Page 143 - YB1952
P. 143
First rO",; lvl. H:,nnolcl, C. Thomp- son, B_ Norwood, J Parker, J, Komp_ anek, A. Smutney. M, Hardesrcr , D. Alfonso, M. Martin, P. Messick. Sec- 01111 row: 1. Hohman, M. Munson, B. Goeb, M. justice. J- Spatl, D Schmidt, C. Herdman, L. Cermak, M. Chenette. A. Remler. P. Holt. Third row; B. Jone~, D. Krugg, S Simpson. C. Bauer, S. Myers, A. Baxter, J. Snape, J. Boller, P. Hammerslv. S, Dorse)', H, Cooley. Fourlh ro".: B. Parsons. ~-l. Mum. ford, 1- Lambcfl, ). Hample, l\l. Mumford, P. Stackhouse, 1. Pope, L Gongloff, O. Bond, B. Herbert. E Ziess. S, I'isher, J. PurdIe, L. Kine, W. Pierce, 1\1. Banner. B. Thomas. N. "-lcWilliams, M. Stewart, B. War- ner, B. Nieman. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB MEN'S GLEE CLUB The Western Maryland Girl's Glee Clllb opened Observing the interest in the men's glee dub its 1951-52 season by welcoming its new direr- sustained in the pnst years only through student tor, Miss Evelyn Lucille Smith. enthusiasm, Mr. Oliver K. Spangler of the music The first of the Glee Club's concerts was the faculty organized the first formal group of this Christmas program given for the AAUW in Me- kind on the HilL Daniel Lounge and the student body in Baker In October, 1951, an invitation was extended to Chapel. The girls sang a group of folk-carols all men interested in participating with the club, from many lands. and within a short time a schedule of weekly re- Pergolesis' beautiful "Srabar Mater" was pre- hearsals was planned. A program of Christmas sented by the 65-girl glee club during the Easter Carols was mastered. This Yuletide program was Season. This work describes Mary's suffering as presented for the Sunday School and for a Wesr- she watched her son die on the CfOSS. minster Rotary Club meeting at the Carroll Hotel. As its final contribution to the fine music of The concert was repeated, on rhe Wednesday eve- WMC, rhe Glee Club presented its Spring Coocen. ning preceding Christmas recess, in the form of The program included madrigals from the I. 7th a caroling serenade beneath the windows of the century, religious music from the lSrh century, a women's dorrnirories. Liszc number from [he 19th century, and modern Throughout the winter and spring months the works from the 20th century club remained active, giving concerts and enlarg- The Glee Club of chis year proved, beyond a ing its repertoire. They prepared songs of many doubt, its cnp:lcity, for a high standard of achieve- types including classic and religious compositions ment; in the Glee Club of the future lies the gre:lt as well as popular and folk songs of modern rimes of an of girls-any girls- Several quartets formed appearing as separate are willing in order to receive groups and as pat[ of the club Secolltlrow.-W, Stone,j. Metherell, R, Leatherwood. K. Shook, B. Greis myer, C. Callendar, 1· Darling, 0 Stanton. FirsT rO,,·: 1'. Thronburg. J. Lambert, P. Biddle',D. Houck, J Grandea, D. Horrens!eln, J- Clayton. ~'r:~dnu~a~;"'aSr~tt(ug-iru1:r:Pi"~ll~': Spangler
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