Page 112 - YB1955a
P. 112
l.eft If) right: H. Cooley, Dr. Isancgle, C. Bunting, 1\'1,Eckardt. TRUMPETERS "For if the trumpet gi.ves all. uncertain. sound, mouy, the graduating Trumpeters placed the II)/tO shall prepare himself lor bouse?" traditional caps and gowns on three of them. Those honored to be Trumpeters of 1954-55 were This is the motto of the WMC Trumpeters- Gloria Bunting, Harriett Cooley and Mildred senior women chosen on a point-system basis Eckardt. according to leadership in extra-curricular activi- The group, with their sponsor, Dr. lsobei T. ties, scholarship, character, and citizenship. The leanogle, planned the annual Christmas Banquet purpose is to encourage leadership and participa- and decorated the dining hall for the occasion tion in extrn-cur-r-icular activities on the college creating a warm, holiday atmosphere. campus. When May comes again, it will be time for Last May, the junior girls gathered all Presi- another tapping ceremony for the Trumpeters of (lent Ensor's lawn and, in an impressive cere- the class of '56. ]]0
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