Page 68 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 68
Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. SCHEDULE OF Ac'rrvITn;s On Hot Nights GEORGIA ROSE BODY POWDER Notices "'or The Week. BOTTLED DRINKS I Necessary for Summer Wednesdny, Mlty :!I. and LARGE CANS 1 : 6 30 P. M. ~: ~: g. t.ยท ~~eee~~' ICE CREAM 7:00 P. M. 'Men's Student Government. Send you to sleep Delightful ' after 0 Bath ' t 7: 15 P. M. Woman's Student oovernmeot. with 7:00 P. 1M.Oepttat Club, 111 Ward Hall. Sweet Dreams W hi e er an lng, ruggls S 7:00 P. M. Bachelors' ctuo meets. U., away And all that sort of thing- d K B?:~~:~~,"~~~~~t~:n Friday, ]IIIY 2:1. SEE ROY THE REXALL STORE 3:45 P. M. Facu!ly Meetings. ROY A. SHIPLEY'S LUNCHROOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4:00 P. M. Browning Society. I . ~ Philo Society. Phone 212 8:00 P. M. ~~S~!~l~o~it~' J~~~.~,~e~~a~:~ior CHARLES KROOP DR. E. E. HOBBS DS~I~~~~i:I~~'~~:~;n~1.Hall. Leading Shoe Repair Shop Dentist Ba~ebal1. U. S. ),~1!.1"!neB, away. I 25 East Main Street 108 E. Main St. Westminster, Md. 8:45 A. M.SU:::~~II~~h~~\~_oJ. For College Students Only, 4:45 P. ,M. Joint meeting of Y.. M. C. A I Men's soles and Goodyear R. heels SEE YOURSELF 7:'15 P. M. ~~'~nY~g'6h~pef $1 50 ,\S WlL~O~ SEl>:S YOU "'olldn!', "Iny 24. Ladles soles and Goodyear R heels 7:00 P. M. ~:lbnS;e~o~~~~~ty. 1 $1.25 WILSON STUDIO I 7:30 P. M. Officers Club, Lewda nan. I":~~~;:.;::=:::::::; i .llny 2ith. l'llesdny, ============i7:00 P.I:vi'. Theo.. Aseo. meets, 148 Sr. Hal!.I DR E H GAREY Quality Shoe Repairing Shop 7:00 P.'M. Black and White Club meet:i" ,.. LeWIS Hall. Dentist J: D. KATZ, Prop. 7:00 P. M._G'_m_m'_~'_t'_C_b~meets. 56 W. Main Street 1 Special Attention to.. College. Work. Poem For The Week Westminster. Phone 183, Md. A. N. W. Do you need a new T. W. Mather & Sons ~j~~a~~~rg~/a~~! ~r:fo~Stl~~uh~h:l::isl~O~'~eatl, tennis racquet? Does Who sees a need beyond the sunset's red and your old racquet If so need restringing. And rhen. as toward the sea the streams Westminster's Leading Store A", r;,:"O,~k;",'ow on to )0;0 andbend SEE BONSACK ~~:lia~~~lt~~;e~ll~!~r~~~e /:y:llt~;~:e~~: ~,..;;;;;..~~~~~~~~~ Over 33 Years Of Square Tho' nrl~~:tsins bar his way, and sees be- ycnrf! Dealing He, who can wave aetde, with fiery will, The gray t.ra-tittcns of the past that noll' Cannot meet present needs; he who can sow STONESIFER'S When none can see the harvest In the mill. of his dreams, loved by the State A master Is he, and will be numbered 'mongat tne the great! Young Ladies Head to foot Outfitter At Popular Prices JI"ERlln, J. nt:t:n, K,\I'J>A ~IG.'IAt WIU'l'ES PRlU: U~T'r1m I ~_~~~~~~~ SAM COHEN (-C6nl.illlll'd I"r(\m page two.j I ot:,. certain Oll-I operate the attainment Tailor jecttves. for It atfor(!ls hint a wonderful oppnr- Compliments tunily to ~;.udy hnman nature and the Im- The "Pressfngest" Man In Town. pulses and mouvea which govern men's and Special Prices To College Students ~~~l~~~~!,~i:~~~s:n~l~~~o;~~~~l~e~~~~!';s~:~~, members for leadership and really aill me WESTMINSTER CANDY KITCHEN enllege in fulfilling -ita primary object and of purpose. "It we consider lhis question wholly on Its Established 1905 merits. looking at it from an Impartial uu- prejudiced slandpoinl.lI'e can readily find Fine Home-Made I :~~~:e~~~a~~~:it~::~~n~~ s~Oroj~~f!~i~h\~e!'s~~~t~ Smith & Reifsnider Candy and Ice Cream I :\-1arylnnd College."
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