Page 93 - YB1953
P. 93
First row: S. Fi~her. E. Walter. J. Hisle, 11 Winlcr8, J. ~h,tloerell. C. Mangels. J. Vo<>s. fl. 0110. C. Wumer. Seco"d row: M. Amoss, F. Scaggs, B. Davidson. J Brown. ALOHA ED(TOR(,\L STAfF This yeur we have tried to make the ALO!!,\ (I EditorĀ·inĀ·Chie! Jilek Metherell book for the students and and by the students. We are proud of our school our com- through As.weiale Editors Barbara \Vinters bined efforts II'C have strived to display a pictorial Ella Maie Edwards Copy fditors ..... _ .. Jayne Hisle lind writteu account of this. Elizabeth Waller We are especially proud that this year we h,1\'e SIJOrlS Editors ... Barbara Davison forged ahead and initiated a nell' feature. After Gilbert Stange graduation the supplement for the 1953 ALOHA of Photography EdilOr .. ,, ,.,... ,. Sally Fisher will appear. Pictures any other graduation weekend. important spring events and sports, Associate Photography Editors that lake place after the book has gone 10 press Mary Alice Amoss Frances Scaggs will be recorded therein Proolreaders , Charles Taylor Our heartiest thanks go 10 the Administration Beth Witzke who refurnished the ALOHA office. We want to Art Editor Ellen Rudolph thank the Rettberg Brothers for their whole- hearted cooperation, and whose pictures are proo~ of excellen~e. Dr. Marshall proved again Carolyn Mangels that II would be Impossible to find a more com ... James Voss petent advisor. We wish to extend our apprecia- .. Rosalie OUo tion to our publishers, the HOJ'JI-Sh(lfer Com Carroll Warner pany, which was always willing to lend us ,1 Patron Manager. . .ler yl Hrown helping hand. Advertisillg Manager.. ... Hobert Lang-all Jack Metherell proved himself extremely Advertisillg Slaff.. .. " , Thomas Pearce competent us Editor-in-f.hicf. Carolyn Manaels Paul Lambertson. Donnld Whitehurst was the capal:le "book-balancer," who managed Phillip Lawyer. Hobert Crush to keep us 11\ the clear financially. Special We are gelling ready to dose the tops of the mention should go to Sally Fisher and Jayne typewriters, put away the cameras and stop Hisle who chased after pictures and write-ups hounding people for activity wr-ite-ups. \Ve have respectively. ' every hope that the finished product will live It is with pride that we present to Westerll up to our aspirations. Maryland the 1953 ALOIIA.
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