Page 91 - YB1965
P. 91
"Calm down, I\'e got at least five minutes before the bell .. Rri;",g~gg_,'.'" _ BARBARA ANN HIRSCH MATH Delta Sigma Kappa; MSM 1; Glee Club 1; IRe 3,4; 50S 2,3,4; SNEA 3, "Harb" . "If we're early, we'll just have to wait" . Not pessimistic, just realistic ... "Yes, yes Miss Hirsch, you forgot you were in Math 451" ... Price Theory hook for sale, excellent condition ... Resisted bridge until exam week junior year ... Breaking dishes brings warm memo ories ... "Kacy and I get along fine, I never see her" . Hates Hawaiian music ... Dropout from the 9:00 club .. "It ligures" ... "I need exercise" ... "Future?-I know what it won't be." "Oi] painting,aia mode," JUDITH LOUISE HOBART ART-EDUCATION Phi Alpha Mu; Artists Anonymous 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 2,3; Canterbury Club 1,2,3,4; SNEA 4; Junior Follies. ".Judy". . Last of the Hobart Clan ... Five year Phi Alpha ... "Oh Real-ly!" ... "Just a little bit south of North Carolina" ... "So I'm an Art Major-so stop laugh- ing!" ... Seven year Bachelor fan ... "So long Fat _!" . "Schvogue" who?? ... Has been seen at the Home- stead .. "Do I hear one million?? MEREDITH ANN HOBART HISTORy·EDUCATION Phi Alpha Mu (Alumni secretary 4); Canterbury Club 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 3); Pep Club 3,4 (President 3,4); GOLD BUG 1; Junior Follies; SNEA 4. Rooms with a member of the opposite camp. . Known to play bridge on occasion ... Has been seen at the Home- stead ... Last of the Hobart Clan ... Honorary member of the Coon Club ... Original member of Tr i Pi ... "Just a little bit south of North Carolina" ... Five year Phi Alph ... "The Leprechaun". . "Chewen tobacco rag" ... "Mirror, mirror on the wall, Don't want to 1/2 pint ... "i" ... "Hey to ya." be petite, 'want to be tall." 87 /
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