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mack and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page 3. XEWS l~ T]It~ cr.uns I nn. 'HA]L'I~'l'Z D_~r;IHI{S LEl"L'rJiE Away down South, where the' At ure luet meeting of the J, U. O. Club, {(;olllllillet! u-om IUlg'c (1111'.), J ;~~ C~\;OII:~e~ll~~~~t;I\~~~~[~:~~f,~~:;~l~~~;~I in:J~;~~ ~1~1~~~;~1s~~i~::, fl~~'l~W{~;,:~t~,~~ea;~can't say "1''', they come nearer the club song, "The Spirit of J. U. G.," (sung to Caver-ns," were shown. Dr. il,lrnil?. from vne ume of "The Sweethear-t of Sigma Chi") his profuse supply ~f Interastmj episodes truth when tney refer to it as a was auouted. The song wall written by Mtss and humorous experteuce, reta.ned the at- ;~~:~u~~el~l;::~~\,~~e SOO~gt~~ell~I~~~'Smom ;~~!i)?~f °trhet\~jidae~d;~~;:c:i~~Cdn~tn~i~I~Ui!~i "bobber shop", cS~~~g~Ot~~~~{~r~1e~:~egeHill, ~~fd:F~I~~:~~i,~i:'~~~:\i~~:~r~~~f~~ig~~~SEE JOHN! Oil ( S the years. years old. The whole QSI'e whiCh. i's miles EVERHART'S BARBER SHOP of broken dreams ~~~~;s,re~~~I~I~eaSYSa:~~gep'~::;~~sw~~~o~~~:(i ~ ======= D, C. Illy the hafl(~ of ~utul"e. [ Dr. ljarnttz dig reesed ntcasanny, Lippy Co. many or his experiences In me radio Ohorus, He presentau many sound irk as to his It's the Sl}jrilofloyp and purity I precratrve ftutli1mce,entirtly e-uarete of AmI it will brighter grow \ actual subject of his lec-ture. but both In thoe white of the ctoucs as they float above I tci-csttng and awakening in c~ntenL Straw Hats The ret]. of ,the sunset glow. IBnrnitz lectures etten from station W. 111•.\~~te:i~/?svew;~;llal~l'°al;~ [~~ you ! ~~gi:i~al;~iceH~s i~·o~~:~~~~li~;.~i~~;~l:im~l:tl~~. AmI may every girl in all parts of the world II and an exper-t on the subject of c~ves and Shirts and Socks Be loyal to J. U. G." hia tnteresung lecture wau appreciated by all who ctteuoec. the W. W. Olub nt a theatre. ===ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I= On l\1Ollllar evening l'he Black and Whip, ~i~~~ ~~~ll[l~n~anSll{~O~nt~l:rhl~~e'~~'?:'l~I~~}i~:~:FOR THE MAN WHO CARES ~:~!rcula'~O~~~IYAe~~~t~;(\n~asT~~~~ir;;li';~~~1-- ----- - cruu entertatned 1IIii,~I ~~~eBM~l~~;::er2;h~o:r~~eWoU:cal~~~~~i~/l~~~ i Mrs. W'ard, Dr. ami Mrs. Will~, and HERE'S YOUR CHANCE, DURING VACA· ---_._._- TION, TO REPRESENT THE LARG· Faitb MIllar(\. were the guest9 of honor t:S'1't:nOFOn I'ACT(S ,\Lr."tnO II,U,T, EST COMPANY OF ITS lUND IN (Contlnue!1 I'rolll png'e one.) THE WORLD the \.I'ork d,_me in the eounty nUll eu.-I Your time is your Money and you should spolle He highly or lil'ering his tlecls'ion. couraged tho2m to contmue theIr effort3. not be wasting it in telling people what you Prof John Dellu'es, Supervisol" of ,,1usic m have to sell, and about the company that ~~'~,"e~i\l~!:~eO~I~r~~;~l~l~I~~e\~~na~i~li~'lYa~:~~l~~~\ makes it, etc. That is the company's ibusi- ness,-to make easy the paths of a salesman iasung from 8 till 11:45. but. was intereSlill;;1 at {til t.imes.and orten very excellenl In to the prospect, so that the salesman can execulion. ! spend ALL his time in immediate sales. Why ~C~l2pthandicaps? Why waste yom' time trying to sel! products that are un- WE WILL SHOW OUR known to the public? Your hours should be spent in making sales of accepted merch- andise,- products that people know, have bought before, and will buy again. Spring Clothes know all abou~! that the most people Sell th03e prouucts Fuller Brushes are known to 85 per cent of the women of America (as proved by ex- AT THE COLLEGE hausth'e tests). The extensive advertisin~ pl'ogrl:irn of Fuller Brushes (color pages in the magazines of large circulation) has DURING THE MONTH 01" carried the message of Cleanliness an-d Sani- tation into millions of home~. And the Fuller Men are always welcomed. MAY We have some fine territories that are open to a few college men who de3ire to engage in selling work during their summer vacation. Ask for more information from ISAAC HAMBURGER ~ SONS WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS, Owings Hat! BALTIMORE A1' HANOVER
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