Page 56 - BlackandWhite1924
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Page 4. Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. scnenri.e O~' Al"I'IVI'I'IES HEY! FROSH! MOTHER'S DAY . xeuees For 'I'he Week. ERlNG UP A PINT OF VANILLA SUNDAY. MAY 11tho I We!lllc~:llty. ,\!Iril autn. I 6::10 P. ]\1. v. ~1. C. A. meets. I FOR MY GIRL. AND A PINT OF v. W. O. A. meets. neu. I MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS & CANDY P. M. 'Men's Student Government. STRA IVBERRY FOR ME. P. ~. Woman's Student Covernment P. [.\'\. Capital Club. 111 waru ON THESE HOT NIGHTS Wehler and King, Druggists 7:15 P. ':\1.Officers' Club, Lewis Hall. I I SEE P. :vr. B':;~;~~'~d~'IS;,~l~~~~~~ts. ~~~~~~"~~~~~~14:00p_ :\1. :1~~I~nS~~lO~~.c:ety. I I \1. Lion Lewis Hall. meet, P. 7:30 'j-amera 1 3:-l(iP.:vr.Flt~~;~I:~Y~1~~::?~:~~(" STORE THE REXALL I====P=O=P=S=H=I=P=LE=Y==== Phone 212 4:00 P. ,:\1. Seminary "~.'" gives picnic ."1 CH ARLES KROOP 'Thee. Assc. \11Tramp Hollow DR. E. E. HOBBS S!ttllnlin, ,UUl" :ll'd. . \2:no r-. M. Baseball:. wcs.m.nster Athletic, Fine Shoe Repairing Dentist cI~~~lda,'. "ar .nu. 1 108 E. Main St. Westminster, Md,\,.>t5 A. j\'1. su.nllay'schooi. ' ============ '1:4;; P.,)l . .JOInt meeung of Y. ::\1. c. A,! work Done While You Wait anti v, W. C. A. I I SEE < YOURSELF < '. '00 P. '::\1-. Eve.nln g Chapel. )[Oll(\;\r, ,'lay lith. Hanover. M'; W1LSO~ SIU:S YOU 1':00 r'. ~\,1. Baseball, socretr. away. Special Prices to College Students. 7:00 e. }1. Webster WILSON STUDIO trvtng Society. ' [========= """""y, ''',y "",. at home, P. :'Ii. Gasll.lall, Hanover. 7:00 P. 1)1. Thea. Aaso. meers, 143 sr. Hall. I ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES 7:00 P. ':VI. l3lack and. White etc» meet!;'1 Quality Shoe Repairing Shop Lewis -_..-- AT THE Hall J. D. KATZ, Prop. TEA ROOM Poem For The Week Special Attention to College Work. I SPECIALS FOR COLLEGE MEN ,Gillette Razors .... ,.". 99c T. W. Mather & Sons Gillette Blades . 79c Lilac Vegetal . 79c I Ash Trays .. ,.,............ 25~ Westminster's leading Store nONSACL{'S STORE Over 33 Years Of Square Dealing Wilt'!: u. n,\lDTI'Z 4H' x. v. '1'0 E:"'I'I-:I1· ============= 'l'AI~ IX 'I'Ht: "'r." STONESIFER'S President Hurlglns of the -v- has aecu ted the .cr the cnrer-tatne r on .\llil,\' 10lh, tile weu- Young Ladies ~~~,:,n ~~~tl~~,~;~'~~:,~ta~' ~;~:'~~i;l~ie(lor!ec~:;~ Head to foot Outfitter on -pamouscavesof the Wo\'I(\' ~~~~A=t~P~o,;.pu=I~"~P='=·ic~e~s~~~ Ile~~~:e?\~"~\OB:,r~it~ai~!iii~:r~l'i~!~I~h~n~~~etl~~I,~~~~~~~~~~~~ sl.i(~e8carr,' I SAM COHEN .mmanse value derived'frO:IlI hi;:! delightfull illustrations. His stereoptlcun one not only throughout Arnertca. hut Compliments Tailor rlu-ought t.he entire world us well stU(\rnt!l ~o President ]-[llllgillS Ilsks all The f'Pressiitgest" Man In Town. druw a red line around ~1ay 10th on t.lw,\· Special Prices To College ~tudents cJI~n(hlt"s an:1 nr:::.: ::~.en(] the leClure'li of WESTMINSTER CANDY IU'fCHEN Established 1905 New Spring- Oxfords 1 Fine Home~Made Hats, Caps_ Smith & Reifsnider Candy and Ice Cream ANDER'S SHOE STORE
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