Page 147 - YB1957a
P. 147
THE BAND III the years past, vV.iVI.C. has had an ROTC Murry, clarinet, Don D'Angelo, trumpet, and band. This year the band has functioned not Dorsey Hawkins, trombone, as soloists. only as an nOTC band, but, with the addition After the football season, the band became of students outside the ROTC, as it college the College Concert Band and at that time band. Since the band is now functioning as a held an election of officers. These officers wcre musical organization on the campus, the col- Dick Humbert, president; Jean Murray, secre- lege is in the process of purchasing new uni- tary; Donald D'Angelo, librarian; ami Nick forms and building additional instrumental Spinnato, drum major music facilities. The appreciation of the stu- Tn the spring, two concerts were given and dents for this added interest on the part of the we hope they will become annual presenta- college is evident by the fact that the college tions. The first consisted of early music with band enrollment is double that of last year. compositions by Petzold, Cabrilli, and Reiche. The college band functioned during the It also included some modern works by Wag- football season as a m
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