Page 111 - YB1955a
P. 111
Lefl, If) right: J. Lambertson, A. Pierce, E. Placbl. MAJORETTES This year, under the direction of Ellen Pleclu, Parade was made much more colorful by the the majorettes, Audrey Pierce, sophomore, and skill of the girls as they led the parade during Jean Lambertson, Ireshmnn, put forth a great the hal It ime activities. Some changes and im- deal of effort to help boost the school spirit here provements which the majorettes made this year on the "Hill." After much hard practice on were the shortening of the skirts and the use many different stunts, the}' were ready to per- of two batons instead of one. form at football games. The Homecoming CHEERLEADERS This year adding new cheers and using new leaders can be seen cheering 10 the end through formations has helped add a new look and more out the football season. The basketball season spirit to the cheering squad. The addition of found them equally as cnthuaiastie and in better more boys to the squad and the capable leader- climatic conditions. [n addition to these acti- ship of Pat Harnmersly helped to make this year's vities at the games, the cheerleaders could be school spirit much better. heard as well as seen at Pep Rallies in Alumni Regardless of weather or score, the cheer- Hall, Rcc Hall, and Gill Eym. f·~fr fa rig'" ill. Coombe, J\1. DuvisOII, D. Tuckwood. P. Hummersly, H. Bourdillall, ill Eccleston. M. DOl'sey, L Womer.
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