Page 108 - YB1955a
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Sitting, lell tQ right; C. Beum. C. Eckhardt, P. Lawyer, B. Ford. III Webb. 1. Pnttersou. M. L. Arnie. StO'lllillg: E. Smith, A. Could, A. Wahlers, H. Hard. THE 1955 ALOHA Work on the 1955 ALOHA began early in As Bca Ford proved herself March last year and ended the minute before to be one who could meet deadlines. Phil Law- you received your yearbook. Burning the mid- yer, the capable book-balancer, managed to keep night oil, smoking numerous cigarettes, and us in the dear financially. Qur advisor, Dr. downing multitudes of Cokes were the vices Marshall was always there to offer the needed forced upon us in the last minute rushes to meet assistance. deadlines. We wanted a venrbcok that would With a feeling of relief, we bundled up t.he mean something to each stu'dent, a yearbook that 1955 ALOHA and sent it to the printers. It would contain the important little happenings as was with exceptional pride that we presented our well as the campus big dates. For this we yearbook to the students of Western Maryland worked hard. College for their approval. EDlTORIAL STAFF Editor-ill·Chief Bea Ford Copy Edilors Eckhnrrh Associate Editors .Mery Lou Arnie Eduors Harding Barry \'\'inkleman Photography Al Wahlers j\.·!ike Webb Milly Eckardt Sports Editors, Eddie Smith Joan Patterson Rags Baum BUSINESS STAFF Business Mal/ager Phil Lawyer Advertisin.g Managel Art Gould Associate Business Monager ... Rubin Bard Circuhuion Manager. . ..... Gloria Bunting 106
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