Page 142 - YB1957a
P. 142
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Home Economics Club is a social or- This year western Maryland was repre- ganization for all girls interested in the art of sented at the state meetings of Maryland Col- homemaking.Tts purpose is to provide during lege Clubs by Joan Durno, who held the office the year a program of subjects related to the of president for the association. As president, field. Joan presided at the state meetings, and at- The first meeting is always an "open house" tended the Province Work Shop at Penn. State held in the Management House to welcome in November. It is through the efforts of the all new members. As in past years, the annual Maryland Home Economics Association that fashion show of garments made by the girls the activities of the various member colleges in the department was presented, and later in are coordinated, and that pertinent news is the semester, a professional meeting was held, spread throughout the state. at which former graduates spoke on the oppor- The officers for the year were: Joan Duma, tunities in various fields of Home Economics. president; N,111CY Lindsay, vice-president; Early in the new year, the club was honored Joanne Filbey, secretary; Mary LOll Dorsey, to have Miss Dorothy Elderdice present a treasurer. fashion show entitled "High Lights in the History," 138
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