holds a rather strong at- ~~ __ ~~ I n-acuon for a couple of t'he Senior girls. = ',Althea and Verna wlll tell you all about it. GENlmAL IUllnWAIIE COURT LUNCH The girls have evidenl!y been satiafyingl~------~~--- their "aeatuatte egos." Did YO!!. notice the WM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop parade of newspl'lug hat'S",s,undliy? Smith & Reifsnider ('OXFEG'I'IONf:J!\', 801),\ &. ('WAilS The summer house was Quite popular ~~_~1~8~7~E~.~M~a~in~St~·~ ......... 1 i~ll~~l~:~ra~l~::s~oo~il,~~b~i\e spring a young COAL WESTMTNSTER 5e & lOe STORE i J. G. C. party ~r ~londay even- LUMBER 67 E. Main St. Westminster I ~:~e :~~e~;~\~e~htyW~~~ t~~~~~ghw111~stt~~\~I next door to I ~l~~~l't~raOs~;,h~n~~e~h:e;:l~~t t~l~gnj~~ ~;le\~~I BUILDING SUPPLIES wastminster Meat Market selves Immenaefy, without the usual CUS- Same Goods at Lower Prices. i toruary public' fonnallties. WES'l'~I1NSTEn, 1l1,\.UYLAND. ~-~--·~~-~--~I-rne sympathy of the stud-ent body Isl~-----~-~__~ T, W, Mather & Son extended to William S. Veaaey '2G anti his F. A. Sharrer & Son I ramnv '0 theh- sor-row at the sudden ',M" of the late Eugene veasey: "Bill's" rmner. Westminster's CI~~r;t~~rr~~Id!v~r,:~lI~t::'~II~~~e~~~~a~~I~: .T. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. I ,ware will give a live wire talk in joint ALL KINDS OF FURNITUHE meeting next .sunday. Leading Store I Jl~~g~n~:'~r~~~~.\,t\~b~d:;~aGri~~ii\~~S~~ln~kl~~ l und Bvyant "performed" at Edgewood und I I BRUNSWICK RECORDS 'I Mngnctla tas+ Sunday. WESTMINSTER, MD The Latest Dance Music. After lhe announ~elJll)nt at Sunday din- ~_~_~_~ ~~I ~~~,~~,~';:e arra_"_R_m_"_,,,_g Bros. will lake ~_~ ~,~ __ ~~ -·GEHR SEE YOURSELF The waiterswonld like to see the new re- O S • I ! served cards on all the tables. • AS Lost-One quart of ice cream. ten Ilells Wholesale and Retail I ['00 late to deliver to fair drunsel.c-Bcrry! WILSON l:vIisses Retnaeke r uni! :\1nUhews I Arter HARDWARE Ln. Grippe Ileing in several days with the' I !\re hack on lhe campus, SEES YOU Corner Main and Liberty Sb. I Sl:l~\;:y Lr~~ll~·K~~;:Il~~io!~y. 11i::il~~~'ls~l~i~~ Westminster. Md. In Y.),1. C. A. last Wednesday night. Wilson Studio · 0 II L ~-~--~-----~ L Dr. UhI, a m!sslonal'Y with fifty }'eo.rsl~ ~ __ ~_ M ISS e a ee owry I experIence In Japan .Blioke to joInt meeting 'I'AKf; YOl'U SIlOt: lhe same 1 ill parlor night. Scalp Treatments, Facinl Massage. l~skln.e Boden, a former slndeut. paill us ','UOLTHLES fSha~fNoi~f.REET In visll Sllntln.l"~~' why? ~I\0 l02,,~~t~inste~ Md. ! ce~~~l :;:~dl~~~~,:l~a sl~:~!ller Saturday re- "KATZ" Phone: IJ-W_ I «('onuuiu.t! 011' threll.)
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