Page 89 - YB1965
P. 89
"Imagination is more important than knowl_ edge."-Einstein. CAROLYN SUSAN HAINES ART-EDUCATION FAC;-Sigma Sigma Tau. "Susie". . A first generation David House girl. _ . Actually Three years in a house .. _ The mouse catcher . Can you just wait a second ... Remember 7 A.M. comes awfully early ... After hours workshop ... The red robe ... Flower girl. Official David House M.D.. 169 ... Mid. night monsters .. One of the "ugly" roommates. ELIZABETH LOurSE HANSEN ENGLISH UCCF 1; Girls' IntramuraJs 1; College Players 2; Junior Follies; English Club 3; GOLD BUG 1,2,3,4; Delta Sigma Kappa (Sergeant-at-arms 3, Recording secretary 4). "Liz" .. Always goes to breakfast "Yes it's cold out- side". . Coast Guard Forever! ... "Going to bed early tonight. " ... Roomed with a married woman "Hello Ducky" . Save everything ... Thinning shears ... Bar. ber shears ... Whoops! ... "Crutherford!" ... Procras- tination. Knitting little things-squares for an afghan. "Sure I'm going 10 breakfast!" GEORGE HERBERT HARMEYER CHEMISTRY Football Team 3,4; J.V. Basketball Team 1; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; Alpha Gamma Tau. ~~dl~~e;'~?''''. '. :~I(:i:,~o~mb~~ t~i~,:",4_ -. : .-,;~~:e s~~~ not sweat". . "Who cares?". "What are we doing tonight?". . "I can't handle that" ... Yuri's idol. Thanks Bro ... Heat Wave ... Wob's big end ... Peach picker ... "Hayseed, whore's your car?" ... We gotta have a "Farm Party!" ... "Marv, did you do the chemis- try?" ... "Honest Coach, I was in lab!" "I always loved English Literature!" 85
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