Page 144 - YB1957a
P. 144
INTERN A TlONAL RELATIONS CLUB The Suez Crisis was one of the main themes affairs into a position of reality for the students. dominating the Ll+C. this year. Discussing By working in cooperation with other or- the happenings as they occurred and evaluat- ganizations on the Hill, the I.H.C. hopes in the ing the repercussions has led the students to future to broaden the horizons of every indi- formulate, broaden, or change their opinions vidual coming within its influence by stressing and attitudes on m,llly world problems the importance of knowing the many aspects The I.R.C, tries to plant the seed of under- of international relations. standing of international problems so neces- Officers for the year were: Ronald Graybeal, sary for the preservation of peace. Speakers president; Claudia Payne, secretary; Abduiaziz and group discussions are the mainstay of the Futaih, treasurer; Roger L. Schelm, publicity. program, which endeavors to bring current 140
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