Page 67 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 67
The Geld Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3. SOCIETY NO'l'ES DUG NEWS HAIR CUT Philo and Brownlng are all "pepped up" I Overheard in the d-arm-Margaret Davis- over- the tnter-soctetv debate, wl~~ch wlll 19 the "National Anthem" the same as "0 THE RIGHT WAY take place sometime ibefcre sprhrg vaca- Say, ceu. You ISee?" ucn. ,Last week preliminary debates were Care}' Knautt-c-No, rcotten, It'S' tile "StUI' H. W. D. SMITH held jn uoui societies, fOI"tile purpose of Spangled Banner." selecting narucmaute tor the 'blg debate, -~-- The sunrect of .both debates wae the "Child Cladys-JIe' romantic, waenevar he Lab-or Amendment." Neither soctety lias I speaks to me, he always says, "Fail' lady." Western Maryland College yet choson will its danatare, but it Is expected used Edward-c-Oh, that's car conductor. He rcrce of habit. week. tuts to be a street that they announced 'be -~.--~ May I hold your Palmn'llve ? Students COI.LEGJo; CRATTt;n I Not 01\ yOU\' ,---, LIfebuoy! ' . , (Continued Irnm l!ll!,"cIour.) It took Miriam Jo~e-s fHtee~ minutes to toS~ille~ Wish I had tatent.: I m Just itching are welcomed by ~,f~~~~So~~lIt~! ~::):)I~~\C~rt~~~ss~;,i~~~;,ent: sc~~~:h';;;~ll~\~;~rlct1in't YOUsit down anti tr-y WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE :vIisS Baughman and ,:'>11', High, proved Cop, to (]runk-You're under arrest. Nusbaum & Jordan day night. to uie magician Satu r- post! Drunk-Tbe joke's 011 you, It's a lamp- very noble asatstanta Dry Goods & "Ready To Wear" Twenty-three senior gil"ls enjoyed an in- Milia-Do you think that you'll get all tor-mat get-together, with j'Iorence Louden that tlirt back in the hole1 as hostess in the new Y, W. SOCIal room Pat-No. I guess not. I'm afraid I haven't 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET last ~10nday eventns. dug it deep enough. ).ta\)el Smith spent a most enjoyable week- "1 miss my husband," wails an Arkan aau end wi~h her '!'itlle sister" Margaret WlI- woman. Have you seen? son, Some people sur-e have the luck. Aim lower, madam. The new gentor prtvttege, that o~ gotng The most Importnnt thing In eanor!nt to the movtea with the boys, has 'lIrought circles just now is, "Clothes hangars or The New \VALI(-QVER OXFORDS ~oel)ltig~~cl~et~er~~n;:tl!~I~\C~;I~iChhave been moorIng-masts for uauoou trnuser s?" He-Say! are you going to he busy this evening? I'UF.[>AIIATION She-No, I'm not. for Men and 'Women, a New ""ide Toe When I'm Obliged'to go UW~y, 1 pay some 1!l~:e~;~h;~II~OU won't be Ured in the 1ll01'n- little heed, To ull the thin~ from day to dll}" tlle ones AI-You sa.1' lhat Caesar was murdered J. Thomas Anders ['d ne-ver thing of starting out for any while solving l'illdles? said, "Watc'h me stick I love mtly need. , Coll-ol~Yes, 8rulus ~~~~~~~~~~~~I Unlessdirta~~te!Ce~CeYOudu dou'bt that they him wHh a CO\l]lle of goo(l ones" CONEY ISLAND wel'e all serene. ,,1ayers~Do YOU know Lincoln's Gettys- [ Wllllt them at home to know that they have burgaddress? HOT WEINERS uuught to fear Reet1~Wlty,'lle li"ed in Washington, YO\l TlInl they 1Il11}' gaily come 01' go as though pool'simp. W. Main Street r still were near. How clo those lo\'e-t)"langle~ IIsurllly end'! I t.)'y to leave them well prelh'll"ed lO meet ,,10sl of lhem tnrn into wreck-tangles, ~~~~~~~~~~~~I The lll~l~;c~~~sti :;~;;11.tJhave shurerl, we!'e I hear that Ted [s wcuring glasses now; J not fur aWQY. WILSON & HOPF Think you that. I could tU\'ll my hack upon do they improve h!s looks1 reet 0)' so. Yea, nhOll~ f1ft} them for a day Knowing lllnt liley at. home must lack llfe's did you say that yon paid How H01'fo;~:IWT,() FrTCIISIII\"GS joys while I'm nway? thal lie? IIlnch to)" Think YOIIthut I could ever roam wilh any Two bucks. peace of mind, twO tleer :!SI\!) JiF,NNEf)\: AVE., Lea·ving all \\II11rotectetl home and Lr(lllhlerl That's too tleal"! Whlll'S behind? henr\s When I alll called lq cllies tar, ror brief 0)'1 Twn \lIlrk!l. --- Unltimor·p,lU(]. le·ngtlly stay, In A Fr~~lunnn'~ ~;J'e~. I want to kn,ow my lovell ones nrc secu)'e A Sentor !lloml 011 a I'unroalt track, while I m away. l1"h tratn was coming fast l'hone: ]Jtlmewood !lOOI. Un loss I h,ave pl'ovl(]e(! woll. [or every )Ieeli 'l'll~ train gOl orr lhe )'ailr~nll Il'a~l( lhey II kn.ow, peace may ' and doubt ::tud rear" and be P)'e- "T almost sold my shoes yestel'l]ay," wi!.h the re$t of Ille groceries?" pared to go. I "You dlrl?" C'I(>)"1,"ne('nIlKC' Illis I~ Ihe gro\\nd !lOO)'," -fo:l]Ewr Guest.. I "YC'~, 1 hnl1 '1'111h~lf-sn1('(1."
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