Page 112 - YB1954
P. 112
• Seated: S. Woodruff, M. Gold. ring, B. Parsons, K. Schade, B. Goeb, Miss E. Smith (Director), B. Nicholas, I. Hohman, M. Thomey, M. Pilts, A. Summers, C. Bauer. 2nd row: E. Sipple, J. Waffansmith, D. Rach, D. Clarke, S. Kim, S. Dorsey, C. Chamberlain, H. Stevens, A. Pierce, J. Parker, M. Stuart, C. Mueller, C. Redden. 3,.d row: A. Gongloff, C. Rector, M. Lewis, B. Ely, F. Frock, M. McLennan, A. Baxter. 4th row: .T. Lucka- baugh, C. Thompson, P. Werner, .T. Seymour, S. Gross, C. Ridgely, P. Hammersly, S. Myers, A. Vidi, A. Bean. 5th row: P. Richter, L. Skinner, .T. Wise, P. Ellis, M. Bond, C. Herdman, J. Gilds, ll. Niemann. WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB MEN'S GLEE CLUB The Women's Glee Club, composed of sixty The Men's Glee Club is an organization com- members, is under the direction of Miss Evelyn posed of about twenty men. We are under the Smith, with Miss Irma Lee Hohman as accorn- direction of Mr. Oliver K. Spangler and accom- panist. The first presentation of the season was panied by William Bevan. Membership is volun- a program given in McDaniel Lounge for the tary and purely for the enjoyment of group American Association of University Women, singing. which was repeated later for the entire student body in Alumni Hall. The program consisted of We entertain any clubs or groups which may groups of various carols ending with a requested request our services. This year we gave per. repeat performance of Benjamin Britten's "Cere, formances at the S1. Paul's Evangelical and mony of Carols." The soloists were Meta Justice, Reformed Church and joined with the Women's Carol Bauer, and Barbetha Goeb. Glee Club in serenading the women's dormitories at Christmastime with the best- loved carols. In the spring the Glee Club gave a concert for the college consisting of the Leibedlieder Waltzes Concerts were also given in Pennsylvania and by Brahms, Blessed Mademoiselle by DeBussy, cities in the surrounding' areas. and many others. Standing: E. Ramirez, W. Hum- bert, L. McWilliams, P. Ensor, E. Lambert, Mr. Spangler, R. Root, H. Howell, C. Bruno, R. Close, C. Fessenden. Seated: B. Hollinger, S. Greenberg, W. Bevans, W. Cook, D. Balcom, R. Chesney, B. Vitek. llO
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