Page 61 - BlackandWhite1924
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~BLACKAND WHITE~ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1, No. 15 Wester? Maryland College, Westminster, Md. M<,y 13, '24 Terrors In Limelight I Onicers' Club Holds Banquet Corps Stands Stin Inspection I n. o. 'I', c. Uerjewe~ 011 }irl~hl)' and sntnr'IIIO!d ]911 Blue Jti(lgo (,;11II1JI!)ioll~ to 1.0 1.Lt, Col. Short ,IIUII illajOl" (leotz, U. S. A. lilly uJ U. S. ,\. Ofhchtls. Score. I IllsIJector.~, Guests ui Honor. , Lt. 001: Walter C. Short and :\Iajor RolJ:rLI to Prcder-iclcI eveni~~ i?- Lhe '\1"I(!ay western te~-room, Maryland journeyed O? Lhe C. Goetz, or the War Deuurtment, 111- gaturrlay ,and 'held the [i'retl(lrick Hustlers to Officl'l's Clll!} held its nrst annual UaUfJUeT;. spected the R. O. 'T. C. C'orps antI Band on a 1-0 score, Despite the heavy field the Lt. Col. Walter C. Short, Major Rober-t C. F'l'!<.luyand Saturday .. On Friday morning I work or the Varsity was of the highest ~rde;' 'I Gentz. H. O. T. C. Inspeettng .OI!iCials, Capt. classroom work occupied the attention of 21 chances being accented without. an error: H. D. Gibson, Sgt. George Rice, Dr. ward, the. Inspectors, and at 4:00 P. }1. the annual Manage!' Ar-rnatrong was impressed with lh~ and Dr. BO.nnette were guests' of ·bonor. review was staged on the corps' par-ade work of Artigiani and ".\1errill to such au Oauet-Oaptam Eaton was toastmaster and grounds. touowtne wu'ca the, tusnectora extent that. he ofhnd this battery contrucrs ca.lle~l upon .cad€t-l'I-laior Messtcr for all gave their attell~lOn to. squad, platoon. com-j for the 1924 campaign. upenmg speech. ,VllIJor :\1essler .expressed Jlan~. and ba.ltlll!On dl'lll and extended order The Hustlers annexed their lone tally in hiS anprectatton of tll.e work of ·h!.'!brothel' lactl.ce. ~he H. O. T.. C. band. 1-7.strong, .the third frame by virtue of an er-ror by lom.cers, uue to. whose efforts the corps made fu rn+shed ]Usplrlng musrc for the review and Long, an infleld 'Out, aud a .hit by Naptune. suCh,a SI~len.l1dShOwI~g., , . participated m th-e drill that followed. Merrill then wor!.."edhimself out of a hole Lt. c..:ol.Short !I.Ud",llIJo~ Geotz COlUlfhnumt to Dt~eS~~ur~~~~e:~er~fln:,iOa~Sto~i~~i~Br~;!:g!~l: bYT~~enll~~~r~~:nt~~'~:~~e~e~"wiCe. In the Toastmaster IDat~~rS;~n called upon Col. chine gun and one-pounc].er were examined second Galloway singled, stole secone] ancl Short. who SI)oke of the work of the.R. O. bO~~:Sa;On~I~~Of~s~~~\i~~ac~'~C~lllfl~~go~a~~IC~:~~~~l~:d i~~~~~fH<:nb{ti~fi~~~I~l~~n~udl"~~~~I ~;e~t l~e~~~~e~rnag l~~~l~,.::d W:~lttl~ bce~~~t~~ units in American colleges is made by U. S. watched '-em h'ook. Ias a whol-e. M,IJor CTeotzcalled attentlon to 1\ olllc~als to determ!oe their relative stand- Again in the [ourlh lGunett openell with I a college man '1ISab<:>vethe rank of Il non- iu"gs The battalion is waiting with k-een an- I a single advlvll1anor carlet, high schools ot Darroll The MISS"SStefl·ing, _flllkbine and Pittman to. tak~ charge o~ the ..equIPmen.t, b.~t S~t'lgroup or sludent singers, Hn(1 the i:l1"gest servell ti!e dn\) and glles.ts in an attractive R:CE lllluself has perfOlmed thaL \\olk hele. !lud'ience of music lovers t'hat th-e count\, hiH ant! effiCient mauner. ' eol Sh?rt expressed hlS approval of the ever known a.'I'semb!ed at Alumni 1-1;)[[ B'ri- Mellll. meritonou~ wO!'k of the Sg·t., hy s-tatlng that I dllY evenin;- at S o'clock. Six events were Spring Cill"ken In all 1he. other colleg'es t.he \~Ilrran~. Of- listed, nam-ely: Orchestra. gIrls' choruB,I"Masb-ed Potatoes - P('a~ ~;~Pl~~~u.~~:d a~~~~n;W~ntIOth~~1e~gt~at~~c:'~ ~~~:: ~~I~~~;~l:~e~~I~~~~~~~~~.i;;\ihS~~~.~~
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