Page 55 - BlackandWhite1924
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Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster Md. Page 3. I S'J'AHEY ,IO~F.S SI'E,~KS . J)oubles. l~ ,IOI~T )LEE'rIXG Simonetti and Su-tnger, Dickinson, WJn .lOHN SAYS: Enruest jtlssfunnry Tells o~'Ch~UlgeWrong'hll [rom Bratt and Shannahan, Western lIIary- II" l!1U'lsthwity in ludln, 'I land, 6-4 and 6-4, u • f('0~r~(~~tm~!~~~~~~:t;lf~(\~;,;~(~I~:~se~e\~I~~Sa~);e~tn(fnga!:~~', ~~;~::~\~a~~~nd,rr~~~ I M A SPECIALIST WITH THE joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. and 6-3. WOMEN. SEE ME FOR BOBBED C. A,!lilr, Jones has ueen in lndia fOI' six- -- - teen yam-s ancl has also furlhered ChllstS[ COLLEGf CHA'I'I't'H HAIR" cause m Chinn His talk made a great lin Prof E R Helwig of the Department of presstcu on those who beard hun an I1n- Zoology University of Penneylvauia ami t~ro~s:l~: \\~~~ho~~ Iso~nt;:g~~a~)~Itt~~:o o~r ~~eI ~Ieo;t ~ ~~~;8 uUn~~:;sl~; t~~~l:a~\~I~oeisar~t EVERHART'S BARBER SHOP sped for his own high character ailhough\lhe college dur+ng the Easter uonnavs They gr!~lte:i~:~~~eOfotf~h;I~~l~Slll~tlC\~e\Sn~:sd~~CThe nanerno~ch of W M C pleasurethe Babylon Lippy Co. spoke extremely Mr Jones ale both graduates modesuv ng the last len years The attitude of the Spnng opemng of the Grny nantes Inn May nauves has undergone a great chnuge m the Erd 'I'he entenrttd service and uettctous last decade Instead of hlsalng at the pro menuea have attracted mucn attention tnru- nunc!~t!on Of.lChl"lst.S na~e, the Indians atl'out Maryland and the public will he gl11'.Jones aatd !lU'OlI"wil! speak in !'tlumni Hall on Mnv 11 that Ihere were fou.r l.uaIn .hindrances t~ the befo;'e lhe annual m~eting of the Lor~I's'DJY ~~lcees~ta~:j~C~i~n~h~)I~t:ani~Yby the IndIans, Alllan~e, sen: D. J. Jlesson of Taneytown. FOR THE MAN \VHO CARES T~le fact that 1. -- ,christ-like lives. Chri~tjllnS do not livel_M_C!"_W_'ll'I"~·"!'d!'·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i_~ U112~ity~h~~n~ltIrli~\:~a~~h~~3een~~~~~ ChriS-I 3. That Ch!'istians do not put CnOUglli . 101'e into their lives. Y R 81~~EST CHANCE IS WITH ·t. Th~t Christians do not Beek to nudel'- st~~:~. l~~n~~O~lp:)~I:'I~~S!Sot;I~;a;el:t;~~~· for I OU DO 1~(:r\n{~: ~~;\S\~;~i~~~, n:~~1 25tlI~~ar~e\Vi;~I the best known, largest advertised house level. I hnpllr, as a mlssions!'Y, to live in India anll help put thatconntl'yona higher You buy a nationally known brand of ciga- rettes rather than some unknown kind, The 'I'EIUWUS xosim 01"'1' U\' RUT¥, RIJ)G\<~ Westerll Jlnl"yiIllul Hel'cHi,ed ilL (;IoIetzger both [wil'led in top-notch ronn, man will tell you that his work is easier ami striking out many batsmen more succe3sful when he is hand'ing a pro- Blue Ridge scored first, but in the seventh or the situation. I Western :\lurylan(1 puslled two l'lms across I duct of a nationally known organizati{J,l the plnie, taking command backed up by national advertising, In the haH of the same lnning Dem Every man joining the Fu'ler org:lOiZ::ltion, rl~~e{~i~~\;~ hl~i~learoUnngtJ\:;~h~~:li~l~or:~{] T~ I whelher }:ermanently or for v:'C'ltion work sacrifice brouglltin another run. and put I only, is thoroughly trained in the methods tile game to Blue ~~l~t: tjCltVtg !) Totals I that have made successful salesmen out of Blue Ridge 000100101-3 I men who had thought they had no se'ling W. Md. 000000200-2 AI~~\l:~:.eS-:'>'1etzge1" and Smith. Byham and ability, Hundreds of college men are tak- 'W. ,". I ing up this work simply as a me'lns of mlk- ("AnU~LE ~E'r.U":x nt:,\1' ing good money during their summer V')CJ.- 'I'enuls SI'Il~on OJle~~ n;:!.~II~:~~'lilllSOIl:onf'C'c tion. We can find place, in some excellent of colleg~ so~Ve~\~l~n~~'~~~;~I:on~l~~~~~(!I~:r .tt~~nII:ttS~~~~i territories for a limited number vacfltio'1, men during this coming summer conrts on Blallle Piehl. 'rhe Carlisle 1"nCfJue-1 We suggest thg_t you have a blk with teers ov€rtoppc(l the Tenor team in a shut- oul score. 6-0, Summary follows: WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS Singles. WILLIAM H. NORRIS, SimOonetti, Dickinson. won from Bra:l .. I \n8t~\'n ::I1nrylancl, 6-1 and 6-0. Senior Apts. ' Bate. Dicl{'nson. won from Shannahan. I WC!llern :v!ar),lnn(\. 6-a and 6-3. W~~!~~'~~i~~.'ti:l~3.n6_~V~~cl~~·g.m Dawson. Stringer, Dickinson. lVon from 'Tric~, Weslern :'>1arvllln,l, G-O an,l 6-2.
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