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~BLACKAND WHITE~ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1. No. 16 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 20, '24 Grace Sage Gives Readings I Dramatists To Give P!a~ lw. M. NamesAthletic Managers "Enter Madame" IIlId Ofller select!ouslSeIlIOI' Actor!! 8l1ild ~wn IScenery tor "t!AIIlICtiC ueuartment Announces r"o 116" .Please College Audience. )lclUlODlte -'laid" I PO~ItIOllli. Friday evening Grace Sage, anrartatueer [anT~:~~~!b1~efi~l~; ~~y\yWif~eb~:~~~~e~r;~I The athletic office of Western Maryland ~~~~~:, l~:rf~~~~:~ ~~U~iu~~~a~i:ll~l~lhe~s~~~. ~~~~:st!h~~~:,~daX1e~tn!~~~ePM~i'd}n\~:fm~~~Oel~~7.:a;~~1l;fht~~a~~Ud~~~o~~ce~n~~u~~~~ ~~:d:o~h:r~;~r~~!n~~I~r.e ~7\~;leSn~~owa;~II ~~~W~~·.Ih~~e~h~~:;:ectJ!~X"isb~da~lt:l(~~ro~lI~~; ~:x~p:~~~.tmeDt or the student mauager s attractively gowned in yellow with wings .)f Martin. . I'he flrs,t or the new offices is that of As- a deeper shade, and presented a very pleas- The cast or characters include Horner sl~tant DIrector. He will keep. in touch Ing appearance as well as a very lute resting Richmond and Howard Newnam who have WIth all the branches or college athletics in- performance. I the major male parts Oliver Betton auu cltHimg the correspondence, finance and The first number i\liss .Sage rendered and Herl"l~rt HUd,ginSwho h'ave labored with two Imana,gement. ,He takes charge ,Of the aui- ~l:S n~ai~la~o~~ ~~o~h:ct~Ve~~~,f:l~l~,~~I;ce; ~~~~alI::~~rt~~!s mb~~~::rt~h~ndp~it~~;ra~l~~ ~~~~o~s~c:n~~~~:p~b~~n~~u~fhtl~it~lthl:l\iC t~~ Madam." It was an absorbing play, pleas- leadiug' female characters. :Vli~sBell atso ~nanagers, giving out information concern- a~~~Pt~~ac:~ar~flf;r~/h:1I aU~~I~~~e;S:;: c:~~ fl~sjaaz;) and puts quite a Hr- ID~I~~~:~I~~:~~d t~eann~g:mo~~e~ri~a~\e:t of ~inued her performance 'with a charmin" Mlss 'I'akemura has overcome much of puultctty agent, who wtu handle the news- little one-act play entltled the "Flowe~ her Japanese accent ami will un,loubledly ,h~~e; c~rtesPOfn~~nce ~n al~ .tnps and at ;~~fe'~c:h~~~h \~~C~~;~n~h~pp~~~r\~ ~:e ~~~ ~:r~·\v~~z~?mae~~~~:fc~lI~~~:e~:~~ ~:~'I~ai;~~I roothl~l~ ~i~i~g ~;~~~It~e~~i~g r:~~~~;~~e:'~ ~:::iC p:~:edth~o ell~~~;~~:f~gA!tefltt~~s !~~::i~e h~enhna~~;te~~~~,D~;~:l~eJh:h~l~rao~n~;a~: I g~~[riia st;o\~esy~~~~~:en\~;r~~~urrses~n~n~a~~~ 7r~~h~~~e:a;~~., J~i~~~~~v~~~ s=l~: I ~l~~~~~L~i:;sl;~a~~r:,~li)'o~~~I!t'tr:e n~~~I~t~:~Ia~~ ~a~ lo:~ogws~at)~n~. Ie appointments ~~:~Iu~r~;" n~~Sbe~erotehxetro:r~ri~:ma~~a:h: ~i~!~IlSha;t~:sop~Ser!ir~of~~~~ aor~lu~~~d::~ I ~~~\~~~~:~~ree~tt,06.~,rG~~~~~~ ~e~n~~Ong~;R:~i~:~e~~n: i~a!~:~~~he~~~:mae~~I :noc~:n~cr~~sdg{~: f~~~g~~~r i:a:;~~:.eli~~~,: I ~:~:~:~ ~~~!~a~'o!·b~i,Ol.h~O High amusing and entertaining.' I"The Curtam"and "'f'h~ Chrysanthemum" Manager Basket~all, L. }<'. HIgh A small reception was given by Miss she will in all probabIlity lend an air of Manager Wres~llDg. O. ;>'1.Reynolds Lease tor "'liss Sage imme~iately after the steadiness to the play. '?I'il:magerTenDlS, T. D. Shannahan erformance, and all the speclnl elocution [. Hudgills To no 'I'he ~'UIIIIYilruJI Stunt.. Manager Track, J. D. Johnson ;tndents were invlte(J. The evening was ,Hudgins as the green country !Joy. Wllh ---._. __ - thuS plea'sanUy and profitably spent, amI an ear or corn in his pocket, is scherluled TENNIS l\lATCH HALTED serves as a stanr!a,rd which Western 'MarY_Ito provoke gales of laughter from the --- land shQllld try to attain in the line of en- audIence. .. Ruin StuIIS I'hl)' WltI. Ulne ltiilge.. W•. 'Kil. tertaioments. Ne~~'a~,ct~;!~ ~~tl~rt1~~i~~~~c~l~enne~~~I~ Lell(l~ In DOKlJles. W. ,lfl). A~J) WEST!1I1~S1'EII TIE ~!~~~1;;~~~;I~ti~~: fi~!~~ Rain halted what pron~ise8 to be an ex- __ , __ • [amateur production of the play in Amel'ic;l tremelY. interesting tennIs match between 'rc-rro ril and T(mll L'enm Tie III Tell Inulng it will no Iloubt have the usual first night';; Blue Rlllge and Western Maryland on the 'flIt. success. i\olany strenuous reheal'sals ha,e court80r the latter, Wednesday afternoon. In a loosely played con lest, western Md.'8'1 PUt the play in gOO,dshape an(1 the work c.f T~e two teams had previOusly. met at Blue fighting Terrors and the Westminster City the coming week will smooth out the rough I Rldge ,where the New \Vllldsor bOy8 ~~~r~dba~~edm~~tuaaI7-~gdr'~~~e~~~g~~ee ~~i~~ pal·ts. .__ I ~l~:~!~~nt~ !~~~t~~gC:t~h~~~~'~e~~~i~~~e~I~~i experts went down like ten pins berm'e I'nEPS nEt-'EAT .'UL"'J{LI~ IIIGH Ito be going along dlfrer~nt lines tho, as the Hines in the first two .innings, but found hi
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