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CLASSICS CLUB The Classics Club, under the sponsorship of dolph-Macon students, and a lecture on "Gods Dr. William Iudtogtcn, is organized around and Goddesses Near at Hand" by Miss Dorothy one general purpose: "to develop a friendly Hill of the Walters Art Gallery. interest in the classics in general, and to study In its seventeenth year 011 campus, the dub classical cultures and their influence on mod- has two classes of mcmbers: full members- ern life," Trips throughout Maryland and those who arc studying Greek or Latin or who near-by states to see classical plays, movies, have had two ye,lrs of these languages; and and guest lectures on the various facets of associates-those genuinely interested in the ancient civilization, for both the college and classics without the above qualifications. interested localities, are under the auspices of The officers for the year were: Barbara Zepp, this club. The two major projects for this year president; Lynn Meyer, vice-president; Nancy were helping to sponsor the magnificent color Jones, secretary-treasurer. film of Aeschylus' Oresttu, produced by Han- 141
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