Page 60 - BlackandWhite1924
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Page.4. Black and 'White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. I Sl'IIEIWljl-~ HF At:TI\'I'I'IF::-i SAY FROSH! MOTHER'S DAY xcttees 1<'111' Tile WI'('Ii. SUNDA Y. MAY Ll th. I 6::.\0 1'. :'1. y~\'~:~I~~I~_J\;~~II~.·· I I am hungry as the dickens bring Y. w. C. A. meets. MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS & CANDY 7:00 P.:l1. ',\len's Student fl uverruueni, tip some of POP SHIPLEY'S fresh 7:15 P. ~1. WOlllall's Student. Government. Wehler and Kin~, Druggists 100 P i\l. L~:~f:;i"~I,,"111 waru H,ll fruit, and a sandwich 7:0U P. M. B':;~;~~'~~I:I~':.~:~~s;~~ts. I I SEE 4:00 ~. :\'1. Bavebul.", I"re.t!eriCk-:-UI home. THE REXALL STORE 1 7:15 P. }1. Ofllcel'~' ctcu. LewIS Hull. ROY A. SHIPLEY Fridny, .'lay !lth. ~~~~~~"~~~~~_13:4~P. )1. faculty )leet!ngs. I . = 4:00 P. :"1. Society. Phone 212 Pili!O Soctet.y. 8:00 P. M. EiHP(\dfo(\ at Alumni Hall. CHARLES KROOP DR. E. E. HORBS Satanluy, .llny 10!h. uaeeuan. ~~rI'-Jel'ick-IlWuv. Dentist 8:00 1'. :\1. Lecture: "~~amous Caves' or the I Fine Shoe Repairing World." in Smith nan. I 108 E. Main St. We tminster, Md. :$nndny, .Uny lUll. , ==========~= :~~\~'.·SM~UJ'\·\1l~~~~te's~h~~\t2r home. ! Work Done While You Wait SEE YOURSELF I 3:00 P. :">,g.l'es'sman Hammer 'lthllllSofhluebe -, Dealing sunshinu of Spring: smiles on STONESIFER'S All Nature nancas w;th a rtrythm!c swing Along ure ahaded lanes ant! thru th .. the ln auee Spring Young Ladies When in rue or sort. nwak'ntng sUI'S an.t 'rue in my heart Head to foot Outfitter At Popular Prices 'l'l:LIWH'\~IS SAM COHEN Rice home ngau. xien shake or!' sp~'ing legnrthy now that Compliments Tailor I'air Bel Air mald uutl severn! other co-eds have nt teeat hatl lialr bobbed. The "PressiHgest" Man In Town. Preil} sJH'Jw evidence of aiding lIye In- Special Prices "fo College Students IIU.~1\\~~Cen:~n;~~~I~il~il;:nl~~~I)f:::I:s~OeS~)~. r;pringdebutnsarac!Jueteer. of WESTMINSTER CANDY KITCHEN 2600years (lgo someone said: "The lIi!\\llond on Hofflt lIehl Shoul(1 1){) Est"blished 1905 5c~~l~~t"should have more privileges." "\Vhut·s nHltter wil11 a little hal watel' Fine Home-Made in the gym1" Richter joins economists. Ta,kes 13 ~na\J- Smith & Reifsnider Candy and Icc Cream ~hOIf< on
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