Page 62 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 62
Page 2. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. THE BLACK AND WHITE HAxon" '1'".,"£ VI","Ol'1atthews, who re-Icalion. an eliucation that will then!Je \l101'e p t'IIATEI!XITIES A~D SOI!Onl'I'H;S I :;Ie;_~~I/~~~it~~li~:,~''E!I~~P~~:~1t~~lln~r:;~~"keC -[ W~I~thc~~:~I~:,sin the North I find ohjection- The subject "Fraternities and Sorol\ities"I h,el~la~gh scor~li halll rux: s at home and, allIe features in l'he ~oc:'al life usually !is Is ot vital in.eresl to lh~ slu\lent body, for i his was ,a f~ature In lhe game Htlt the result of I>tudent (liso!Jed;e~l.'~ LOonce- fraternit!t"S and sorol'i.:ies .are factors Jh. nove.r. The oulli:!ld w!!;s eol'ored by lei just rUles. '.1' else due to.ail[.](jUi~ies 01' "tnl- go ta make up a w.c:;1l-1'OUihledcollege. TIleYi work of 'l:aylor ill I~ft, who speared some peede1'!!of' progress 'on th€ faculties. But are illliispen8a!Jl'~, nn:1 they furnish a. type of III'·ekEd tWistS. the admllllsiratious gradually rejuvenate broL!u:rhood an,t sisterhood thout results 111 Al llanover 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 R H E lhemsel'vel:\ anc! the stndent voice governs it boml of ~ymputllY, love and college spirit W, Md 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 s\ud'ent polit~cs and arralrs. Such is !Joun;! tliat lil'~S on aHel' college tHes,are brok.en. i Hanover 0 1 4 0 2 2 3 2 x 14 9 1 to hapIlen at M-arylanri soonol' or later. co~~l;e ll~v~lehnaSf~~~~~.di~i::'e:!~wt~~I~fri~~~~I At Westmins. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,R H E I he;I:.t ~~~I ~I~f~~~:n~~,t~;:e~~ y~~~.(l:~~h';;~;\~ must ,become a l,urt of its li(e or it Willi Hanover 0 0 0 1 0130 3 0 17 12 2 I for your college. for the raculty does nell never progress soc~ally.. ~ member of the. West. :\old. 000010010 2 4 3 [interpret the ,college, nor the boaril of trus- ~~~~~~~ !l;l~tsra1s:~n~'i;rc;~I,nl~p~~ss~il~'~'s,[~~\~II _-. -.~ ~~'~~r~~~', t~?~t,W~OJt~~~1 i!~et:~~to\~)~~:'l~~'i~~ dap ago. when lu sal.!, '· .Of a Ov.:lun;,uw UY TlIE ,COI,J,IWE CAT lweste~n ,\llll'ylant1 College to the Worltl. my !llu,I~lll's~ife 1ll c.Jllege I~ s.vent ill the clas!:!-] __ - (I,ear girl. is "Hoot: ':vIOl'ylanu€T. -Old Western room, anll the other oll<:'-half III L11~llIivate The call of }'[onag-on's Army badS!laV e ,] DAN CE r~~~:~:n~[,i~!t~r~e~~~;;.~,tllJ~n~s,canymg on a I Ho;l~i~' S;I~~'~ll~r~iO~~ti~i~ios~~~Y~,~~d'~hOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any j)Cl'!o'onwho lool(~ openmindedly to tilUt lVint-erhas left some follts;n see what frateroiUes -ant! SOI'o~ities have 'Elick Clayton informs 001. Short tbat his mlunl to Ill," lVorlll (If el1utatlon III the past, rUle weighs fOl'ty pounds, I'Hal th~y have done to fo~ter scllolarship, fnspector: "Whal's the muzzle velocity who,t they have done 1.0 promote a growth or your rifle?" Tozl:ie: "1 haven't been i,l . of the finest colleg-:!s and un.ivel'siues IVhic!lI "Will the genllelllao on my Immediate lert numbel' I t'hoisarmy lo!,!g, sir." of !.he lllJl'';:'! virtues the great and I'evere tlle'N fraternal 1I0dl~, cannot but exploin just what a batUe ~i;;ht is'!" Ricil- ARMORY. WESTMINSTER he lmpNsseLi w,it'h their tremenrlously e~se!l- artis-ou, (snappy ond firm) "Fire at will, ~~~ ,~~~~\v~~fe~.;I~~al~)~?n(~ol.I~~ol~i::d~lla~~!Si~;';litaristic Jun,lol': "Sir, the main tea so:! May 30,1924 sufi'l'rc(i be,cau~e or th'~lr h3111gleft out. Of[ fo;' having l)arheli wire loose when spread till' cullege s life. on tlle ground before a tire tr
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