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WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB Again this year, a number of girls responded of six songs as entertainment for the annual to the announcement of the first rehearsal of meeting of the American Association of Uni- the Girls' Glee Club, The group met weekly, versity Women. Among the selections were a and under the direction of Professor Alfred channing arrangement of the Arkansas Trav- de Long, practiced for the various programs eler with accompaniment by four hands, and which the girls gave throughout the year a catchy tune entitled Oil These Men! Though the Glee Club often has many music The final program given by the Glee Club majors participating, it is open to all girls who was the lovely Blessed DlIIllozel by Claude enjoy group singing and who are willing to Debussy. put in some hours of hard work. The accompanist for this presentation, as This year the Glee Club presented two pro- well as for ,111rehearsals and programs was grams, In March, the club offered a selection Miss Karen Helbig.
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