Page 64 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 64
Page 4. mack and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. SCIIEDUI E OF ACTIVITIES I EPITAPH OF A HUNGRY FROSH! GEORGIA ROSE BODY Notices For 'rhe Week. I '\'edlle~IIRr.~rlly r.tur. A glass of milk, Necessary for Summer 1) 30 P M. Y. M. C. A. meets. I Y. W. O. A. meets. A piece of pie, LARGE CANS ~:~~ ~: ~: ·~~~~~Il~!U~~l~(~e~~v~~~:r~~~~nt. Ana then I'm happy enough to Delightful after Bath 7:00 P. f~1·.Capital Club, 111 Wan] Hall die! W hler and K, 'ng Opugg,'sls 7:00 P. M. Bachelors' oren meets. I It's wiser' to see Roy- , e I THE REXALL STORE ']'~~[~~:~~~r::~~Il~s~V.i~ce:~:o:'j~~\~l::Y' ROY A. SHIPLEY'S Lunchroom 'l"hllrsdllY, Jill}' tstu, Strn.w hals-All F'roah will .weaf same. .·1 A,I! gentors continue to weal' tlerbys Phone 212 .'I'illny,~rllY reo. CHARLES KROOP :-.1eetings DlI, E. E, nouns 3:45 P. M. Fnculty Society. Leading Shoe Repair Shop 4:00 r-. :\1. Brcwn'ug Philo Society. Dentist 3:30 P. M. ~~~t;lr~I~lt~":!I~!'e,I7~~tminste1"A.I 25 East Main Street For College Students Westminster, 108 E. Main St. ============ Md. A .. at 'home. I I Men's soles and Goodyear Only: heels R. Snllllny, ilrny tstn. . SEE YOURSELF I ~~!~~:J~i:,~~I~~a;neSe~\l~tofY. :\1. c. A.I $1.50 AS WII.S()N sues YOU and ~'. W. C. A. Ladies soles and Goodyear R. heels 7:15 P. !II. glvuntng Chapel. : $1 2' ,r,,,,"'" ,roo, '"tI" WILSON STUDIO 7:00 P. iii. Webster Society. I . 0 ============01 Irving Society 'I Quality Shoe Repairing Shop "'""01",, >r", 2<1'10, DR E H GAREY ~~~~~::~}:~;~~~k~~~o.~~~~~:.~l~lbsr'n~:tl!: •• De~tist J. D. KATZ, Prop. 7:00 P. M. t~~;~aH~~ta Chi meets. I 56 W. Main Street _ ._~_ Westminster, Phone 183, Md. Special Attention to College Work. Poem For The Week Do you need a new tennis racquet? Does your old racquet need restringing. If so SEE BONSACK Over 33 Years Of Square The work that you may do will never be undone If you have sought. from dawn of youth Dealing 'fa selling of lhe Iast red sun. ==S==T=O=""N""":E~SC"I"F=E=R~'S==='1'0 Om ..':'_D_'_.'''_'~~':'_'_to_C_'_'·'' 0,' Hubby comes hlccoughtng home and meets sume one on the steps the Young Ladies .Tohn-"Wlto are you'!" Wlfe-"('m the Devil.·· Head to foot Outfitter .lolln-"Zal s01 Well, I ma-rten your At Popular. Prdces _ sister." SAM COHEN College Days is a memento of your \\ wonderful A Tailor FELT TABLE RUNNER WITH Compliments The "Presstngest" Man In Town. W. M. C. SEAL Special Prices To College Students LETTERS AND NUMERALS AND TRICE SHANNAHAN of WESTMINSTER CANDY KITCHEN ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES Established 1905 AT THE Fine Home-Made TEA ROOM Smith & Reifsnider Candy and Ice Cream
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