Page 66 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 66
Page 2. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. THE BLACK WHITE ur.r-e ItlOGE TULliS 'UUUOBS I Mt:lIIHl. .1. IIEED, .KAPPA SIG.\IA, AND J)nnktU'ds '1'111'11III .J-.OVictory wnn uue Ui~' Wlll'J'ES PI{lZE LI';'I"I'Elt A weekly newspaper devoted to making' Inning'. 1 Western Maryland College a Bigger, Hilling heavily in the sixlh inning of an I The Blacl;: and White prize letter .contest Better rneutuuou. otherwise evenly contested pltuhmg batt.le, Iwas won by Merrtf J, Reed. by nectsicn of The B~~~~h!~d w~l~~~r~Ycr.un. ~1~lT'sRA~fJi;I~Olf\~~~Sn~~::~~~e~teL~ ~c~~·~~I Po~:m~:~ll:l~~~ntth~tl~~~ill~~~', Ri~~dn~'\~S~ Entered at Post cmce at Wealminste r, :'t1d.,~::;.~!r~g~~~st~~lr~~~r"sw~;;~ li~~~h!ft11O~~~;I ~~:I;;~~rst~refl;e atl(~pel~~er~i;;l~:Yli~~~t~~·~\I[y~ aH seconn-ciass mall matter. touched up tor numerous clean btngtes, lie 'I need's letter follows: A(:ceptance for .ma\ling at spcctat rate Of'~~~\]r:h~'o~t:~tmi~~~~r 1~~~~r~l~or~I:[~s~~\"~~; "t'RA'J'£RNI'l'IES AND SOROI1l'rn:S"IIX postage provided for In se-ctlOn,1l03, li'l d d~lali fOI' Galloway's gang both WF:S'l'EIU'1",'L\H"LA~[) COI,),EGE Act " O;!~~~~I";' ~~liD~4~lhonzed. ~::~;g g~:~\::l':r~dthl~uns~x~~nil~~~llltP~:~!~~iLie:hi~ d:I~~~i~snisO~n~aott;~~ti~OS~nl~IJls~I~'t~r~~ suuscrtnuca prices by mall. payable 1D boots and a couple of suteues help~d the that has LOneut with our ajucauonat sysLer11 advance 50('. for rema:ndE.r of year. I Blue Ridge boys push across the wtnnlng I sm.ce tui~ qneslio.n .'''.S ana:U'l[i. SUCd 1111- BLACK and WI{l'I'E STAF'F tallies. The score: puttance It naturally desefl'~,~ our hon~~L ~~~t~l~g ~IVak~sukl;anIS News ~j:;~~~~~~n~~ldge t ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ f:'1~[)~~~it~~a~~ns~~le~;i~li~~'afllol:'~sh~~Or:ta~~ ~harl~S' li:; Bi~r Ci~~~il~i3S~:~;~:~:~ I W~~;~tre~'i~!~'l;;el~l'l~I,O~Ol?S~y°a2d ~l·ti~ia~i; ~~\~~;m~~Ul~y~~~c~~~~n~ntht~~ ~l~~~~~ya~~1~J;~ m, res on ace a 0 ' Metzger and sm_illl_.__ I ~v~~~~'df~~tesl;~;~ie~ni~~ei:ili~o;Sn ~~l'i~la~~ 'I'1~t:p~!~~(~J~~F.~:l'a~'" i2tli~~t~~,:'l!~~T!!)~~ The J, ~.F.~.S ~i~b:~'Jl~~P~;~~~ prond to! ~.~~~~~~t~;: ~~~l"~~aC;~a~~~nB~,~~~~~~~U:l~a\~; cerll himself wIth routine 'llfl'a~rs and pre- have the privilege of entertainIng :'t-lr8.. orgalllzl.1ll0n, neverthel~;;s they laid tila ~~~l; :d.~I~~~_t::!~Oe~'~rSi~: l;;~:ni~~ :or nl~~ i ii~I\~; ~~;e CH01~~;~~~~aT~e~~yi~V~~1:1~0~~{'I ~~~~(~~1I~~al~~~?ty~"'11~~/i~ghU~~~s~U\u~~i:.~:;~ growth lind int.ell,el;[Ual expansion in the I The color scheme of garnet. and white of years,. '".e trute.rUlt.leS grUC.lnUllYbeca!Ue years to come. I can;e!] oul in the (leCorutlOns and menu, ilH;erwoven Into lhe ~ery lal.1r,l; 01' our en- Such a prt'sident is Albert Norman Ward, Several clel'er wasts were given by tile tire etlucatlCnal sy~lem. Then' imlueuce ", the p1101at. Ihe helm of thB W, :;1. ship or members. A delightful anti cncouraglllg (he present t,nIe IS tremeJ.Jous 1Il many Illale. When aile look~ open-mindedly at ,little talk was luat!e by Mrs. Wills. phases penalnlng LOour cOIIEg~ sYci~tmc:;. the Iremendous intellectual and social 1l1"(_1-1 Tile J. U. G. Clnll can ~ot expr8s.s the I "The experience o[ a la!'ge number of our gl~SS Iliac the coll?ge has m:tde under IllS Ilri[ie._gratitulle Hnd love With wh!ch \t a~-: colleges ~rlngs to light tilat fratel'nicles leatlershlp in the past f:lUr years, more nounees 10 the collegB the fact !lUlt ".ViIS.and sororities tenJ to lllcrea3e the g"nerdl especially this year, one mun'els at the, 'Vilis is Club ;\'iother. No where coul.d aIspirit anci welfare of those colleges. A;n:)llg ~oe~~~I~sr~h~~:esW~~~~~~t6~lle~~~t;::l~~!