Page 143 - YB1957a
P. 143
LE CERCLE FRANCAIS For nl<1ny years Le Cercle Francote has been The special programs arc varied. They in- the meeting place on the Hill for those people clude scenes from plays, French films, ancl out- interested in French culture. The meetings, standing talent. At Christmas, the production held the second Monday of every month in of Conuouce de Noel, an annual program of McD.111iel Lounge, are conducted in French. French carols, is always anticipated with The officers of the club are: Miss Margaret pleasure. Snader, sponsor; Joan Luckabuugh, president; For the second year the club has sponsored Nancy Banks, vice-president; \Vinifred Walsh, Claude Pertuy, 11 French war orphan. secretary, Craig Phillips, treasurer. 139
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