Page 12 - Contrast1963Februaryv1n2
P. 12

Man's Grandeur

                                A rising cloud
             Flares in the noiseless night, looming
      ForlornlY over the darlcened city, "lith the loud
Blaring of the sirens rising and falling in u crescendo
And decrescendo of cacophonous sound; lights flashing,
     People running, bu~ldings falling, an endless flow
                  Of ra~pant destruction; a mashing
                                 Of human bones;

                                Deadly gamma
                                 Rays halting

                                     The heart-
                                     Beat of the
                                     Nation; the
                                    Result of man's

                       harvelous ingenu':t~:".

                                                     RobJrt J. Dinger

                 I watch my dreams like gold gazelles
                 Bounding across the sun-streaked plain;
                 Light and s"lift and proud they are,
                ~ch sharp against the morning sky.
                 Behind the boulder the lions wait
                 Arld yavm "lith blood-stained mouth s of fate.

                                                                Jan Lhell

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