Page 113 - YB1954
P. 113
-.. OCTETTE \ The Girls' Octette is a group originally organ- ized in 1950 for the T.V. Talent Tussle in which they took first place. This year the Octette has been called upon to perform at many events. The group travels with the Choir, performs at teas, sings in chapel and entertains at many other on- and-off-campus functions. Student director of the Octette this year was Carol Herdman. CAM PUS CAPERS Campus Capers, a new addition to the Hill, has become an integral part of the college social life. It provides the musical entertainment at many of the school parties and dances. Bill Ashburn, doubling on clarinet and sax, is Downstairs: N. Pennington, B. Ely, N. Kemmerer. Left to right: C. Rector, H. Prettyman, L. Cermak, L. Cong- a veteran dance 'band man. Charlie Bruno brings loff, C. Herdman (Director), M. Whitfield. from New Jersey his superior accordion talent and musical knowledge. Dynamic rhythm is pro- vided by Kirk Griffith on the drums, and the key- board is superbly handled by Arnold Hayward, widely known for his piano interpretations. Dick Titlow, leader, gives balance to the band with his inimitable style on the bass. Left to right: C. Bruno, K. Grif- fith, A. Hayward, R. Titlow, W. Ashburn. III
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