Page 140 - YB1957a
P. 140
First ruw, felt to righl: C. Ensor, ,\01. Whitfield, N. Fulghum, F. i\Jehl, B 1'. Richter, i\L \Y. Pitts, K. James, M. Lewis, P. \Vhorton, J. Harrington, Third row: B E. S"mmcrs, I), Lotz, H. Stevens, B. Christi,m, D, J Inrpcr, E. Willen, B. (\'!cCormick, \V, \Valsh, II'I ARGONAUTS The ideals of the Argonauts are "promotion nuuts, and Dr. William Hidington and Dr. of sound scholarship here on the Hill, recogni- Jean Kerschner, faculty sponsors, this year led tion of those students who have attained high the Argonauts in the pursuit of these ideals. scholarship standing, find the strengthening of Activities of the group included the induction this fellowship between students and faculty meeting in November, the annual Argonaut tea and between students of the various depart- in February and the Spring Banquet for stu- ments." dents and faculty, at which senior members Patricia Patterson, president of the Argo- were named as Fellows in the Argonauts. 136
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