Page 142 - YB1952
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METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT The MSM celebrated its second of active and a Christmas Program Some other oursrand- organization under the nuspices of SCA. This ing activities are our banquet and a joint meeting yenr has brought increased membership and activ- with the local MYF. The MSM also introduced a ity. The MSM is a pan of a national small gold cross pin as its symbol and affiliation which is divided into with the World Srudenr Christian Association. with which our We owe much (0 the guidance of our adviser. annual meeting at the Koininea Poundnnon in Dr. Holthaus, and to the help of Reverend Wood- Towson, Maryland. ward, minister of the local Methodist Church Along with the Canterbury Club and LSA we Officers for this year were: Paul Thronberg- achieved second place in the Homecoming exhibit. President, Ruth Lee-vice-president, Beverly The activities this year have included a lecture Wurner-secretary, Elsie Mayrrotr-c-rreasurer, and given by Dr. Titus, a former Paul Galvin-Freshman representative. a sermon by Edward Wright on the CARROLL CLUB vote of thanks. The club's monthly meenogs consist of infor mal discussions which are usually prompted by questions. Speakers are often secured from Bnlri more, to lecture on Current problems. The has grown steadily both in interest and size, Catholic Church in Wesrminster, who serves as this year established the cusrom of having two spirirual advisor and moderator, rakes an acrive Communion breakfasts inreresr in rhe srudencs and club's functions. Pro- Officers for rhe year were: Ina Grice, president; fessor Bernard]. DeColircey offers his leadership Mike Rentko, vice-president; Margaret Puls, secrc- as faculty advisor. To both of them we extend a tarv: and Ed Kelley, treasurer. 138
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