~~= i ~~O!~~U~d~p~~:t~~l1tn~ift(i~~!~~ln~i~;on~l;~:i~:: ~~leU~~,:l~~Se~~~~~rt[)i2e:11:~1?!~~Ol~~:~ ~~%~ powering tradltionail:,m of the past tleca(]e grl"aL lhings In Ihe neXt yeal"~ I petition, each- trying to out,lo th~ 6thI!-!'-In :~t~;'~S~~dhi~~O~'~·wa~~~I'~~~n~;o~~~n?e;ratl~~ I el~('.ted to this oflice. ".Via!lYsuch womf!1l ~~~~f~inl~es~~~:igl;~liii~~l:itl~n~anSh~~I(I~~~~~ many that he WIll mal.e in future years. If i have had practicalry no experience wilh ad- swtell that the g,000.00to slan the C1',lyer8 al'~ well and good,. hut dOl-I \lfe tl1al she CUll help them select then' "The scholastic 'dtanllard of our colleges Is Jars nre "tt:; '\)inJs in the l:anl1< stud'i'e-s. 'j\'\ore tllan tillS, she .shoult] h::P also raised 1l1l'Uthe activlti~s of Llle fruter- l1 whAoh~~S:~~I~ !lO'~I~:;~:l:~~~~,r-~'i!?on~ ~~~: !~~~:es~he~lelh:I;O~;~V~n~;~ICl~~~~.esLOlnS)';;~P~:~~;,~~~u; ~r~el~r~~~f~seti~~~~1e:lil~i~il~:t~eeant,~l~~ ha~ proved his worth l'n rour ya'llrs or tre-, lhize in times of sickn~ss 0(" trouble. To I the highest al'erage8 ,in SCllOlal'shlp. fn ;r~nv(!~u~i~O~\~~~r~I'~~~feSrin al~~s 0:1~0g)~:~ I ~1~rJl~I~~.Yo~~n~h~~~i1j~~sS~~~ll,jS~~~~\~~~I)~lll~~~~~:~:rOl[Ot~~.ii~;eer~~l~~hI:l\~ti~~t~o~~r:~e ~1~1~1~1! a scheme hy \)~.i~:~_o:n dollars! II pe~~l~x~~i~i~e1;~~.~'So~~~,~~~i,;U~ll~rnS'tobe I ~~~:'~'g~~ht~~:ltt\~I~~r:;·:te~~;llttal~~t[ haEl~~'~~: 'rllf. JIF.X~I~G OF )\ Ina:\' OF WO.1IEX buide, l)l\\1osopher an:!. ~ [~,-end, sh~ ~h,oul;ll menlS. .No position :~I~I~O~'l~;~'r~t;l~o:'e Important I~~Ieln~~:t r{lJear~.Ys~o~~113:Sl~~tin~)~\a~~.()~~~~te;"~I~~:~I~'Il'~V~Oll~~~·~ti~~o~~I~j;~~~;~:~S;l;.~~ or' more misumlenltoc:\ than th~l of the t\me s~'m\lathHic, U~ 11 ant ro - aid the college in !IlTivi'ng at its fUllllamenl>,1 ~I~:~ f~ewg:~~~den~~,IS~~e~t~:I~:.e~~n;,Y~lrt~~!m\~[~~~]:is t.;le ~utCl~~S,0lf ~ht~e~~80t~lewg~~ij~l)e~:;~leOrSB~;iP~hi\LASOfa~l'a~~'~~ethl~lCl~;lJU~;~\1~~fO~ r ~~r:~~:~Yj ~I~h:~al;~e~~i~lt~l~'~~OC~Ie~l ~h~[J~~~~;'l~]~Yi:~~~I{~I~\~J~rl~O;i~fI'l~;rse~l~a~:.~:~~;~ei~s~~~i~:,~~~~t~~:~~~~~~~{~~~~fS~ri~1f;~~:f:~F ~r~~ !]U~~e~ll:n~:.~tb~~~~~o~~~ 19l~)~re~~g:n~~Il~~':~ t~eo~~~fille3~et~l~tl~~~~t:(~~~~'ls~: u~~~t ':~ ~al~I~~:.b~l~:!inCsel~I:~~Ul~~~l~~~~~t~nc!nal~~i~ ::·l~~~I:~~i.U\~I~\~Z~~dan[~rf\l~:~i:s~fE~:n~to~~e.~~:~~lUO\~~~~~Y~I~!h;~~s~lI,b!O~'hi:t~e~~)~l:~~~:ate~~~~~~Sc~:I~Sctal~iti:iSSI~~~i:~sbl~~; ~~~I!r~~~~ C'O'nsldered. Always such a polky Is bad fo!', the slul]ent Ilolnt of view.• llCC"'BS'~1 ~ans different views on various (]uestions. He a college. WOIll~nh~\..e h:>e!lchosen for ~his Iof 1V0mtn have the, gl'eat:s; POSS1)~ ~l~;- learns to follOW h'ls c:onvlclioDs. to f~'in ,~~t;~s ~~s~~i:r~ ~:~~ l~~!~~~~!:~ i~U~~l~JI~t~c:~ ~~~fl"Q;:~1l~eUl~:~II~'e~UI~~:(~:5t/~~ggid· ~l:~~~~;l~yo~i~:S'a;~ d1~~~S~oV~~j~~~'O~l~::'?l~ tlliYct~r~oil~ tj~~'I;'p:~,~!;~. ~~~!~~~n~~vewb;r~~;::I~ll~~!~na~~U[~~j:~:~~nngOfell~~!~Vr~'h~ie~hr~seCUring the b~st possible. as ~'Cll as to ,0- ~~ :ll, wom~n f,H" ]l~sl middle !irC'have beo.'H the lew!' und gootl"'ill or lheir ehal'ges. I «(';I1ll1l11lle(1on IHlp:eWill'.)
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