Page 57 - BlackandWhite1924
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~BLACKAND WHITE~ A WE.EKLY NEWSPAPER WITH A PURPOSE Vol. 1. No. 14 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 6, '24 Terrors Trim Mountaineers I College "Y's" Hold Conlerence i Terrors Trounce Town Team --- --- I --- uvnum names si, ,\I;lr)"~ natsmen. 'I'hom:l~ (.:hl'ist!l\u ,b;;,ocint1ollS 01' State :lll::ei at' 'rt.m In 0··' VictIJi"y Orer \V(j,IWeda heavy blU(\geouj which there lV~re rOlll" [n all. were also led GiMon's rnlings In regard to ballS >InrI in the ~;%il~:S rrarner2 3 ~ -5 6 7 S 9 Total I~~ r~~~~~~i~~at~~~~trle\~j~~\lWJ~·r;llll~t~~~; . ~t~·~~~ina;l~y~~ti~edgO~~ ~::l ~~v~~~r·in ~~:~ g ~'1~8~I~n:'o1~:;:~lan(l g g g g gig ~=~I ~~eto~.Ollllllunlty Service group by J. G.: ~~!~eg:n~:aYB and knows a strike when he . Dal1eries: W. :\1. C.. Byham and Artiglaui; I tOllf('I'elUle Sngg:cst.ell By SteH~II~. I The performances in the infield ~howed :\11. St. :\Iary's, ,.voodgle and Campbell. At the last Tl"i~SLale Student Conference· considerable improvement, due to the eff~)I·tJ ")-,,\.'I4IrS CAYf:SO';' -;1~17E\\'i)ULII" I~ ~~;:~ ~el~!O~~s~~II~~~ ~~~~r~l (]1~~:t\l~~a~;I?~:~~O~;II;r~th;~;d s~l:iitl~~"\~~veW~~e fiee~~i~\~et(~ ~]II'rli HALL ['anrl SJlace for suggestions. In the SUgge!:!-1teued by a 8team roller. besides \Jutting in WEd W. il)lnlif'l, Will Hl'lil·el· ~')l1l1UII:;lion COlu.Illn, Paul Stevens. tben Presillent all Satufliay morning on the work. 11Iu~t:r!lte(1l,ectul"e. o.r the \V.'I. ·'Y" ad\'ocnted a jomt meoting Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total On :;aturday. }'fay lOtll at ~LO? P.. :'o1.. IUlor the Y.:\1. an(l Y.. W. C. A·s. of th.e, sta:e Western Mrt-: 0210300-6 I Smitb Hall, Dr. Wir~ w .. Ba!n;l.z. !al~OU~IOf )luryJan(]. Thi!) If! th(l first meetmg aflW('stminster A. C. 2011000. -4 New Yo'·k leC(l1rer. will gIve Ilis III.ust,l;ate\! «(;oIlHnne(1 011 PIl'!C hvo.) Batteries-Western Md.. !\1erl"lll ant! lecture "Fa'lHlUS Coves of the "YOIld, .__ Clnrk. Westminster, Sites. Duncan, nnll y.T~I~ h~c~.r~~~ ~u~~~All~d~~\~I~;~~S~1~U~~:i 1'. Of' ~!lI,UE.l'lI'I'A'I'IO:"'i :N:,Ul U:A itS; Warehcim. u~a!~ G!b~on. (;\~~~g~fesm:~eth~ ~l:~iot~l:1\~.n~1.fC. ~~n~~~l:i"ilk WlIltf'r nl":::;e~E!!!I~ll~:i~~Uett"}· Alllt)~I.>REI>S rn:f'EAT UWE nID~f]UESERVES vention In .June at Silver Ba),. N. Y. I Gh'e Jleilliul Tnlks. . I ,Junio.1"'J'~rr(lr~ \Vln In F.:d:r:l Iimil1g Con. The "y·· hopes that the whole college and .. ,[ te~t. 7··1. A~ the regular ., InRn~ towns eo Ie will attend. The money on SUlldny afternoon Y. W.-"\. !\1. C. A. lIle-elln.". ['he Dlue Ridge secon(\s fell VICtIms to the U. of "Md.delega- ps~~ I a re Hese-nvative delega- ~~~~l~!~mtoW. ~1~ge i~ct~·;.I;et~e~,a0'~~~~~j g~~e~~ t~~n;;~~·te~loni~~en~!r~itceBI~~ti~fl~ i ~l:ek Tae;~·O:t:~'!P~i~~~~::~la~h:f~~l;~~(t~en~ I ~~:f~~fl~~~~~~:·~:~IA}i~~f:es!~e~ b~eI3f;!~~~~ l·rr:~::~~~r:f~;oIJ;~:~~~~::~~~~~il~a~,~~!i~Y~et~l~ II :1.~~I~~~:in:~~;~~~::~\£~~I~~.~t\i:'C;~:lr~~ ~~! to SI1t )0 tl .'Y.' conference at Blue Amos, presented the greetings of tlleir as- IllS eye on the. ball, and slugs harder III \I~le.gaC~l!te ~~d Pres Hnil)!;ins of the W.I soclations an(1 Slate.d their plans at Coll~ge every game. beSIdes handling. every c.hanc.t! ~I~d~~,,,·r!el; ce~\lIin t~;:et i~€~~:r~CI~~~e ~:=I·Pa~~~s:ol;{~l~~l~~m;~~~~1~~1.r~~r~tt,of tllP ~~elltl~~I·~~II: ~.~~)f:,C~\~·Pla~~nl~.of~:~lSfO;'I~c~~:: s'Po.nds by aUe-n n g , n b vohm- lo~al Y. W. accompanled lly ;\lIss FOI·d at fanning 16 men. Car]lenter m t.he field for llalmlcr C3? 1;'e sa:el~ fl"lemls the piano. rendered-~. beautiful (Iuet which the Preps and Ollnn fot" Blue RHlge put liP ~rih!U~~I;(~~I~ti~ns ro t jllea~ecl the audience. I pxcrellf'nl g~mef!
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