Page 8 - Contrast1963Februaryv1n2
P. 8
summer' Vii11 ComeAgain Prayer hOhh.XIII
&ULlIUwerill come again. Give us thine eyes, 0 &cience
I tell you thi e as I would tell a child i That we too may see.
~l.Ulll11er Hill come, and SULtL1er sweetness;
H.0neysuckle in the iJorning, hhere there were roses
Ilatermelons wild and growing, Let there be chloroplasts
Corn born out of rich black earth. mitochrondria
The streams will be rJ.uddy, rice and sink and a. j?lr,stid.
Back to long forrrotten coolness
Und erneath t[1e t.e'"nz.Led t.r ee roots. tlher..::there were reindeer
T_h ere w.~ll co-me agcaa in the blaze of sky. Let there be nucleoproteins
~o~eyed evenings vli11 thicken slowly enzymatic hydrolysis
F~ you will listen to young laughter and an endobkeleton.
B ?ating across the liquid t1tlilight,
\lliere there were heavens
nghter than a fla\Vless morning Let there be cosmic rays
~ul1 of unknown meaning. reacting masses of gas
~er ~lillcome again. and a sputnik.
Jan ::.he11 - Give us thine ears, 0 ~cience
Thnt we too may hear.
iihere rra s orchestra
1'11 r8.i se my voice a.nd sing to HY'sIef" Let there be patterned
fling as the old Red Indian sang, of atmospheric pressure.
r.' Inwar-d to myself, my face, lihere there was song to my soul, Let there be ai r
an Inne r l\;ystery I through a glottis.
Give us thy heart, 0 ~cience
for the flame burning before That we too oay feel.
bing lthere there was love
llhere bhe r e was sympathy
for the blood of a rose, \fuere there \Vas joy
Sing .ihore there was faith
,;h<.;:1t'ehere vias hope
for the mourrri.nx left undone,
iiith a voice beco:e a mina.ret Let there be•••
L~t there be••• ?
Heaching across ni;;ht skies.
Speak, we pray thee, 0 :::,cience•••
Pat Lav/son \/hat hast t.hou. for our hearts?
Jack:son Day