Page 69 - BlackandWhite1924
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~BLACK AND WHITE~ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WJTH~A PURPOSE Vol. I, No. 17 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 27, '24 "Mennonite Maid" Amuses Many! Browning And Irving Entertain I W. Md, Maids Go A·Maying Ctevee PIIlY A!Il.ellls To Students and Faculty.] Web~ter and Pnuc nrc gue~h of Rlnll~ in l.Annual :Moy Party and SUPlMlf Preves Great a\\~~~~~Yp~:;~~~;~l~Il~~Un~~i~I(;~;!l.;,te~sl~~~~I Browning -'andS~!~:n:a~;terarY Societies I ThUr'~day at 5 o,~foC::,Il~'nthe girls' basket- sr nted to a good audreuce. composed largelylentertuined their ancient enemies, Philo_lbau ~our(, the annual /May party at which of college. people. The play was extremely mathean and webster- in Smith Hal! on the girls of ,WeslernMaryland reveal their ::duy:t~'rel:tl~:r~~~)I~a~~eC~e;t~~:' a~~~ds~~t~i ;:~~:ga~el~~~~~n~~rd~haet rhueeS~~o;!~~c~~:d ~~~s~~~~;e!~d ~~~o~~~~:~~ne~ntt~up~:~w~~ld~ path II'S of the aUdl~nce w~nt out t~ the poorIin the color echmee of the offiCiating 80- success QU~lified only DYthe poor efficiency onnreseed 1\lenn.oDlLe.:o.lald. held in by. ~he creuee. The emercatnmut Itself was grouped of the aer vtng of the supper. The May pole nar.row and foohsh prtnctptes of the relIgIOn mto three separate parts. Arter preliminary w~s placed between the seminary and Me- wntch was upheld and Im~osed upon her ny remarks by :.Vl!ssAtktnson, extending greet- Ktnatry . Hall, and the dances were held he~ greedy and ,~arrow-n~incled father. The lings of her society to the visitors, the ~round It. The dances were divided into b~llllant young Teacher also came in for program began. The first number was u nve groups, composed of tbe vertoue col- hIS share of. the popular plaudits. His clean clever dialogue cetweeu Dinkle and Me- lege classes and the Preps. The 'Froah character, hIS unselfish attempt to renounce kinstry on life insurance and Mabel which girls, who danced first, were handicapped by the rortu~e which he .wished to f~lJ to 'ruue'a delighted the audience. The B;owning not being able to near the piano, as were all lot and hIS coolness In all suueuone marked girls next presented a play entitled, ·'A the dancers. The Preps, who danced next, him as a strong character. "Doc" weaver Strange Dlvlne," recording the amusing pre- gave ex~remely Interesting imitations uf tOO was excellently drawn, as was Mrs. parattona of numerous spinsters to bag an mllk-mald~ .. The juniors were the next per- Wagernagle. The character of A:usalom unsuspecting mlnister who wus to visit the formers, Imitated sheperdesses, aDd OWl·e ~untz .and the two bearded c.ommitteemen parish. After all the deep laid plots, the becomingly gowned. 'I'he feature of the mj€'cted a gr~at deal of fun !Dto the per- visitjng divine turned out to be a female. Iprogram was the dancing ot the Soph g h, .... ~~~I;i~!~~~.whIle Jake ~tz was admimllly ~~~~/~/I~~o:~~~ei~ho:o~~~s~~~~r:~ ;~lsli:;~! :n~o, i:~~se b~r~hs~~~~~seSex~~~~ndaa P~~~:_ Sllss. D!tman as Tillie Getz _was deIJ(.a~eIYI in the prinCipal roles. These youthful Idance that had Dr. Stephens getting his np~eahng lind extremely PIty provoklDg, humorists displayed ~urprlsing talent, keep- ic..mera ouL The Seniors were the last to while 0: F. ,Betton a's her father WIll have to Ing the audience in an uproar witl! theIr I<.la.nceand. gave the regular May-pole dance. walk WIth care on dark mghts. Miss Bell clever tale of a. shirt. TheIr ability was MISS LOUIse Duley was the Queen of the ~':;II'~da":t~a~:eH~slR~~~m~i~:,~i~~~pr~!ri~~ I ~:~fo:~~l~l h::~Di~eir dialogue witty unJ ~l~~';~~::dk~~~ ~~;ef:V:~d b~~i~~i::i;g~~~~ ~:~:~oi~e~~;v~~n~~~a~~~~a~~e·he~I~~m~~I~~; I' th:f!~~i!~~!e r:pua~r~a:Stoll~~eb;=~o~;,e~~~~: ~:Y_:~~~~I:~~!~:~:da~~ea~~~~I~cl~~t~: ~:a~I~; IVlth pronounclat!on, ne.vertheless gave an re~reshmentB were served in abundance. to t?e perrormanc~. Miss M. P. Turner ~xtremely hum,?fous ~wIst to the play, and lice cream and cake in prolitlc Quantities ru~mBhed the mU~lc and 1.1135Mlllard re- was greeted \\Ith smiles on her ~very en- were repeatedly thrust on friendly enemies celves the credit tor the coaching and for 1-rance. Howard Newnam was polIshed and lind rapacious teachers alike. Mu~!c from the management ot the whole affair. . learned a~ the Harvar~ graduate, and the I,.he parlor pianos, laughter and song made . T.he dances were followed. by a lon~ w.:nt lover of TllI!e. ~. Hudgms assumed the role the evenin~ merry tor all those who at- lD Ime tor the food to matenallze. ThIS was or local sherk WIth great grace and pertect tended. This Is tile second time that one the only mar upon an otherwise pleasant natul.alness_ H. C. Burkins rather o~t- pair of the societies has entertained the afternoon. Arter the toad had arrived, h.0;-V- classed R. P. Culer liS a :'
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