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INTERSORORITY COUNCIL The lntersorority Council is composed of rep- resentatives from enoch of the four sororities on the Hill. These representatives include the four sorority presidents and vice-presidents and a junior representative from each group. The officers are delegated by means of an annual rota- lion system. In addition to other responsibilities, the Intersorority Council serves as a coordinating, directing, and controlling influence over sorority activities. The new method which was established for issuing the sorority bids went into effect this year. As in preceding years, they sponsored the annual Sadie Hawkins Dance in Blanche Ward Gym. The Scholastic cup was presented (It a tea in November to Sigma Sigma Tau, and the second tea sponsored by the Council was held in Decem- ber for all transfer students. The traditional basketball and bridge tournaments took place during the year. In the Spring a meeting took on the Hill. The Intersorority Council was also place for all Freshmen with representatives of the busy in the Spring with the teas and the rush Council for the purpose of explaining sororities parties. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL The Interfraternity Council represents the four which the trophy to the winning fraternity is fraternities here on the Hill. Membership on the awarded, was made; the eligibility rule was ulso Council is made up of the four presidents and one clarified. additional senior and junior representative from The Council worked out several other rela- each club. Offices on the Council's cabinet are lively small but important matters peacefully: filled by rotation. The president of lnterfraternity smokers, bids, scheduling of parties, and other is also a member of the college's Social Activities dub activities. Committee. The first semester officers were Burt Spying- Working under the capable leadership of Presi- stead, President; Edward Smith, Vice-president; dent Bert Springstead, the Council began early in Charles Phipps, Secretary; and Richard Brenne- its revision of the much abused athletic regula. man, Treasurer. tions. Adjustment of the point system, under Sealed, left /Q right: L. Fo~lcr, ll. Spring~lcad, C. Phipps, E. 5'l)ilh, R. Brenneman. C. Hluke. Standillg: C. Goli. C. Sipc. D. Wallace. H. Posey, R. Haugen.
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