Page 88 - YB1965
P. 88
DOROTHY JEAN CROSHON ENGLISH-EDUCATION Phi Alpha Mu (Vice-president 4); Cheerleader 1,2,3,4; ISC 4; College Players 3,4; Girls' Intramurals 1; ROTC Spon- sor 3; Junior Follies; SNEA 4; English Club 3,4; French Club 1. "Dottie" "Tomorrow I'm going to breakfast" Swing- mg Wmg .. "See ya!" ... Yea, yea, SNEA Fight Terrors Fight ... "Someday we'll look back on this and laugh". McDaniel House for a semester .. "That's very pretty" ... Spends fire drills in closets ... "Well.lI, O.K." ... Tweedle-Dum .. One of Estha's Honeys ... Phantom Five. JAMES EDWIN HACKETT, JR. ART-EDUCATiON Gamma Beta Chi; College Players 3,4; Men's Council 3; Junior Follies; Intramural Sports 2,3,4; SNEA 4. "Jim". . Came from a country club high school . Roomed with "Torb" ... Took up the brush in his sopho- more year ... Collected brown bags ... "C" student ... Followed in the footsteps of SCRC .. Had to wait until eleven to set his alarm ... Silkscreened everything in sight ... "I don't know about this?" ... Challenged Gordie's ping pong dynasty ... Cut class to ski. MARILYN JOYCE HAHNEFELD FRENCH·EDUCATION Sigma Sigma Tau; French Club 3,4 (Treasurer 3); SNEA 4; CONTRAST 1,2,3,4 (Editor 3); Publications Board 3; Girls' Intramurals 1,2,3,4; ALOHA 4; Junior Follies. "Marilyn" ... Four year roommate plan ... Red and blue and red and gray ... Profitable trip to Georgia ... Break- fast club ... I'm really a Spanish major ... Sold out of CONTRASTS?! Ralph in the closet . Penthouse in 4th floor heaven N.Y. convention ... "I see a bull" . "Honest, Dean Howery-It's my HAIR that Galosh ... Mu Alpha Dustpan (President 3) ... Ocean smells like beer!" City hostess ... Letters. 84
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