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COLLEGE PLAYERS Under the capable direction of Miss Esther yond long hours spent ill play rehearsals. Crea Smith, the College Players staged four major live improvisations, lessons in make-up, many productions this year: the Thanksgiving play, the afternoons spent painting scenery, and collecting Christmas pageant, a series of three one-act props add to each year's activities. plays, and a final three-act play during COUl- All of this adds 10 cherished memories of mencement Week. grease paint, powder, canvas, good audiences, The Junior and Senior dramatic aft students and a true lo\'c for the life bel,ind the footlights. found that their theatrical work extended far be- HOME ECONOMICS CLUB The Home Economics Club is a social organi and the other meetings provided interesting cation for those who major in the field of Home speakers in the field of Home Economics. The Economics. Its purpose is to further professional best known project of the club is the annual style attitudes, promote better public relations, and show in which clothing made by the students in stimulate interest in a vital, worthwhile and in- the department is displayed. [cresting field. Doris Tuckwood led the dub and was assisted The first meeting of the year was a social by NtH1CY Bearinger and j an Chase. gathering held in the Home Management House, Firsl row, lejt. (0 rigill;.I. Morrison, J. Harringtun, J. Chase, I). Tuckwood, N. Bcaringer, P. Crist. Second row: J. Wantz, J. Sprague, ~1. Howard, J.1. Hayes, F. Willis, B. ClohT, N. Lawson. Third ruw; M. Stuart, N. Caples, B. l'Ilyers, A. \Vorl"hees, K. Stevick, R. AII"n, C. Bunting, S. Davidson. Fourth row: 1\1. 1\lacOonaltl, J. Johnson. Fifth row: C. Bankert, B. H001, J. Perkins, J. DunlO. J\I. Dorsey, J. ,\lays, S. Smith. 108
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